Chapter 21

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•Jex P.O.V•
I felt a huge weight off my shoulder,Once I told someone all about my past.I was lucky to have someone like Lucinda.She understood and she didn't ran off when I told her I murdered him..She kept still listening to the broke clock,And that broken clock was me..I had trouble moving on,With those scary nightmares and those words haunting me 'Your A Murder!' 'Die!'..It was hard not being able to tell someone..I took Lucinda to a Gun shooting range.I came here a lot of times,I guess shooting bullets helps me relax.."It's going to be fine relax" I smiled to Lucinda as I signed the papers that needed to be filled out in order to shoot some bullets "What If, accident shoot you or myself?" She began worrying "Am going to be right at your side baby" I whispered as I touched her thigh,She smiled weakly and began to count to 10,She's something alright "Walk this way" Said a guy who worked there,We than followed him to the shooting room.The guy than handed each of us a Ear protector ahead set."Who wanted to go first?" Asked the guy as he hold the gun in his hand "I'll go" I said letting go of Lucinda Hand And walking to the booth,I hold the gun in my hand and just observed it for a bit before shooting..I shoot 18 bullets in a row and they all aimed straight to the paper man head on the other side of the room "Good Job" The guys said as he looked at my shooting skills "Been working" I laughed "Ready?" I asked Lucinda "This is her first time?" Asked the guy as he hold the gun I was just holding seconds ago "Yes" She nervously answered "You can have me to show her or you can" The guy said turning to me "I think I'll show her" I said as I looked at Lucinda,She than stand on the booth facing the paper guy man,At the other side "Am scared" She whispered "Don't be,There's nothing to be scared of" I said as I kissed her neck,I than got the gun and placed it on her hand..She was shaking "This is how you hold a gun"I said as I placed her fingers correctly around the gun "Kept your arms straight,And when your ready push the trigger" I said as I hold her waist.She nodded and closed her eyes as she began shooting..She shoot 5 times and than quickly turned around and handed me the gun "There am done" She quickly said "Good job baby,You hit his shoulder and his neck" I said "That was good" She smiled..I than did a bit more shooting until I was all set to go back home.
"Stay over at my place" Lucinda begged " I can't I have work tomorrow" I said as I driving my motorcycle "By working you mean selling drugs?" She asked "Yeah but it's all I can do" I said "Your insane baby" She said as she placed her head on my back.."What if you stay over?" I suggested "Nope can do my love,My dad would get mad" She sadly answered "I'll pick you up so I can take you to school than" I said as I parked in front of her house "Okay" She said as she got off,I got off too and gave her a kiss "Can you text me?" She asked as she broke the kiss "I don't have a phone" I said laying my head on her shoulder "Than get one" She begged "With the job I have it's not smart to have a phone" I said as she began walking to the door "Huh what ever just pick me up at 6:40!" She yelled as she head inside..Am going to miss my baby..

•Lucinda P.O.V•
When I walked in home,I heard a familiar voice.I ran to the kitchen and saw him.
"Princeton!"I yelled as I hugged him tight
"Hey there" He smiled as he hugged me back
"Where have you been Luci??" Asked dad
"You smell like guy" Prince whispered,Oh shit am in trouble "With Jack" I blur out "Huh,Just go to your room" He ordered so I did..It was nice seeing my big brother even doe I hated him so much when he lived with us..I wonder what his doing here..I took a shower and when I head back to my room,Prince was waiting. "Who were you with?" He asked "Jack" I said "Lucinda I know that smell" He angrily said "Fine,I was with Jex" I said waiting for him to yell "Why?" He asks "We might be dating??" I mumbled "Fucken asshole!" He yelled "Lucinda,He isn't for you" Prince began saying "You don't know that" I responded "I do and you'll see for yourself sooner or later"He said getting up and facing me "His going to break you Lucinda,And I don't want your heart broken.Am telling you his bad,He probably only wants you for your money!" He yelled "Prince get out cause you don't know nothing about him!" I yelled from the top of my lungs "And you know everything about him?" He asked "In a matter of fact I do" I said crossing my arms on my chest "Proof it than!Tell me about his wife!" Prince yelled making me confuse "He doesn't have a wife!" I yelled back "Okay,Tell me about his kid!" Prince yelled again "Just get out!!" I yelled,He gave me a dirty look and left..Jex doesn't have a wife or a kid!Prince always lying!!..I closed my eyes and drifted my mind to Jex..I wish I was with him,Wish I could lay my head on his chest..Smell his strong cologne,And just listen to his heart beat..His everything I could had wish for...

•Jex P.O.V•
I asked Jp if he had an old phone I could use and he gave me the oldest blackberry phone.The one with the typing shit on the bottom and the screen on top..I than got on my bed and typed in Lucinda's phone number that I had remembered by heart..I than texted her.

"Still Awake?"

"Who's This?"


"You scared the crap out of me,And no am awake..LOL"

"I need you badly"

"Told you to stay over"

"I had to go home to pack the delivery for tomorrow"

"Your fault not mine"

"Mhh just go to sleep already"



"I love you"

"Love you too babe"

After texting her I felt wide asleep..

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