Chapter 40

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•Lucinda P.O.V•
As I walked inside my house,My parents and Princeton were there waiting impatiently.
"So?What is it?" Princeton asked "Mom,Dad.And prince.Me and Jex are having a baby girl" I smiled at them.There reaction was priceless.Dads smile was pure gold and the way my mom cried with excitement filled my heart with love.I could t wait to tell Jasmine Piper and..I don't know maybe Jack??

Days and days has pass and I couldn't see Jex.
Apparently he got into a fight and that took away my privileges to see him for a week.But his okay.He just has a purple eye but nothing bad.He did call me yesterday,But when I tried asking him about "This" Fight he ignored it.
He has told me that he had thought of some Names for our baby but he want to tell me Face to face.Hopefully I could see him Next Friday.

•Jack P.O.V•
Things been different.I haven't eaten or sleep since My Friendship with Lucinda ended. Never in a million years would I taught that a guy would ruin our friendship.Its dumb.But the thing that hurted more was the fact that she thinks I kissed her to ruin her relationship with Jex.I mean I wouldn't lie,I want her.Want her for myself but I also want her to be happy and if she's happy with Jex than I guess I can't do nothing.I was finally packing for my flight.I was for sure going to my dad and am staying over there forever.I have no plans of coming back here to this old dust town,Where no happy things happen.I wanted to start over but it was hard when the person I've been with for many years just disappeared.
Friends Turn To Strangers Over The Years.
It's true.Believe me on this one.No matter how much you both promise to be friend there's always going to be the time where you just can't take it no more.
I don't think that not being friends with  Lucinda was killing me.I think the though of not seeing her ever again killed me.I started gaining all these feelings and I can't erase them..I had said good bye to my mom and was on my way outside where my cab was waiting.My heart Pounded as he drived.We were just 10 minutes away from the airport and I just couldn't no more. "Actually Take me back" I said to the driver.The driver nodded and turned back the car.

•Lucinda P.O.V•
I've been getting really bad kicks from the baby,So my back and stomach was hurting like crazy.Mother gave me some medication,But it didn't help.This girl is going to be a good kicker.I sat in bed with Jex's guitar in my hands.I hold it with so much pride.He must had written tons of songs with this.i was so
Curious,Just to see Jex's Journal.

i was so Curious,Just to see Jex's Journal

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It was seating right next to me.My body said open it but my heart said other wise.That isn't my business but I was filled with so much curiosity.Maybe next time I see him I'll take his guitar and journal to him.Somehow with out thinking I grabbed the journal and began observing the cover.It was a leather cover and it was written all over it.It said some words but it was hard to tell since it has all been fading away.My fingers slowly began turning to the front page
Yelled Princeton as he open my bedroom door,I quickly put the journal under my pillow and stand up "Have you heard of knocking!"
I yelled "Sorry" He mumbled "Uh.Someones hear to see you" He said "Okay now leave" I said acting like a bitch but he deserves it.
I quickly made my way down to see the familiar smile I've my whole life.Jack.He was there smiling,Apparently he doesn't see my stomach. "Jack?" I whispered as I got closer to him.He slowly than started to observe me.
"Dam Lucinda You..You Look different" He whispered "Yeah" I said looking away from his eyes. "Uh.." He mumbled "What are you doing here?" I couldn't.I had to say it. "I was on my way to the airport and I couldn't leave without saying goodbye" He cried as he wrapped his arms around me.I'll be lying if I said I didn't wrap my arms around him as soon as he hugged me.I miss Jack.The guy who was my best friend suddenly turned to a complete stranger. "Your lucky" He said letting go off me and touching my stomach "You have a little human growing inside of you" "Yeah" I was still shocked that he was here standing in front of me "Are you happy?" He asked wiping his tears off "What?" I asked "Are you happy with Jex?" He began.I slowly nodded knowing it killed him deep inside "Well am happy you're happy Lucinda.Your were my best friend and I shouldn't even had let those other feelings come between that.We were friends and that was all" Jack was right.Both of us should had left those feeling behind. "Well I better get going if I don't want to miss my flight" He weakly smiled "Don't go" I cried "It's best.This way I'll forget about you easier"
Jack couldn't hold his tears back anymore
"I still love you Lucinda.More as a friend.And if I stay here that love would only keep growing.So it's better if I go.Start again...You have a family now and I shouldn't come in the way" Jack gave me one last hug before walking to the door "Am sorry" I cried "Don't be" He said flashing me one last smile before he had left.
I was never going to see my best friend ever again.All the memories we had will stay memories.No more Jack and me.It was all over.I gotta admit the memories we had were priceless.They worth more than any gem in this world.My memories with Jack will be with me forever.Ill love Jack forever.His been such a great friend and I'll never forget him.

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