Chapter 20

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•Lucinda P.O.V•
It was nice that Jex opened up to me by telling me this all this,But I hated seeing him so sad and so mad.It killed me.."You what?" I cried
"I killed him" He kept repeating..No he can't be a murder..He can't!!..I tried to hear his story before I ran off,But I was so scared..
"I was 17,When I killed him..He just started saying stuff about my mom.He kept saying how weak and stupid she was.He told me and me brother that woman are weak" He said crying "I was mad Lucinda,Joel my brother had said to calm down but I couldn't..I was a big stronger from all the times I had worked at a car shop from carrying lots of heavy boxes,So I found it easy to beat the shit out of him and it was..It was so easy I ended up killing him or maybe it was all the madness I had that made me go crazy on him.." Jex said pulling his hair
"I swear Lucinda am not a murder!" He cried louder and louder as he got on his knees "Am not a murder!!"He kept repeating..I slowly made my way to him and hugged him..He hugged me back so tight.."That's when my and Joel left to start our own life but I couldn't start new..I kept getting the same nightmare every night about the day he killed my mom,And I still get them at night..Each night gets worse and worse" He said not once letting me go.."We started working our ass out to pay the rent of our tiny apartment Well he did cause all the money I was earning went to the alcohol I was consuming" He paused "I started to take over my dads steps..Drinking till I couldn't walk,Took all these drugs to make me forget..Those were the days I started working for husky..His the guy I live with now" Jex said as he looked me in the eyes "The day you bail me out was because I was going to rob this house,Husky said he own him a lot of money and that's what we do.We rob or even sell drugs" He said,I quickly look away from his eyes.This means his a drug dealer?? "To answer your question a drug dealer but that's not bad as you think it is" Jex said trying to convince me "Anyways I started going the wrong way..I party ever night and fucked every girl I saw" He said "I came home and Joel would beat the shit out of me and I allowed him to,I felt like I deserved it so I let him be" Jex paused,He played with his watch for a bit "I than meet you" He started "That day,When I was laying in prince's bedroom floor I had this dream" Jex smiled as he looked straight into my eyes "My mom appeared,She said "Take a hint my boy,I had send you your purpose"..It took me some time to understand but now I finally get her,She send me you" Jex said releasing a tear "She send me you to be better and here I am trying to make her dreams come true" He cried even more..I smiled at him and wiped his tears..This point I didn't care if he was a murder or a drug dealer,I just slammed my lips to his cause my love for him will never change.."I Love you Jex and am glad she's the reason I met you" I said breaking the kiss "You.You still love me?" He asked as he started shaking "I love you" I said answering his question.."I've been afraid to say it too but I love you Too Lucinda,And j never want to lose you!" He cried as he hugged me tight..We than spend hours in this position,Not once moving.."Well it's still early and I had something fun planed for both of us" Jex finally said as he got up "What?" I asked as I got up as well "you'll see..but before we go I wanted to give you this" Jex said taking out a neckless from his back pocket "It's lovely" I said as looking at the red rose inside the charm."Let me put it on" He shyly said,I pulled my hair to the side and let Jex put it on me "I love it Jex,Thank you so much" I said giving him a hug.."Let's get going before it gets to late" He said as he put everything back in the backbag and than throwed the backbag in the corner..We than head down and onto Jex Motorcycle..He drove not to far "What are we doing here now?" I asked as he helped me get off "Do you know how to use a gun?" He asked as he flashed me a smile "No?" I slowly say "Well today's your lucky chance cause your going to learn" He laughed as he grabbed my hand and lead me inside..

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