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               ~Blue's 3rd person pov~

So one day a smol skeleton named blue was walking down the cold streets of Paris. Taking a sip of his coffee he thought to himself 'i wonder what my future will be like...'. As he kept walking and thinking he bumped into some one. "o-omg I'm so sorry I should of been-" he was interrupted by a deep but gentle voice "heh don't worry about it". Blues eyes looked up at who seemed to be another skeleton but the skeleton was 2 inches taller then him. He walked off as blue looked back at him, He was Wearing dark red high tops, baggy jeans with chain like designs on them, a leather jacket with a hoodie that had red dyed floof on it, and he was wearing headphones. Blue blushed a little bit and continued walking home but he seemed a little down. As blue got home, in his warm cozy apartment, he put his cup of coffee down on the coffee table and sat on the couch. He thought 'why can't I stop thinking about him? I mean I just bumped into him'. Blue sighs and decides to go take a warm bath. He goes to His bedroom and he takes off his baby blue jacket and hangs it up in his closest. His phone vibrates and it's a message from his brother, Papyrus. Blue didn't open his phone but what part of the message said was 'hey bro! What's up? Just wanted to check on how you moved....'. Blue ignored the message and went to the bathroom. He filled up the tub with warm water and took off his shirt then his pants and undies (HAH). He climbed in and sat in the tub. The water was nice and warm. Not to hot nor too Cold. He sat tub thinking about the skeleton then shook his head. "why am I thinking about him. I can't get him out of my mind like, why?!" He said aloud. About 30 minutes passed and he got out of the tub. As the tub drained he went to his room and put on pj's. He looked out his window. The window was as big as the wall and it looked over the pretty shiny lights of the cars and the stores that are still running at 10 o'clock at night. Blue stared in awe but then hopped into bed. He sighed and slowly Drifted off to sleep. A few hours pasted and blue woke up rubbing his eyes. He looked over at his phone. "OH CRAP" He yelled. It was 8 am and he was supposed to be out the house and walking to work by 8. He jumped out of bed and took off his pj's. He put on dark blue jeans that fit perfectly with a belt that had a silver buckle, a T-shirt that was blue but on the back had a red heart on it, and a jean jacket. Blue quickly tying up his striped, blue and black high tops and grabbing his bag ran out the door and quickly running down the street. At least his job wasn't that far. Anyways, he got to work at 8:30 when he's supposed to be there at 8:35. He sighed and went up to the 4th floor which was pretty good since blue was a graphics designer. 4th floor meant 3rd department. It was always filled with big projects but this month , January, was pretty slow. The day went by the same old way. Doodling, then going to a meeting for ideas, then drawing some of those ideas. Finally at 5 pm, it got pretty dark outside if you ignore the bright shimmering city lights. When blue left work he was freezing! He walked by Starbucks and he decided to enter. The nice warm air made blue feel warm again. He went to ordered as he noticed something...He looked up to see who was taking his order. Blue blushed insanely. 'the skeleton that I bumped into?!' he said to himself. The soft gentle voice of the skeleton said "can i take your order", "sure, I would like a coffee frappuccino". The other skeleton turned around and began making blues coffee. 'does he remember me? Does he know that's me who was talking to him?' all these types of thoughts began to fill blues mind. The skeleton went back to where blue was and looked at him"that would be 3 bucks and hey aren't you the guy who I bumped into?" Blue took out 3 dollars and gave it to him "oh haha yeah! I didn't know you work here" blue said. 'WHY DID I SAY THAT. HOW CAN U BE SO STUPID' Blue said to himself freaking out. "yeah pretty crappy but oh well...umm hey my shift ends in 5 minutes. Wanna talk?". Woah woah woah hold on did he just ask me to talk with him?! Blue seemed a little shy but said "oh yeah sure. My name is blue". "nice name. My name is fell". They both smiled at each other and blue went To sit down beside the window waiting for fell. 