Chapter 40 (The End)

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It was my wedding day... I've dreamed about this day since I was a little girl. 

We were at a hotel, all of my bridesmaids, who consisted of Alex's sisters and a few more friends I'd accumulated over this year. I had a hair stylist, makeup artist, and photographer in there with me too.  

I was getting my hair and makeup done, My hair stylist just curled my hair and put a rhinestoned headband on. My makeup artist beat my face to a T as she did a natural look with a black smokey eye. I absolutely loved it.

Next it was time for me to put on my dress

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Next it was time for me to put on my dress. My dress was a long, princess style dress with invisible sleeves and rhinestones and bling all over it.

 My dress was a long, princess style dress with invisible sleeves and rhinestones and bling all over it

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It was finally time for me to walk down the aisle and I was nervous as hell...

Am I making the right decision? I kept asking myself

I was sure that I needed to stop worrying about other people and what they thought about me marrying Alex, it was for me. Not them

Earlier today really assured me that I was making the right decision. I was in my hotel room, putting my dress on when Alex's best man came to my hotel room and brought me a video from Alex.

I started the video and saw him sitting in the closet of his hotel room. He looked at the camera and started talking.

"Good Morning beautiful!" Since we started living together, when I wake up Alex always greets me with that phrase. I smiled and continued to watch. 

"Today is our wedding day and I honestly couldn't be anymore excited or nervous at the same time. You and Mia are the people I want to spend the rest of my life with. I knew that I wanted to spend forever with you the moment I saw you. I know your thoughts are drifting, but please don't leave me at the alter... I'll see you soon babe, I love you!" He smiled at the camera with his cheeky grin and turned it off.

Now I was about to go out in front of all of these people and pledge my love to him. And I couldn't be anymore ready for that. 

The doors opened and I linked arms with my adoptive father and held Mia's hand and started to walk down the aisle.

I immediately made eye contact with Alex and I could see tears forming in his eyes and I smiled at him. I gave Mia to Alex's mom and kissed my parents.

We joined hands at the alter and turned toward the preacher. I was so in the moment, I wasn't paying attention to anything but the 3 of us.

"If there is any reason why these two shall not be wed please rise." The preacher asked and I looked into the crowd.

Right then, my worst nightmare came true.. William stood up and everyone gasped.

"Nicole please don't do this!" He started to walk up toward the alter. "I know I wasn't the best to you, but please! I know that you have feelings for me just like I have feelings for you! Please Nicole" Tears started rolling down his face as he held his hand out to me.

I looked at him and I looked at Alex who had a very hurt expression on his face.

"No William. I will not. You had your chances and you blew every single one of them. Now its time for me to be happy! Now please leave!" I pointed away

His tears started falling and he turned around and left...

The preacher continued his service with uncertainty and announced us husband and wife.. I couldn't be happier.

Fast Forward...

Alex and I now have 3 kids including Mia, 2 girls and a boy. Our relationship couldn't be any better, we still love each other unconditionally. 

I haven't heard from William since our wedding day, and I really hadn't made an effort to see him. 

Mia is now 10 years old and started asking about her birth mother Zoey. She told me that she really wanted to meet her, so I made it happen.

Mia and I met Zoey at a restaurant and Zoey looked really good surprisingly. She dyed her hair black and she lost a lot of weight. Mia started asking Zoey why she left her with me and I just stayed quiet and let Zoey tell her.

Zoey told her everything that happened and Mia listened intently. 

"We all make mistakes Zoey... I forgive you" Mia said to Zoey, and Zoey seemed very surprised

"Thank you baby, that means a lot to me" Zoey started to develop a country accent from living in the depths of Austin. They hugged and we went our separate ways, not before giving her our phone numbers.

Alex and Mia had become very close and she started to call him dad as she started to forget about William.

My life was perfect right now, but I will never forget how I got here... From being...

The Assistant

A/N: Hey guys, this is the last chapter of the book! If you think I should upload my alternative endings for those who weren't very happy with this one, let me know! Thank you so much for reading, I am so grateful to you guys! Now go check out my William Singe Imagines book for more! Love you


The Assistant (William Singe Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now