Chapter 50

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I wake to the sound of the radio playing downstairs and Gabby's laughter filling the air. I rub my eyes then wince when I hit a tender spot with the back of my hand and suddenly the memory of the last few days comes flooding back to me.

Shaking my head to rid myself of the fearful thoughts replaying in my mind like a scene from a bad movie, I glance beside me and find Cris gone, with only the dent in his pillow left as a reminder of him.

Slipping out of bed, I head downstairs to find him dancing around the kitchen like an idiot while Gabby falls around laughing on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island.

'So, this is how you keep so fit then is it?' I smile at Cris as he stops dancing and moves towards me as if he's about to kiss me, but then suddenly remembers he can't in front of Gabby.

'It does the trick.' He smiles back and gives me a knowing nod. 'I didn't think you'd be up yet, and I was just entertaining Gabby here.'

I move to the fridge and grab a bottle of water. 'Is that what you call it?'

Gabby laughs. 'Mum, you missed the best of it.'

I take the seat beside my daughter and give her a quick peck on the side of her head. 'That might not be a bad thing love, if what I saw is anything to go by.'

Cris gives me a cheeky wink from across the island and I feel my stomach flutter in response.

'So, Mum....' Gabby turns to me. 'When are we going home and when are you going to tell me how you got that black eye?' She looks at Cris. 'Not that I don't love staying here at my absolute idol's house of course, but I need my own stuff.'

'That's fair.' Cris nods then looks at his watch. 'I suppose I better get to practice. He gives us both a warm smile then heads out of the kitchen.

'I'll be back in a minute sweetie.' I hop off the stool and follow Cris out into the hallway where he's collecting his bag from the cupboard by the front door.

'Hey, thanks for this.' I glance back over my shoulder towards the kitchen just to make sure there's no prying eyes before I lean up and give Cris a quick peck on the lips.

He lingers on my lips for a few seconds and whispers. 'What's mine is yours, remember?'

'I know.' I nod and pull away before anyone sees us. 'I'm going to talk to Gabby today and tell her everything.' I glance down at the floor. 'Well, almost everything. I can't tell her just how much of a monster her dad is. I can't destroy her like that.'

'Hey.' He reaches out and takes my hand. 'You didn't make him do the things he did, and you shouldn't have to cover for his shitty actions either. But I get why you're trying to protect your daughter. And if you need me.... for absolutely anything then just let me know.'

'Well, actually.' I look up at him. 'I was thinking of trying to go back to the house this morning –'

Cris shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something, but I put my fingers to his lips and stop him. 'Just to grab a few of our things while Sam is hopefully still out of the country.'

'I don't feel comfortable about this.' He says against my fingers. 'Can you at least wait till I can be there with you just in case he turns up?'

'Well, that's where I need your help.' I say trailing my fingers from his lips down onto his chest. 'I know it's unlikely Sam will be back already since we don't all have access to private jets at the click of a finger....'

Cris smirks and shrugs. 'Well, what can I say? It's just one of the perks of being an all-round footballing legend.' He gives me a cheeky little wink. 'But what do you need me to do?'

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