Chapter 10

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A few months passed and it was pretty slow. Zoey was now 7 months pregnant, William was preparing for his tour, and I was stressed. 

Now I'm at another meeting with William discussing what needs to happen for tour and what still needs to be done and who needs to call who. It was very boring until I got a call from Zoey. I didn't think much of it as I excused myself and answered the door.

"Hello?" I answered


"Okay Okay Zoey I'm on my way now!" 

I hung up and ran back into the meeting room, not saying anything to anybody as I grabbed my purse and ran to my car. When I got in, William was running after me motioning, asking where I was going. 

"If you're coming hurry the hell up William!" I yelled 

He just jumped in the car and I sped off. I told him what was going on and we made it to the hospital in record time. I jumped out of the still moving car and ran to the front desk.

After the doctor told me where she was, I ran to her room. When I got in, Zoey was crying on the bed.

"Zoey I'm here, I'm here!" I said winded as I sat next to her bed

Her tears slowed down as I tried to calm her down. 

About 30 minutes later, William walked in and was out of breath.

"Jesus Nicole I had to jump over into the drivers seat so the car wouldn't crash!" he chuckled and Zoey and I laughed.

The doctors came in every few hours and gave her pain medicine and would check how far along she was. Finally after 8 hours in the hospital, Zoey was ready to push. She pushed and pushed and finally she gave birth to her baby girl.

"See I told you she would be a girl!" I said excitedly as Zoey laughed

The doctor asked who would cut the umbilical cord, I looked at Zoey and she smiled, "Nicole, will you cut it. 

I started to tear up as I went over to the baby and cut her cord. They took her away and cleaned her up and brought her back so Zoey could hold her. 

"Oh my goodness she's beautiful!" Zoey and the baby started to cry

"What are you gonna name her?" William asked, looking at the crying baby

"Mia Nicole" Zoey said smiling at me

"Oh my god no!" I started to cry, "You're naming her after me?" 

"Of course Nicole, you've been here with me every step of the way, when you and William have your babies, just promise to name one after me" she chuckled.

"Zoey!" I squealed, "Stop it" I hit her playfully and William started to laugh, but didn't deny anything

That caused me to have butterflies in my stomach.

"Can I hold her please?" I asked Zoey

She nodded and handed me the now sleeping baby.

She nodded and handed me the now sleeping baby

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"Mia Nicole" I smiled, "It has a ring to it"

After a while, Zoey fell asleep so William stood up and came over to me. 

"Can I hold her?" He asked gently

"Of course" I helped him hold her

I watched as William held and showed love toward the baby, he moved to the other side of the room where he didn't think I would hear him.

"Hi Mia, This is your Uncle Will, Mommy and Auntie Nicole don't know that yet though" I heard him chuckle, "I want a lot of you when your Auntie Nicole and I get married" he whispered

Married? I thought We aren't even together and he acts like he hates me all the time, but now all of a sudden he wants to be together... bullshit. 

William came back and put the baby in the little crib to go back to the NICU, she was a preemie after all.

"Hey Nicole.. can I talk to you for a second?" 

I agreed and we walked outside of the hospital room.

"I just want you to know I have serious feelings for you Nicole.." he told me

"How can you have feelings for me when you treat me like shit every few minutes William? Even when I came to your house and tried to take care of you while you were sick, all I got was your nasty attitude. I don't think I could deal with that in a relationship Will. Plus, I'm your assistant."

"So you don't have any attraction toward me Nicole?" he growled

"I don't know who you're getting angry at William. Yes I am attracted to you, but not your bipolar attitude." I put my hands on my hip

Williams face seemed to go sour as he said, "Fine. I'll see you Monday. I have a meet and greet. You better not be late" He growled again and walked away

A/N: Do you think Will and Nicole will get together? I personally don't know, let me know what you think will happen next! Love you


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