'What a cute name' he thought. Fell came out with his leather jacket and a small cup of coffee. Blue took a sip of his coffee, then took a deep breath in and exhaled. Fell sat in front of him. "so what were you doing yesterday I mean you were staring at the ground and walking". Blue looked up at him "oh I dunno I think I was thinking about my future here. I just moved here about 2 months ago". Fell took a sip of his coffee "oh really? Guess that Explains why I've never seen you before and why you bumped into me" fell giggled a little when he said bumped. Blue blushed a little "hah yeah, I should've been paying attention" "yeah. People here aren't so nice half of the time. Anyways. Do you live near here?" Blue slightly smiled and said "yeah about 20 minutes away" fell smiled and you could see that he had a yellow tooth. "oh really I do too". Blue looked into his eyes and...he got this feeling. He had nice blood red eyes with a crack in His skull but made him look really cool. "i-.." they both said I at the same time. Blue looked out the window shyly and fell looked down at his drink. "you can go first" fell said shyly. 'holy crap was he... blushing?!' blue was kind of surprised at that thought but ignored it. "thanks. I was gonna say that I like living here. I mean the lights and the apartment I live in is really really nice". Fell began to talk but blue put his hand on his cheek and looked into fells eyes as his deep, soft, Relaxing voice spoke. 'whats this feeling. I-i kinda wanna keep staying like this' blue thought but began to get slightly worried about his feeling's. "hah it was so funny but worth it" fell began giggling. Blue snapped into the conversation and began laughing too "hah omg that's so funny" blue had no idea what fell was talking about but still loved his laugh too. "oh I think I should get going" blue said with a sad tone. "oh, yeah we should. Umm....do you want me to walk you home?" Blue began Blushing insanely. "uhh sure" they both got up and grabbed their drinks and left the cafe. Blue took a big gulp of his coffee. "so...where do you live?" Blue pointed at the large apartment complex. "that one on the 3rd floor. Why?" "Oh really. I live there too but on the 5th floor. Room number 272." Blue began blushing. 'should I tell him my room number. I mean what if he stalks me. No' blue pushed those bad thoughts away "my room number is 151". Fell looked at blue and blue looked up at fell. "heh cool. Now we can visit each other~" fell said in a flirty tone Blue jumped slightly and blushed insanely and looked away from fell. Fell put his arm around blue and patted his shoulder. "haha im joking I'm joking...unless your not~" blue covered his face with his coffee cup. "omg shut up that's embarrassing i mean heck were in public". Fell began laughing "oh so you'd rather do it at home~~" "UGHH fell shut up!"Similar jokes appeared here and there and finally they made it up to blues room. "hah well nice to meet you fell. It was fun" blue smiled. Fell smiled back "pff of course it was. I'm pretty cool anyways." "Oh shut it" blue said jokingly. "hah oh well nice to meet you too blue. Cya later" fell waved. "byee" blue waved back and closed the door. His smile faded and he slid down the door and covered his face 'i love him....just met a guy and now i love him' blue sighed and grabbed his bag and took off his shoes and went to his bed and flopped down. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. Today was Tuesday. No work. Blue thought. He keept looking up at the ceiling only to realize...he fell off his bed. Blue stands up and stretches. He's also still wearing his clothes from yesterday so he decides to change into his pj's again. When we walks to the kitchen to make some blueberry flavored pop tarts. He hears a knock in the door. 'why is some one awake at 8 in the morning' blue thought. He puts the pop tarts in the toster, makes his way to the door and opens the door. Fell is stretching, and yawning as blue Opened the door. "oh hey. I was bored so I came over. I don't have your number so I couldn't text you" blue looked at him kinda surprised. "uhh come in then" he opened the door and fell walked in taking his shoes off and plopping on the couch. Blue heard the toster go off and put the pop tarts on a plate. "you want something to eat fell?" "Naw I'm good. What do you do before work?" "oh well I just get ready for it. I'm a graphics designer so I ha-" "HOLY SHIT A GRAPHICS DESIGNER?!" Fell stood up and seemed a little excited "I uhh yeah. I remodeled the Starbucks logo" blue shifted his posture standing up proud and tall "of course I'm in the 3rd department so I get these types of projects often" "woah that's so cool. I wish I was a architect or a drafter cuz I would make the coolest buildings and hell I would have a sick ass home" blue smiled at the Thought of home. "well then why aren't you one?" Blue slightly tilted his head "well that's cuz it's a lot of work to learn all that stuff compared to making great tasting coffee" fell sat back down and sighed "I should of taken that chance, huh?" Blue walked over and sat in the couch, pretty close to him. "well I mean you can still always do it now. And if you can't. Maybe one day w- uhh you can get a cool home" blue blushes since he almost said 'we'. Fell didn't notice that blue almost said 'we'. "ehh oh well. Brewing coffee isn't so bad anyways." Blue finished eating his pop tart and put the plate in the sink. "I'm gonna get changed real quick. Is that fine with you?" Fell looked at blue and smiled "yeah of course this is your house anyways." Blue walks off to his bedroom and closes the door. He takes off his pj's and puts on the same looking pants and a plain black shirt and put a hoodie over top of it. He had on his bed and covered his face. 