Chapter 1

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•Lucinda P.O.V•
I have a brother..A very annoying brother his 21 while am 18..Not a big difference but some how my parents treat me way different than him.."Watch It Jerk"I shouted as Princeton bumped my elbow,Coming up the stairs
"Watch Your Language" Dad Ordered,I rolled my eyes and continued to make my way to the kitchen.If I was completely honest I would do anything to be in another persons shoes.I just don't like the way my family is formed.My parents just expects too much out of me and Princeton.Its difficult being a Richardson.. "What are you eating!" Mother shouted as I was about to put a cookie in my mouth "A Cookie" I said putting it back down,Knowing her she would snap it out of my hands and throw the whole thing out. "Dinners is only minutes away"Mother snapped "Am not joining dinner today,I'll be with my friends"
I said walking away to only bump into Princeton again "Luci I need your help"
He whispered "What Now" I said as I followed him to the tea room.."I don't want to run dads business"He started.To make this more easy for you to understand ill explain a bit,You See Princeton is more into music and being a complete jerk.He performs in this bar every Friday and I always go with my friends to watch him.BUT DAD doesn't approve so we always have to be quiet when we go and come back home.."Princeton then just tell him"I respond "It's not easy,Once I tell him his going to be harder on me Luci!His going to take me to his meetings and than his going to make me run the whole thing!"
He cried "What if we take him to see you perform?"I suggested "Are you kidding!??"Princeton yelled "Luci please just tell him that you want to take over"He offered
"Prince am sorry but you know I always wanted to be a veterinarian" i said making Princeton walk away.I can't help him..I really can't even if I tried...My dad and mom are really hard to please and I have no talent when it comes to being locked in a office all day and doing paper work.I enjoy animals,And that's what am going for..

Friday Night
"Ready?"Prince said knocking on my door..Its time to sneak out.."Hold Up"I whispered as I apply lipstick to my lips.Prince than drove to the bar that was hours away..As we got there we both went our separate ways I went to wait for my friends while Princeton went to the back room and set up his equipment..I ordered my drink as I waited for my friends.."Heyo!!" Shouted Jasmine as she approached me,Behind her was Jack my boy best friend and than Piper my other friend.."Sup Y'alls"I laughed as I hugged them all "Did prince perform yet?" Asked jasmine
"Nope but it should be soon" I responded as I looked over at my phone..we drinked and just had a good time until Princeton came up on the stage,We than all ran to be front row..Prince than made his stupid intro,That I suggested no to do but he still went with it. "How is everyone tonight!!"He shouted,I noticed he wasn't the only one standing on that stage.Over to his left side was a very attractive guy,He had a leather jacket with tight jeans.I than paid my attention back to Princeton who walked back to grab his guitar."This is a cover of Boulevard of broken dreams By Green Day.Hope You Like It" prince said before singing his heart out..
"I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's only me, and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one, and I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk alone"
prince sound so good.Bet this song really means something strong to him..I just don't get why he didn't perform an original.The whole crowd stopped cheering when the guy right next to Princeton started signing..
"I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And where I walk alone
Read between the lines
What's fucked up and every thing's all right
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone"
his voice was something I just couldn't explain,He kept his eyes closed as he singed and play the electric guitar..People than cheered and shouted when the song was over..
"Thank you!"Yelled prince as he and the other guy walked off stage.."Who the hell is that hottie!"Piper mumbled "I have no idea but I call dibs"I shouted as I ran to the back room
"Great your hear I just got a text from mom saying where are we"Prince said as he quickly packed his guitar.I kept my eyes on the hottie the whole time,He didn't seem to notice me at all.."You got to be kidding me!!!"Yelled Princeton as his car didn't start "Hurry up or we're going to be in big trouble!!" I yelled as I was freezing.."Having trouble?"Said this strong accent from behind me,We both
turned to find the hottie that just singed with prince."Yeah man my FUCKEN car just stopped"Prince reply rudely "I got you"He said giving Princeton a smirk before lifting up his sleeves and digging to the car engine.."Bro
your car needs gas and the gas station is miles away"The guy with the British accent said
"Give me a lift to my place than"My brother begged "One deal"The guy reply,Does he not notice me??He haven't turned to my direction not once."What the fuck do you want"Prince whined "Let me stay at your place for the night,Forgot my keys"He laughed "Fine" Princeton huff "Princeton!"I yelled "Moms going to find out!!"
"Relax its just one night"Said the guy with the accent.He looked staring at me making me blush..

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