Chapter 19

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I sat on the ground and cried for a while before I stood up and realized that I had to be strong for the little girl upstairs. I pulled out my phone and tried to call Zoey again, but as I expected there was no answer. I started pacing, when I decided to call William again. By this time it was 6 AM. He picked up on the last ring.

"Nicole why are you calling me so early in the morning?" he answered sleepily

"Zoey just up and left me with the baby and I don't know what to do. I've called and there is no answer. She said that she wasn't fit to be a mother and just left William! I don't know what to do for the first time in my life!" I cried to him

"Ok calm down Nicole. Pack some stuff and come over and we can talk about it yeah?" he said soothingly

"Ok... thank you" I hung up.

I went upstairs and packed a small backpack with clothes for myself, and packed Mia's baby bag. I put the sleeping child in her carseat and put her in the car. I drove to McDonald's and picked up some food... Don't judge me! I eat when I'm stressed! Who doesn't?!

I got to William's house about 30 minutes later and carried all of our things into the house and set Mia's carseat on the couch and put our bags on the table. I took Mia out of the carseat and walked upstairs to William's guest room. I laid the baby on the bed and put pillows around her so she wouldn't fall out. 

I walked out and cracked the door. i went downstairs to see William sitting on the couch eating the Big Mac I'd gotten for him.

"Umm excuse me! How did you know that was for you!" I joked lightly

"You always get me Big Macs when you go to McDonald's" he stuck his tongue out at me, "So tell me what happened with Zoey"

I told him everything and he sat and listened politely, never interrupting me.

"Wow you are better at listening than talking" I laughed sadly and he chuckled


"But I don't know what I'm going to do Will! I've never risen a baby before! I'm not rich, how will I pay for the apartment? What if she starts calling me mommy? Who will she call daddy?" I started to ramble

"Nicole just move in with me, I already have to see you everyday for work so why not make it easier on the both of us. And don't worry about paying rent or anything, if you just cook that'll be enough for me."

"Are you sure William?" I asked astonished

"Yes Nicole I'm sure. You can go get your stuff tomorrow and I'll help you move in. I'll have someone come and furnish your room, it'll be fine. I'll help you with Mia as long as you need" 

I smiled and ran up to him and hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much" I pulled away and kissed him lightly on the lips. I stepped back and walked upstairs for the night with my lips tingling softly.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! A new one is coming soon!


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