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                        ~Blue's pov~

I kept hugging fell tightly. I can't believe I did that, I almost killed myself and almost killed Fell. I've never been so scared in my life! I kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you Fell. Come on let's sit on the couch." He nodded and we went to the couch. God, I hated how he still had bandages and a broken leg.

"Babe what's the matter?" I saw everything go blurry and tears began forming.

"I-I was so scared! Fell I-I'm sorry...I acted to stupid. I should've stayed home.." I began crying. Fell shuffled closer and hugged me somewhat tightly but instead of my face being on his shoulder, I was on his chest.

"Baby please don't blame yourself...you did nothing wrong. You wanted to protect me and you did. Then you got upset and went to find the person who hurt me" I slowly breathed in and stopped crying. I stayed on his chest and didn't respond. He kept hugging me. I didn't sleep at all that night but I stayed awake for him.

"Baby, you feeling better?" I nodded.

"A bit" He hugged me tighter which caused me to go deeper in his chest. It's so warm and cozy. I love it but whats even better is that I loved him. I leaned away from the hug and kissed him on the cheek. He kissed me back as well.

"God babe I love you so much" I said with a smile.

"I love you too Honey. I do too" he kissed me on the forehead. I blushed and nuzzled my face in his chest.

"Fell~...." He giggled

"What I thought you liked kisses~"

"I do!!" I blurted out. Shit shit shit why did I say that. Fell began laughing a little.

"Hah you're such a cutie." Ugh he's embarrassing me so much!!

"Fell shut up~" He didn't respond. Great what did I do?! I looked up at him and my face was covered in dark blue as I was blushing a lot.

"Don't play this game. I don't like it" I whined. He began giggling but didn't respond.

"Fell stop it~" An idea came in mind. He still didn't reply. I began to fake cry. "F-Fell..." I noticed he began to worry.

"Woah, hey babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset" I smiled brightly. The fake tears went away fairly quickly.

"Hah I got you" I hugged him and he blushed.

"Ok c'mon babe. You didn't just do that." Pff of course I did. I giggled a bit.

"Heh yes I did" I kissed him on the cheek and smiled. He rolled his eyes and kissed me on the forehead. I lied my face on his chest and yawned.

"You tired?" I nodded.

"I didn't sleep. I had to take care of you" He hugged me

"Babe you didn-" I cut him off

"Yes I did Fell. You're my boyfriend. I need to be here for you and... protect...you..." I slowly closed my eyes. He giggled and kissed my forehead. I slowly fell asleep. I woke up and there was a blanket over me. Where was fell?...HOLY CRAP WHERE IS HE?! I sat up and began panicking. Shit where did he go?! I looked around and he was nowhere. I stood up and walked to the bedroom. Geez...He was sitting on the other side of the bed but...on the floor? Wait what was he reading? Then I realized it was my journal. Shit how did he find that? I heard him flipping through the pages. He giggled and mumbles stuff like 'cute, adorable, and I know'. Why? He was blushing a little. My old sketch book was also on the floor beside him. He kept giggling. Then he said

"Blue...I love You...I always will and I always have..." I began blushing. He moved both books under my bed again and stood up. He stood up and walked to the door smiling but with his head down. He looked up and froze. Heh maybe I should of left.

"O-oh h-hey blue." He said kind of nervously. I walked up, held both of his cheeks and kissed him. He was surprised but kissed me back. I leaned back dropped my hands slightly and hugged him.

"Fell I love you too.." he hugged me back.

"Sorry for reading your journal." I honestly didn't mind that he read it. He's my boyfriend and he kinda deserves to know.

"Don't worry about it. Read it when you want I don't mind" He smiled but then we both blushed. Shit, doesn't that mean he would want to read it everyday. Shit what did I say?! Fell rubbed my head.

"I won't read anymore unless its overly tempting but I won't read it often" Nice timing. That calmed me down a bit. We both leaned away from the hug. Fell was still hurt badly. You could see slight pain in his eyes. He's going to have to stay at my place. I'm not sure if he likes it but there's no way he's leaving.

"Hey Fell, do you need anything?" I wanted to be as helpful as I could. He's still hurt after all. He shook his head.

"No, I'm good. I kinda wanna sit though. I only have one leg after all" We walked back to the couch and sat down. I looked down at the floor as Fell looked at me.

"Hey are you ok?" I nodded

"Yeah, just thinking..." I kept thinking about Fell. I wanted to take really good care of him. Fell shuffled closer.

"Babe what's wrong?" He held my cheek and made me look at him.

"Fell I just- I have to take care of you. You're my boyfriend, I have to but I'm scared like what if I screw up and make things worse." His hand was so warm. I put my hand on his hand.

"Babe listen, you're doing a great job taking care if me and babe you won't make it worse. Every time I'm with you, my life is better." He slightly began moving his thumb on my cheek. I blushed as he treated me with kindness. I leaned in and kissed him as he kissed me back. I'm happy I choose him. We kept kissing then I leaned back.

"Thank you Fell. I love you" I hugged him. I just adored him so much. He hugs me back.

"I loves you too baby, and I always will" I kept hugging him. I didn't want to let go. I felt his grip loosen quite a bit. I lean back to looked at Fell. Thank god he just fell asleep. I stood up, grabbed a blanket and I put it on top of him. I didn't want him to be cold. I went to my bed room and grabbed my journal. I began to write.

'April 3. 29X. Fell fell asleep...wow that sounded weird. He seemed to be doing better which is good. His leg is still broken. I wish I still had my magic. I would've healed him by now. Anyways, he's probably gonna read this. I love you fell~. Well I'm gonna check up on him.'

I closed my journal and put it under my bed. I stood up and went to check on him. He was still sleeping. In a different position but sleeping. I crouched down and kissed him on the forehead. He smiled a bit. I put my hand on his cheek. He was warm like always. I stood up and left a note for him.

'I'm gonna be in my bedroom.' I went to my room and lied down on my bed. I check on my phone. No new messages. I check my email and the same ol' stuff. Junk mail, bills, stuff like that. There was a good chunk of important mail so I read it all. It was so boring, most of it was news I've already heard before. Anyways, I remembered something. Didn't fell say he wanted to be an drafter or an architect but he was too lazy to find a job for it? I began looking for jobs near this area my phone. I wanted him to be happy. I kept browsing around but at the same time i was slowly falling asleep. I dropped the phone on my chest as I closed my heavy eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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