4. Trouble Comes In All Shapes And Sizes

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Staring at her reflection in the full length mirror, Lydia wondered if she had made the right choice with her outfit. She had opted for a white fitted tuxedo jumpsuit that showed enough cleavage while still keeping it classy with silver matching belt silver metallic heels, her long dark brown hair was loosely curled and swept over to one side. Her naturally bronzed skin set well against the stark white outfit.

The brunette was petite at only 5 '2' but her heels added a few much needed inches to pull off the outfit. Although a size 6, Lydia had small gentle curves where it mattered but she couldn't see it, she didn't see what others saw in her. Lydia never saw how her blue eyes sparkled, how her lips looked like they had spent hours kissing, plumped and bright pink.

She had been with Sam since such a young age that she was unaware of the affect she had on men, Lydia never noticed if a guy was checking her out or flirting with her. Often on a girls night out Dani would inform her that men were hitting on her but Lydia never believed her friend. The brunette always felt like a fiancé and mother that was it, she was never really sure of who she was, those titles were what felt somewhat comfortable to her, she didn't know anything else.

Twenty minutes later Lydia pulled up to the stadium, the place was packed already as hoards of fans and countless reporters surrounded the football grounds, all eager to see the clubs new signing. Parking her midnight purple Range Rover, the brunette and her daughter got out of the car and headed for the clubs side entrance. The entrance was reserved for players and staff of the team allowing them to avoid the queues.

The girls soon found their seats in the VIP box area as Lydia looked around, "Don't worry he'll be here he wouldn't miss this" said Gabriella sensing her mothers impatience, "I know" replied Lydia trying hard to look comfortable. The brunette allowed her daughter to believe she had been looking for her fiancé Sam, she wasn't about to tell her who she had been really checking for, no that was something she would keep to herself. Giving one last glance around the box she decided it was safe and turned to face the pitch below ready to watch the new stars entrance. She could fake ease and enjoyment couldn't she? she convinced herself.

The stadium was packed, banners draped across seats and fans waving flags with the new signings name printed in big bold letters. The crowd were singing and chanting including Gabriella, the teenager was so excited as Lydia watched her daughter clap and cheer.

Suddenly the crowd erupted as the tannoy announced the arrival of the club manager. Jose walked onto the makeshift stage in the centre of the pitch, the chants hushed as he began to speak, the lights of the stadium began to dim as spotlights appeared as huge dots on the grass. Lydia stared intently at the white platform in front of her, watching as Jose spoke without hearing his words. Sam came to sit by her side but nothing could tear her eyes from the stage, her fiancé leaned into her talking into her ear something about where he had been but Lydia couldn't take it in, No at this moment her mind was fixated on what was transpiring before her.

"We are so happy to announce the arrival or should I say return of our new signing Cristiano Ronaldo" There it was she thought, that name, as her eyes wandered to the tunnel. The crowd erupted once again and the spotlights moved to shine on the tunnel, within seconds a figure appeared all dressed in red, the team strip, hands above his head as he clapped along to the chants from the crowd.

Lydia looked up at the huge screen above the stage, the whole ceremony was being beamed from it for the crowd to see. Suddenly a face appeared on the screen large as life, his dazzling smile lit up the stadium. The brunette couldn't help notice his bright white teeth set against his perfectly bronzed skin, and those eyes, well they were delicious in all their caramel goodness. His hair looked like silk, chocolate silk that urges you to run your hands through it.

As he stood there looking proud Lydia took in his figure as one single thought streamed through her mind "Shit" she thought. "I'm in trouble".

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