Chapter 30

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Bella POV

     Silent tears streamed down my face as the thought of my mother no longer alive was implanted into my brain.
     "You son of a bitch!" I screamed.
     "No, no. I am the daughter of your grandparents." Lexi lowered her gun.
     My wrists pulled apart, forcing the ropes to etch marks into them. The pain was terrible, but nothing compared to the death of my mother.
      Lexi was smiling very widely and so was everyone in the room watching the scene in front of them. Everyone was glad my mother was dead. And soon they'd be glad I'm dead too.
     The knot in the rope became loose and my hands slipped out. I tapped my ring and shocked the two big men behind me. The man who brought my mother on stage ran towards me, but I stood up and tripped him before jumping on him causing the chair to break.
     Lexi started shooting and I used one of the men as my shield. I cut Eggsy's tape with the pocket-knife attached to my thigh. Eggsy groaned and his hands went straight for his neck.
     "Those bastards." He spoke before looking up and his eyes widened.
      Lexi had stopped shooting and instead had a knife to my throat.
"You're next."
      The doors then burst open and armed men and women swarmed into the room.
Lexi only got a thin slice on my collar bone before someone shot at her leg. That someone was Harry Hart himself.
"Still a bitch, Lexi?" He smiled.
"Still dead, Harry?" She replied before taking out her gun and shooting at him.
I jumped on her and kicked the gun out of her hand. Lexi pushed me off her and climbed on top of me, taking my head and slamming it onto the floor. I saw black dots cloud my vision slowly and the pounding in my head was almost unbearable.
Eggsy grabbed Lexi and tased her neck with the Kingsman ring on his finger.
"I'm the only one allowed on top of Bella!" Eggsy and Lexi fought each other as Richard came on stage to supposedly take care of me.
      "Richard?" Harry appeared behind me.
      "Long time no see, Harry. How's Sophie doing?" Richard smiled wickedly. "Oh, bad timing, sorry."
     Harry was confused at that comment before looking behind Richard and seeing my mother's lifeless body.
      "You son of a bitch!"
      "That's exactly what Bella said!" Richard shot at my chest, but I somersaulted and jumped up to wrap my legs around his head, pulling so he flipped over onto his back.
     One by one, Kingsman agents were fighting the Fortuna agents. Gun shots and metal scratching against metal was all you could hear along with grunts and screams of pain. Eggsy was taking care of Lexi like a pro and Richard was still on his back while my legs suffocated him.
     Harry and Merlin were surrounding the platform, killing anyone that was within reach.
     "You've got pretty strong legs, Bell." Richard chocked out before flipping over onto his stomach causing me to do so as well.
      Sadly the knife that was in my hand went with my body as well. All I felt was a sharp pain in my stomach.
      I choked out, not being able to move. Richard jumped on me forcing the knife deeper.
      "Eggsy!" I tasted the blood in my mouth, spitting it out the best I could.
      Eggsy's eyes immediately shot towards me and he head-butted Lexi having her fall to the ground unconscious.
      Richard held a gun to my head, catching everyone's attention. All Fortuna agents were either dead, unconscious, or unable to move.
     Tears streamed down my face as the pain was unbearable.
      Eggsy walked slowly over with his gun and Richard held more force with his gun.
      "You think I won't do it? You're in for a rude awakening, kid." Richard growled.
      I squeaked as Richard adjusted himself on top of me.
      "Get off of her." Merlin said with such force that I was afraid for Richard.
      "How about we have some fun? I shoot her in the head and we all walk out of here safely? That sounds like fun to me."
     Richard cocked the gun, but before he could do anything, Merlin shot him in the shoulder. Richard fell backwards while clutching his shoulder.
      I rolled over onto my back and looked down to see my dress soaked with my blood and the knife standing upwards in my stomach. I reached for the knife hesitantly and held loosely onto the handle. I gently pulled on it, but the skin just went with it.
       I found myself taking deep breaths as my vision became blurred. I counted silently to myself from three before ripping the knife out of me causing a scream to erupt from my throat. Blood was surrounding me as I attempted to stop the bleeding.
      Eggsy took off his jacket before tying it around me. I sat up with the knife in my hand and breathed out heavily.
      "Babe, I don't think that's a good idea." Eggsy tried to stop me, but I shushed him and kneeled down beside Richard.
      I held the knife in my hand, tracing it up Richard's body, stopping at his chest. I raised the knife a few inches in order to actually kill him. Before I was able to do the sin, he interrupted me.
       "You wouldn't want to kill your father, would you?"

A/N next chapter the last chapter? Maybe.

Twitter: @lmsvocals

Instagram: @sassystellabell @irl.spidey

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