'Crap. I love him a lot...should I tell him? Or should I keep it a secret. No ill keep quiet. He will think I'm a weirdo' he opens the bedroom door to see that fell is in the same position as he was only that his hands are over his mouth and he's looking forward. Blue walks over and sits beside fell on the couch. "you ok?" Blue says a little concerned. Fell blushes insanely and sits back up with his hand over the couch "oh hah yeah what about you" "I'm fine. Just a little sore cuz I fell off my bed but I'm good." Fell laughed at the fact That blue fell of his bed. Blue blushes and slightly covered his mouth "I- cmon fell just shut up its not funny" blue slightly whines. Fell laughs even harder that he falls off the couch. Now blue begins to laugh. "hahah blue fell off a bed as he was sleeping~" Fell begins coughing trying to breath. Blue kept laughing, not as hard but still laughing, "haha fell fell off a cou-" cuz of blue laughing he also falls but right in top of fell. Blue is practically pinning him down. Blue blushes insanely. "i-i umm..." Fell kept giggling but stopped quickly and blushes insanely too "heh I guess you can say we found you 'falling' for me~" fell didn't really move much as if he, like, enjoyed it. Blue quickly got up and covered his face. Fell sat up and looked away. The two blushed insanely and kept quiet for about 4 minutes. "i-i didn't mean to fall of the couch..." Blue says slightly embarrassed. Fell snorted and began giggling again. Blue looked at him confused. "wait why are you laughing?!" "Because you fell twice. Once off a bed and now off a couch, Heh, on me~". Blue blushed insanely again and hid his face with a pillow on the couch. "omg fell shut up". Blues words came out muffled so fell acted like he couldn't hear. "what was that~ you want me to keep talking?" Blue groaned in the pillow. Fell laughed and said "oh what's that sound. Was that you last nig-"fell got cut off when blue smacked him with the pillow he was groaning in. "SHUSHHH" Blue said embarrassedly "I don't do that" fell laughed "uh-huh sure you dont" fell said sarcastically. Blue rolled his eyes "why would I want to. It's not worth it". Fells eyes slightly widened "woah wait you haven't fucked yet?!" Blue blushed and get some what shy "n-no! Why would I?" "Dude are you serious right now?" blue hesitantly noded. Fell acted to surprised "dude that's weird to me. Like 2 years ago I fucked my girlfriend cuz she asked for it but then she broke up with me a week later. We dated for like 9 months though. Worth it" fell laughs. Blue kinda looks at him confused. "W-why is it funny to you" fell looks at blue "I fucked a girl. And she left. It's so funny cuz she seemed like she enjoyed it too" blue looks at fell super lost. "you dont get it do you...?" Blue shakes his head. Fell sighs "ugh never mind. But you should really go out and fuck some one it's so fun and awesome". Blue shaked his head again "no. I want to have a stable relationship and stay with that person and not go around having 's-sex' with people." fell Shrugs and keeps quiet. Blue looks down at his feet and doesn't say anything either. "blue....have you ever dated". Blue freezes and blushes insanely. "umm b-blue?" Blue looks at fell shyly then looks away "n-no I haven't...w-why". Fell looks at blue and notices him being shy. "Just wondering. Sorry for asking" blue twiddles his fingers "i-its fine..." Blue looks off out the window. Blue and fell stay quiet. "umm blue...did I make you uncomfortable?". Blue hesitantly nods. "K-kinda..." Fell leans in for a hug and blue hugs him back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" "its ok". Fell leans away from the hug "so uhh I have to go to work now. What about you?". "no I have days off every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday" fell stands up and puts his shoes on. "wow lucky. I have Friday Saturday and Sundays off." Blue stands up and opens the door. "well I might drop by and get coffee I dunno though". Fell stands up and walks out the door "well alright then. Cya".fell begins walking off. "bye" blue says a little loudly so he can hear. Then closed the door. He slids down the door. 'does he like me. Why did he ask if I was ever in a relationship. Why did he even have sex just to be pleasured.' all these thoughts had blue thinking hard core. He sighs and takes out his phone. 