Another A/N

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Ah, this is embarrassing... I'm sorry for leaving you all hanging for such a long time. I honestly didn't mean for this to happen. I am super sorry for leaving you all on a hiatus. Now that I left you all for so long I would like to know what everyone is thinking. Now that I'm back at school and not lazy I can continue going back to this story or I can quickly end it and depending on what you all want, I will make a story out of that. It can be of absolutely anything. Anime, video game ships, idols, anyone, and anything. Again, if something is requested a lot that I may not know about please be patient and I will do some research. 

I'm going to try my hardest to get back into this. Don't think I'm forcing myself, I had a hell of a time creating this story and I'm just curious if anyone is still reading it or if you are getting bored of this story. Again, I am so sorry for the hiatus but I'm back now and I will update regularly if you all want me to continue to the end.

I hope you all have a good day and yes, I'm alive and this story will not die 

I hope you all have a good day and yes, I'm alive and this story will not die 

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