I Was Not Supposed To Find This

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It has been three months since I came to this monastery. If my mind was correct, it was somewhere in August.

All that time I had lived around little changing routine. I wake up in the morning, eat, throw knives until mid day, eat, relax, throw knives, eat, sleep. Every three or four days taking a bath is incerted in that list.

But with forth month rolling I started thinking about my performance a lot more. The only thing I knew was that I wanted to do something with knives, but what exactly?

That question was giving me a headache and people around me didn't help of keeping it mild. At first I believed that this whole festival was just something not really important, but with every month passing, mood was getting grimer and more serious. When I first came here, everybody were relaxed, chatted with their friends or groupies most of the time and had no care in the world, but those things are almost non existing now. More and more people began preparing for new year and more new people were coming.

Me, being cought up with serious mood as well, decided to take a day from knife throwing and spend a day at the library. It was my first time there and I hoped that there was something to get wheels in my head start turning.

After I was done with my breakfast, I told Astrid that I will be cooped in library and went in search of it.

Not long after, I was standing at the entrance of the library in awe. It was stationed in a tower, at the very end of the monastery.

The interior was light, with white stone walls and yellow bookshelves. Corners were supported by pilars that held torches for illumination and gave the round place a bit of edge. From my right I saw stairs swirling around the room up to the second floor. At the very back I could see long stained glass with some dude.

And then I remembered.

Will I be able to read? I do speak their language... I think.....

With a shrug I walked to the first shelve and pulled out random scroll. Rolling it out I was met by a text with an herb in the corner. My eyes went through unknown simbols and my eyes went wide. I could read it. Despite the fact that I saw these simbols for the first time, my brain still processed the information given before me.

I quickly ran my eyes through the texts and pushed the scroll back. Pulling another one I was met with similar texts. Going through a few other shelves, I understood that this floor was for medicine and plant.

I ran up the stairs to second floor and after quick search climbed to third floor. Second floor was for cooking.

Third was for fighting and body improvements.

Fourth for textile.

Fifth for animals and their care.

Sixth for philosophy.

Seventh for um.... for... love and those things....

On seventh floor I was about to give up. I didn't know what I was searching exactly, but nothing in here came close to that unknown.

I began climbing to eighth floor only to be met by metal bars. Looking through gaps, I could see shelves with scrolls, but whole floor was shrouded in darkness and even from here I could smell dust. This floor was, obviously, unused.

But I was curious.

To my right I saw an unlit portable lantern and gates. I pushed the gates, not expecting for them to be unlocked, and with a small groan they opened. I felt thrill seeping through me and I walked in.

I really wanted to go through these scrolls whitout light, but it was impossible to see, so I backed and lit the lanter. Why would they leave lantern with matches and gates open if this floor was unused? I had a feeling that it was even forbidden to go here, but I pushed my luck and went further in.

I placed the lantern on the table and pulled one of the scrolls. Dust went into the air and I quickly covered my nose. Don't want to make any sound incase someone was close.

I rolled the scroll open and frowned. I saw simbols that were close to arabic than greek. Rolling it up, I pushed it back and picked the lantern.

Walking like this made me feel like I was in Harry Potter movie and expected for Severus Snape to just pop up any time. Rest in peace man.

I finally reached the very end of of the floor. Placing my lantern on the table, I turned around and pulled another random scroll. It had a black ribbon around it and with a single pull, it losen up. I looked at the text and went through it. It was some kind of ritual to summon the Poseidon himself.

I felt wheels in my head finally turning. I began putting my performance in place and smiled. If I could find a ritual to summon Hades, then I could add my knives and make a spooky performance. I won't summon him for real, but pretend to.

With new excitment I started pulling scrolls in hurry and searched for Hades name. I went through half the shelf when my eyes cought a scroll pushed in the corner by floor. I pulled it out and ran my eyes through the text. My eyes lit up when I saw Hades name.

I was about to start reading when a groan went througn the room. I froze and turned around, looking through shelves. By the door stood a man and I quickly rolled the scroll up. Pulling my tunic up, I placed the paper roll between the cloths by my hips.

'Who's there?!' The man shouted and he sounded really angry. Severus Snape came to my mind and I quickly picked the lantern. I breathed out, preparing for the worst, and began walking towards the man.

Noticing the faint light coming towards him, he turned to me and watched me as I walked towards him. When I stopped in front of him, I saw his eyebrows go up.

'Representative of Hades.' He said in acknowledgment.

'Sir' I spoke quietly, feeling nervouse all of the sudden.

'What are you doing in here?' He asked calmly, but I could see his eyes glinting with anger.

'I was searching for some material for my performance' I answered not hitting the bush.

He frowned 'this floor is off limits'. I pretended to be surprised.

'Really? Well, I should have understood that from the unlit torches. You don't need to worry, I found nothing new or any secret since all scrolls were in different language' I assured him, trying to act normal with the scroll, hidden underneath my dress.

The man, who was the one who spoke about the festival, looked at me and then around the floor, as if to be sure I came alone.

'You better go back, representative of Hades.' He said and took a step away for me to leave through iron gates. I quickly went through them and turned around. The man stayed at the dark floor and closed the gates behind him, seperating us.

'Remember, this floor is allowed only for higher ranks of this monastery' he said and walked further. I lost him to darkness after a few steps of his and quickly turned away, asending the stairs down.

'Please don't find me out' I prayed and fled from the library with my side itching where the scroll was, reminding me of my crime.

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