Chapter 5 - Familiar

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Back in the players lounge Gabriella had found some teenagers to hang with, most of them being kids of the club staff but a few of them were players kids, while Lydia enjoyed a cold glass of sparkling champagne with her fiancé Sam and a few of his colleagues.

Suddenly the room erupted into a round of applause, Lydia looked up to see Cristiano Ronaldo enter the lounge. He waved at the crowds before stopping to shake hands with a few of the club executives. Lydia watched him as he laughed and joked, his smile lit up the room and people flocked around him, everyone wanting a second of his time.

"I'll be back in a moment honey" said Sam as he leaned in to kiss his fiancé on the cheek, Lydia nodded not really taking in what he was saying as she continued to stare at the footballer.

Sam walked over to where Cristiano was standing and Lydia watched as the pair shook hands, they chatted for a few seconds before Sam turned to face where she was standing and pointed over, before she knew it the pair were heading in her direction.

Lydia's heart began to race as she realised what was about to happen, realising she had to get out of there she quickly turned and headed towards the nearest door she could find, plonking her glass heavily on the bar as she passed.

Reaching the door she pushed the metal bar hard as the door swung open allowing her to escape before the door banged shut behind her, suddenly a loud screeching sound filled the building. "Fuck" she sighed as she realised the door was a fire exit and had triggered the alarm.  Looking around she noticed the stairs ahead and began to make her way downstairs which was proving hard in her heels.

The crowd began to disperse from the player's lounge as the security team ushered people towards the main door. Sam looked around for Lydia but she was nowhere to be seen. Just then Gabriella came to her Father's side, "Hey Dad" she said shyly noticing who he was standing with, "Where's Mum?" she asked. "She was here a minute ago, I don't know where she's got to" he replied taking out his phone and dialling Lydia's number. Within a second she picked up. "Hey honey, where are you? the alarms going off and we need to leave" said Sam pushing the phone hard to his ear in order to hear his fiancé, he could hear the alarm going off wherever Lydia was too.

"I'm in the bathroom" she lied, having to think quickly. "Have you got Gabriella?" she asked pretending that she wasn't the one who set the alarm off and that there was really an emergency. "Yea she's beside me now, can you get out ok?" he asked sounding worried, Lydia began to feel guilty for making Sam worry about her safety when there was no real danger.

"yea I'm near the exit, I'll meet you at the car" she replied. "Ok see you soon baby" Sam replied making her bubble of guilt bigger, he was always so nice to her and here she was lying to him and making him worry about her, not to mention having the whole club evacuated for a fake emergency. Lydia hung up the phone and continued her wobbly attempt down the stairs.

Sam turned to his daughter "Your mum is fine she's meeting us at the car", Gabriella smiled knowing her mum was safe but soon turned her attentions to the star footballer in her presence, this was a dream for the young girl, this man was her idol and here he was standing mere steps from her.

Just then one of the security guards came over and began to usher the three of them out of the room and onto the stairway "Keep to the left people and keep walking" he shouted towards the crowd who where now on the stairwell.

Sam had noticed how in awe his daughter was of the footballer and turned to Cristiano as they began to make their way downstairs. "Well you didn't get to meet my beautiful fiancé but can I introduce you to my beautiful daughter" he said.

Gabriella's face began to redden as Cristiano leaned past Sam to shake the young girls hand "Hi" said Cristiano, Gabriella giggled "Hi",
Cristiano laughed at her reaction, "what is your name?" he asked
"Gabriella" was all that she could say, "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he replied. "thank you" she giggled again, she couldn't believe her idol was shaking her hand and actually talking to her, she had been watching this man play football for as long as she could remember, it was a dream come true to actually meet him in person.

They had reached the bottom of the stairs and were now making their way into the car park, just then an older man approached Ronaldo and whispered something to him. "I'm sorry, I have to go but it was so nice meeting both of you" said Cristiano as he shook Sam's hand once more, "It was nice to meet you too and hopefully next time you can meet my fiancé" replied Sam. "I would like that" replied Ronaldo before leaning over and ruffling the young girls hair making her giggle "see you soon Gabriella" he added before turning and walking away.

Gabriella turned to her dad as her mouth fell open in shock at what had just happened, Sam laughed and put his arm around her shoulder pulling his daughter to him, "Don't touch my hair dad, Cristiano Ronaldo touched it and I'm never washing it again" she exclaimed causing Sam to laugh harder as they made their way to Lydia's car where she was sat in the driver's seat.

As Lydia set off on the journey home Sam spoke about how strange it was that the fire alarm had gone off but there seemed to be no sign of a fire, Lydia just shrugged "sometimes these alarms can be a bit sensitive and the simplest of things can set them off" she added, lying once more, what was one more little lie after all she thought.

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