Chapter 35

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My adoptive parents brought Mia back to visit William and I, they had just dropped her off with William while I was on my date with Alex, so I wasn't worried about her at all. 

I walked onto the tour bus with the biggest smile on my face, but that was quickly wiped off of my face when I saw Zoey straddling William and they were making out with my baby sitting in her carseat asleep. 

They didn't even have enough respect for the little girl to take her out of the carseat and lay her in a bed. 

I was hot.

I grabbed Zoey's hair and slung her to the ground. I then quickly grabbed Mia's carseat and put her in my bunk to sleep comfortably. I went back to Zoey and started screaming at her and William.

"The both of you disgust me. How could you leave that little girl in her carseat for 2 hours while the both of you turn into hoes and make out right in fucking front of her!" I yelled

I looked at Zoey and she looked down so I continued. "You really don't give a damn about your daughter do you? I may as well be her mother because you surely could never live up to that name! You don't even treat her like your daughter, you treat her like a piece of trash."

Then I looked at William who wouldn't make eye contact either, "And you. That little girl calls you daddy and you are going to turn on her and treat her that way. Knowing her, you know that she was crying for you to take her out and to hold her and love her. But you put the image in her head that 'No matter how much you cry for me, I won't be there to help you."

Then I started talking to both of them.

"I'm done with the both of you. William I was really starting to fall in love with you. But then Zoey came into the picture and you wanted her. And Zoey, me being the good friend I am, I let you have him. I could've been mean and ruthless and tried to take him from you, but I didn't. Now I am done with the both of you for good. William I'm quitting for good, and Zoey you won't hear anything from me, if Mia decides in the future that she wants to meet you, then thats up to her." 

I didn't say anything else as I went back to my room and pack up the things I brought. I put Mia back in her carseat and carried her out of the bus, passing William and Zoey who had tears in their eyes.

I got into the car that would be taking me back to the airport and I called Julian.

"Hey Jules I have a fire for you.." I told him

"Ok who is it?" He asked

"It's me."

A/N: Wow... so Nicole is officially not William's assistant anymore guys... What is she going to do now? I guess we'll have to wait and see! Love you!


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