Chapter 4

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•Lucinda P.O.V•
I tried my hardest to pay attention to Mr Grinch lesson but I always seem to wonder off into my dreams...I close my eyes and pictured Jex.He had a huge bear and balloons when he had approached my bed room door."For me?"
I surprisedly said "For you baby"He responded as he flashed me his one of his famous smirks.
"Lucinda did you hear me?"Said a deep dark voice,That quickly brought me back to life.I open my eyes to find everyone staring at me
"You alright miss Richardson?"Asked Mr Grinch "Yes Just a headache" I respond fast and nervous "Well if it keeps hurting feel free to head to the nurse"Mr Grinch offered "Thank you"I mumbled,Than the class turned there attention to the teacher releasing a few nerves I had inside of me.I wonder what Jex is doing..Oh what the hell Luci!You should be paying attention to The teacher and not that stupid boy..

Lunch Time
I searched for Piper or jasmine or even Jack but there was no sight of them "Boo!" he shouted scaring the crap out of me "Haha"Jack Laughed his butt off "I love that you find that funny"I said as I punched him in the stomach "You didn't have to do that"He whined as he grabbed his stomach in pain "Than I don't have to do this"I said pulling out four concert tickets to see drake this Sunday "No!" Jack unbelievable says "I know it's crazy but I got them!"I said jumping up and down "Omg Luci Your the best!" Jack said lifting me up.Ruining this moment Jasmine and Piper came up "We were across the room and piper said 'Look at those fuckers' and than we realized those fuckers were you's" Jasmine said as piper laughed "What's such the good news that made you girls jumping up and down?" Jasmine said annoying Jack "Let me guess you both got dick last night?"Piper laughed.That suddenly sent my mind back to Jex.God I wish I had fucke-OMG what on earth am I saying??
"Go ahead Luci show them!"Jack shook my arm bringing me back to life "Oh yeah"I said snapping out of the though of Jex's lovely body. "I got these bad boyz Yesterday"I said showing them the concert tickets.Piper started to cry and shake while Jasmine couldn't believe her eyes.You can now tell that all four of us are huge Drake fans.."You think your mom would let you go?"Jasmine asked as we are lunch together "I'll just tell her I'll be staying at your place"I responded,I think I got everything under control "You mean at pipers place right?Remember your mom doesn't like me" Jasmine laughed,Like I said before my mother had very high standards and Jasmine doesn't not quiet meet them but Piper at the other hand does.Maybe because Piper can pull off the "Good Girl" Style while Jasmine can't..Its also funny seeing Jack trying to be in good terms with my mom,But he just has to understand that him being a boy is the thing that my mom doesn't like about him."Is Princeton Joining us?" Jack asked..Hah get it?Jackass? "Yeah he bought three tickets" I said picking at my burger "Hope he brings the hottie from Friday night" Piper says making Jasmine nod "You mean Jex?" I blur out.Crap did I really just say that? "You know him!" Jasmine shouted "Uh..Ye-Yeah um..Princeton introduced me to him that night"I blur out fast "What's was he like!"Piper asked "Like a normal guy?I guess"I mumbled "I could defiantly see him and Luci together" Jasmine cheered "What the hell?Luci isn't like that" Jack spoke madly "She's not the one to settle for that type of guys" Jack continued "Oh and she's into you?" Jasmine said rudely "Guys stop fighting" I said as I took a big bite out of my burger "Are you?" Piper said making all three of them face me "What?" I questioned with my mouth full "Are you into the Jex types?" Jack asked scared of the answer "No" I laughed weirdly,Jack smiled and Piper and Jasmine gave me a 'Yeah uh huh' look..But I was being honest,Am not into Jex.But than why did I let him kiss me?No but than again I know nothing about him.That could had been the last time I saw him..I need to get him away from my thoughts..I have lots of questions about him and its killing me,not knowing any of the answers..

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