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Trigger warning
Rapist is a word that gets repeated over and over so there's that too
                       ~Fell's pov~

Ughh fuck. My whole body hurts so much. I open my eyes slowly. Everything is so blurry and shaky. As my vision goes back to normal I notice Blue is cradling me and holding me closely. His head is down and his eyes are closed. He's not sleeping but he's just...down...I try to talk but I end up coughing. Blue opens his eyes quickly and looks at me super worried.

"Fell are you ok?" I nod. I can't really move or talk but I'm fine aside from that. I give a very faint smile. But blue frowns and tears up. "...F-Fell I thought you were gone..." Some of his tears begin falling out. He puts his head on my forehead as I glance up at him. "Fell...I-i was so scared... please don't go..." I try to lift up my arm to hug him but it barely moves. Fuck, my right side hurts so much.

"...B-Blue..*cough*...h-heh..." He looks at me begins crying.

"Fell w-what happened? W-why were you hurt?" His tears fall on my face and they're...warm...

"f-fight..." I said quickly, slightly wincing in pain every time I spoke. I tried to sit up but instead I hurt my right side even more.

"Ow f-fuck!"

"Fell don't do that...you're super hurt." I'm so fucking weak I hate it!

"W-who did you fight?" Crap what do I say now...if I say it's the guy who almost raped him, he's gonna get scared but if I lie I'm a terrible boyfriend.

"I-if I t-tell you you're g-gonna get s-scared..." I couldn't lie to him but I also didn't want to tell him. He looks at me with a reassuring smile.

"Fell nothing would scare me" I knew he was lying but he asked for it.

"...W-well...it was the guy w-who almost raped you..." I saw it in his eyes, fear grew. I didn't want him to be scared. I lifted my arms up and hugged him. I don't care if it hurts me. I hugged him weakly. "B-Blue it's o-ok now". He weakly hugged me back. He was too scared to say anything. I felt like I was gonna pass out again so I lied back down. Blue looked down in a sad/angered way. He stood up and re-adjusted me on the couch.

"I'll be back in a bit..." He said in a serious tone. I looked over at him and he was walking to the kitchen but before I saw what he did I pass out.

I woke up and saw a note on my chest. I leaned over and looked at it.

'Fell this might take a while. Don't be scared. I promise I'll be back!'

Fuck! Where is he going?! I sat up but god did it hurt. I put my shirt and pants back on and stood up. Heh...wow he got me good this time. My leg was still pretty bad so I limped out the door. It was night out, not the best time to find blue. I went walking around in the city but he was no where.

"Blue!!!" My voice echoed...but it was dead silent. I didn't like it at all. I kept walking around, shouting and hoping Blue would respond. He didn't but I saw him. God I hated limping around. I walked closer to him but I stopped moving. My eyes grew more worried as I saw that Blue had a knife in his hand as he stood in front of that ass hole who almost raped him.

"Heh wow! I never thought you would look for me." I hid in an alleyway and watched quietly. Blue lifted his hand with the knife and pointed it at him.

"Don't act stupid. You hurt him...MY boyfriend!" Blue didn't seem scared at all. Nor or happy, sad or mad. He was just neutral...

"Hah! Well you're gonna turn up worse than him." His knife had blood on it. My blood. He ran towards Blue but Blue didn't move. What the fuck was he doing?! As the guy went to hit Blue. Blue hit the knife with his knife.

"Heh. You could put more of a fight than your boyfriend." Blue just ignored him. The guy went to attack again but Blue dodged and stabbed him on the back.

"Haha you could actually hit me too! Now I remember why I almost fucked you..." I had it. If he's gonna keep talking about Blue that way I will-...wait there was someone behind blue. No! Was he the rapist's friend?! The rapist went to hit Blue but instead threw the knife. Blue smiled and went to attack but the guy behind him was already running behind Blue. At this point I don't care about my leg. I ran to Blue and pushed him aside...Aghhh!!

Fuck that was a sharp knife. My arm began bleeding but I didn't care. They were gonna hurt Blue...my Blue. My eye began glowing as I took the knife from Blues hand. I'm not gonna lose to these idiots.

"If your going to fight. You're gonna go threw me first." I had a lot of confidence this time. I'm gonna win. The guy with the knife ran at me. I grabbed him by the neck and stabbed his arm deeply and threw him on the floor. I kicked the knife to Blue as he was still on the floor. He picked up the knife but didn't move. I walked over to the rapist and gave him an evil smile.

"and now your the one with out a weapon" I taunted. He ran up to me trying to punch me but I grabbed him by the neck and stabbed him on the leg. Then cut his cheek deeply.

"AHH!! STOP IT" He yelled but I just ignored him. I threw him on the floor really hard and stabbed him on the right side then I began kicking him...just like he did to me...He was crying and bleeding everywhere.

"Fight me again and I won't stop, hurt Blue and you're gone" I stabbed the knife right through his arm as he yelled but as if I cared. I walked pass his friend and stomped on him.

"That goes for you too" I walked to blue. "alright babe lets-" my eye flickered and I Fell on my knees. I pushed myself to far this time. I felt a sharp pain going though my leg...I couldn't move it. My arm kept bleeding and I just passed out.

I jolted awake. Shit...what happened? Where am I? I looked around and I was in, what seemed to be, Blues room. My whole left arm was bandaged up. My right side was bandaged and my leg...there was a bandaged wrapped tightly on it. There was also a supporter to keep it straight...Did I break it? There was crutches at the side of the bed. Where was Blue? There was a note at the side of the bed.

'I'm on the couch. I left the bed for you' I smiled and I grabbed the crutches and left the room.

"Hey blue" He looked back at me with a worried expression.

"Fell omg" he ran up to me and hugged me. "I was so scared. I'm sorry!! I was so stupid!! I was caught up in the moment and-" I kissed his forehead.

"Blue I'm ok." I gave a faint smile.

"No you're not! You have a broken leg and that's my fault" I kissed him again.

"Shhh babe as long as in with you I'm ok" We both smiled.

I went over and sat on the couch with blue.

I loved him and I'm happy I'm with him.

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