Chapter 27

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Bella POV

I stared down at my outfit warily.

      "Are you sure I should wear this, Merlin? What if something happens and I need to fight? Everyone will see my vagina and/or boobs

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      "Are you sure I should wear this, Merlin? What if something happens and I need to fight? Everyone will see my vagina and/or boobs." I whined.
      "Use the double-sided tape for your breast area and then use the static spray for the lower region." Merlin awkwardly responded.
      He can't even say vagina.
"And I assume my gun will go on my other thigh?"
"Yes, and the electric lipstick will be out there too. Don't forget that your Kingsman ring is underneath your glove."
"This is too much, man."
"Don't slouch. And remember! The poisonous blades are in your shoes too. Be careful with them. No unnecessary stepping."
"Yes, Merlin." I rolled my eyes.
Harry came out of his bedroom and smiled at me.
"You look beautiful, darling." He gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before standing beside Merlin.
The brunette wig on my head was already starting to get itchy and I hope I don't have to deal with it for the rest of the night.
"Holy shit." I hear Eggsy gasp behind me.
"Yes?" I turned around and Eggsy was in a navy suit with a white button-up underneath. He was wearing the classic Kingsman oxfords and the signature glasses. Absolutely handsome.
"You're gorgeous." Eggsy's eyes trailed me from head to toe lingering on a few certain areas.
"And you look extremely handsome, Jonah." I smiled.
"I'm am so happy to call you my wife, Sandra."
My heart fluttered uncontrollably. Help.
"Shall we go?" He reaches his arm out for me to wrap mine around.
"We shall."
Merlin handed me my own pair of glasses. "Remember to find out what they're celebrating. We'll see and hear everything you do. Don't draw attention to yourselves."
"We know, we'll try not to let you down."
"You better."
Then we were off out the door and towards a fancy limo parked out front. This is going to be good.
     "Mr and Mrs Levinson, such a pleasure meeting you." A man smiled at Eggsy and I as we exited the limo.
     "You too, sir." Eggsy responded with the American accent.
     "I must say it's very generous for you guys to be donating $5million for the project."
      Apparently they're celebrating 'us' donating money. The whole thing is what did we donate the money to?
     "It's important we do this. Lead is towards the party?" I asked
      "Of course. Richard will be happy to see you guys in person." The man smiled.
      "Right! Richard..."
      "Baker. Richard Baker. That is who you made the check out to."
      "I told you, Jonah." I hit Eggsy's shoulder. "We were arguing about his last name in the limousine. He thought it was Bate, but I insisted it was Baker."
     "You guys do seem like a fun couple."
      "Oh, we are." Eggsy winked and we then arrived at the room the party was being held.
"I'm assuming Richard Baker is the leader." Eggsy whispered to me.
Merlin then spoke into our ears. "He is. He's a world known mafia leader. Has killed over 500,000 people and rules Fortuna as you probably already guessed. He's extremely dangerous and everyone who has betrayed him has ended up dead. Try to get on his good side."
"Where is he?"
"Sandra! Jonah!" A voice said behind us. "So happy you could make it."
We turned around to see a 6'7" man with a goatee and huge muscles in a black suit.
"I'm Richard and I want to thank you guys so much for donating the money you did. All this wouldn't have been possible without you." He smiled.
What couldn't have been possible?
"It's a pleasure." Eggsy shook his hand. "We heard your plan and couldn't help ourselves."
     "I know. You'd think people would be against the thought of murdering the most powerful agent in the world."
      "Right." Eggsy nodded his head slightly, looking down at me with shock.
      "Bella doesn't know what's coming for her. And because of you, it will be in the most painful way possible. Thank you so much."
      Merlin spoke in our ears. "Get away from him now."
     "Well, we're going to grab a drink. We'll speak to you later." I spoke up and pulled Eggsy the other way. "I'm gonna die."
     "Not on my watch."

Manners. Maketh. Man. (A Kingsman Fanfiction|EggsyUnwin)Where stories live. Discover now