'crap I forgot to give him my number. I'll give it to him later'. Blue stands up and walks to his bedroom and looks out his window. He can see Starbucks from here. Blue looks at his phone again to see what time It is. "3:39". Blue has never felt so bored in his life. Or was it bordom. Did blue miss fell? He thinks back at there conversation about relationships. He covers his face. "fuck this is the only time I wouldn't mind have â€Å"it„ [<-no clue what I wrote]" blues heart began beating fast and hard. "what if fell were to...or if he were to....omg" blue keeps thinking about fell but more in the wrong way. He begins to blush a lot "I shouldn't be thinking about this..." He stands up and walks to his bag from yesterday He opens his bag and take out his drawing tablet and a USB stick and walks over to his computer. He plugs in the USB stick and tablet as the computer loads. Blue opens the "sketches" file and sees all the quick sketches and ideas he drew. Blue begins to sketch himself. About 2 hours later blue gets bored and turns off his compuer. He checks his phone "5:45" 'oh fell gets of work soon' he thought. He stands up and walks off to put his shoes on. 'im gonna wait for fell to get off work' blue again Thought and walked out the door. It was cold out side. He Exhale's his breath and a small heat cloud appears. He walks to Starbucks And sees fell getting ready to pack up. He decides to wait outside right beside the door. Fell walks out sighing them notices blue. "oh hey. How long were you out here?" Blue jumped as he hears fells voice speak but calms down quickly. "about 3 minutes. Why?" Blue asked tilting his head a bit. Fell shrugged "just wondering. Anyways let's go" the two began walking home Fairly close to each other but didn't notice. They keep walking home as some one bumps into blue and causes him to bump into fell. "HEY WATCH IT WILL YA" Fell yells but the guy clearly didn't care or react. "you ok blue?" Blue blushed hard and his eyes sparkled in the light seeing that fell, in a way, protected him. "uhh blue~?". Blue slightly jumped. "oh uhh yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry about bumping into you". Fell giggles and patted blues head. "No need to be. It was his fault anyways." Blues Eyes sparkled again. Fell noticed but he didn't say anything. The two headed home safely. "thanks for picking me up" fell said in a slight giggly tone "no problem. Oh and what's your number?" Blue took out his phone and opened the contacts app handed the phone to fell. He punched in his number and information and turned off the phone quicky and handed back blues phone. "text me and I'll get your number. Well gotta run. Cya" "ok byee" blue said happily as fell walked off. Blue shut the Door and sat on his couch. 'why did he turn off my phone quickly?' he asked himself. Well he got his answer when he turned on the phone to see fells contact info. In the 'name' slot it said "fell💙😘". Blue immediately froze seeing that as his name. He began blushing hard. And turned off his phone to cover his face. "oh my god" he said aloud. Blue was clearly embarrassed and flustered. He turned on his phone again and went to text fell "hey I'm sending a text now so you can text me too". A couple minutes passed and blues phone went off. Fell texted back saying. "oh thanks blue. You going to bed now?". Blue blushed a little bit and texted back. "umm yeah why?" Blue began to breath heavily 'what if fell wants to fuck me, or attack me or even, I dunno, kill me while I was asleep' blue began panicking. His phone went off again. "oh ok I just wanted to say good night. Sooo.... Goodnight:)" blue calmed down and smiles. "goodnight fell!". Blue packed his stuff and changed in to his pj's Blue climed into bed holding his phone close to him and fell asleep. Blue woke up at 7. He sat In bed as of he didn't want to leave then he got up and got changed. He yawns and makes his pop tart breakfast again. His phone went off "yo blue. What are you doing?" Blue didn't really like how his name was 'fell~💙😘' so he changed it to 'fell'. Blue texted back "just making breakfast and getting ready for work. What about you". Blue finished eating his breakfast and it took a while for fell to Reply but he said. "bored. I was wondering if I could come over or something." Blue sighed at the text he was going to send. "no I have to leave to work now." Blue got an idea "oh wait if you want we can walk together over there". Blue grabbed his bag and began putting his shoes on. Fell said. "oh ok! Be there in a bit". Blue turned off his phone and put it in his pocket. There was a knock on the door soon after. Blue opened it happily as he saw fell. "good morning fell" blue said enthusiasticly "morning" fell said. Blue walked out his door and locked. It. And the two began walking and talking to blues work. It was like this for days, weeks, 1 month. Until fell noticed something different.

Well there's the first chapter of this book that will most likely never end.

I was thinking of doing updates every Monday or Tuesday. I dunno we'll see

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