Chapter 19 - One Night Stand

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Cristiano stirred, stretching his arm out across the bed in search of her soft skin, he craved to have her close again. His eyes sprung open when he could feel nothing but the coolness of the sheets. She was gone.

Leaning up on his elbows, he looked around the room, the clothes he had peeled from her body last night were gone, only his lay scattered across the floor, including the sweatshirt of his that Lydia had worn the night before. He smiled, remembering how he had undressed her, each of them taking turns to strip away the layers of fabric that stood between them, tossing the clothes around, desperate to feel skin against skin.

Getting up from the bed, Cristiano pulled on his shorts and walked into the lounge, maybe Lydia was there making coffee, or so he hoped, but the place was empty. Her bag and phone both gone from the coffee table.

Running a hand through his dark hair he thought for a moment, she had fled like a thief in the night, leaving him sleeping, no goodbye, no kiss, nothing.

Cristiano wondered how he hadnt heard her leave but he had been out cold, in a deep sleep. It had been a while since he'd slept so good, being with Lydia had left him satisfied, and laying with her in his arms as they fell asleep had given him a feeling of contentment, a feeling he hadnt felt in years.

Picking up his phone from the table he quickly dialled her number, the need to see her again filled him like an inferno, to touch her, he had to know,to understand why she'd fled in the night, hadnt she felt what he had when they had been wrapped in each others arms only hours ago. For him it had been more than sex, so much more. The call ran straight to voicemail.

Cristiano sighed, Lydia had treated him like a one night stand, fleeing in the night and now he couldn't contact her, frustrated, he tossed the phone onto the couch. He had to do something, had to see her.  The footballer had had his fair share of one night stands but usually it was him sneaking out during the night or trying eagerly to get rid of the woman as quick as possible the next morning, but never had it been a woman rushing out on him.  He shook his head at the thought that maybe karma had came to pay him a visit. He had looked forward to waking with Lydia curled beside him so that they could talk, cuddle and maybe even repeat the events of last night.

Remembering something Dani had mentioned during her drunken night in his suite, he rushed back towards the ensuite and quickly showered.


Lydia stretched and let out a long yawn, after her 6 AM shower she'd decided to catch an hour of sleep before she would have to get up to drive Gabriella to school. Lifting her phone from the bedside cabinet to check the time, thinking that it was strange she'd woken before the alarm after such a late night. Pressing the button, the phone failed to light up and suddenly Lydia realised that in her tiredness she had completely forgotten to set an alarm or even charge her phone. Jumping up from the bed, she ran into her dressing room to check the silver clock that hung on the wall, it was 10:45 AM. "Fuck" she cursed to herself as she ran out into the hallway towards her daughters bedroom, they had seriously overslept.

Pushing open the door she saw the bed was empty and had already been made up, rushing downstairs she noticed that Sam was gone from the couch, where he had drunkenly fallen asleep in the early hours of that morning.  Walking into the kitchen, she headed straight for the kettle, noticing the post it note stuck to the handle, it read; 
Gone to school, Sophie's mum picked me up so don't worry,
 Dad said not to wake you. 
Love Ya, G.x

Lydia smiled at the note, she could relax now she thought as she boiled the kettle. She had worried that Sam, in his hungover state had driven the teenager to school, putting both their lives in danger. Thinking about Sam, she remembered how angry he had been when she'd come home, how his temper had almost woken their daughter. Lydia shuddered at the thought of Gabriella seeing her dad like that, the pair had always had such a close bond and that was something Lydia was determined to keep strong, the young girl adored her father. 

The relationship between her daughter and Sam was something that meant the world to Lydia since her relationship with her own father had been strained for many years while she was growing up, she'd often watched friends laughing with their dads and wished she'd had that for herself. It wasn't until Lydia was in her late 20's that she had managed to forge somewhat of a close relationship with her father and only a few short years later he had died. His death had left her feeling robbed, something she never spoke about to anyone, not even Sam.

Taking a seat on the sofa by the huge patio doors that filled one wall of the kitchen, Lydia sipped her tea and looked out onto the garden. The sun was shining, illuminating the deck that lay beyond the glass doors, it was beautiful Lydia thought as she watched some birds come to land on the outdoor furniture. It was early spring and the days were getting lighter, for all that the sun was out today Lydia knew it would be cold outside but she couldn't wait till summer rolled in and the days got warmer and she could get back out into the garden again.

Her mind wandered back to the good times they'd had as a family in the beautiful garden, hosting barbecues and late night summer party's for friends and family, Lydia found herself smiling at the memories before her mind shifted back to last night and her tryst with Cristiano. Images of him hovering over her as she laid on his bed flashed through her mind, he had kissed almost every part of her, looked at her as if he had been starved of oxygen and she was his only source, she could almost feel his lips on her now as her hand lifted subconsciously to her mouth to feel where he had nibbled.

Lydia hadn't kissed so much in years, her lips were almost swollen, she'd been surprised that Sam hadn't noticed but then again when she'd come home this morning he had been too drunk to notice anything. 

Just then her phone that had been charging on the kitchen counter vibrated with an incoming message. Getting up, Lydia walked over to the phone and clicked on the message, it was from Sam;
Working late tonight, don't wait up.
Lydia sighed, pushing the phone back down onto the counter, the message may have been short and direct but she knew all too well what the undertone of the message was, Sam was in a mood with her and was going to make her suffer for it, his avoidance of her was his way of punishing her for what he felt she had done wrong, it was his usual move and she'd grown used to it. The only difference was, this time she had done something wrong, something very wrong, she had slept with another man. Maybe she deserved Sam's moodiness towards her this time she thought.

She would have to make it up to him even though he didn't know about her indiscretion, she would find a way to fix her family as she always did whenever Sam went into one of his moods with her, she had to, if not for Sam then for Gabriella. Lydia thought about her daughter and the way she was with her dad and suddenly felt a stab of guilt for the first time since she'd fled from Cristiano's room.

The teenager deserved to have a family that was together, to be brought up in a house where she had both a mother and a father who loved each other. She couldn't let the bond that Sam and Gabriella had be broken because of a stupid mistake she'd made, she had to make sure that her one night stand remained a secret, because that's all it was, a one night stand. Last night had been amazing and she would never forget it but it couldn't happen again, it was wrong.

Lydia told herself what she'd done with the footballer was wrong but somehow it hadn't felt wrong to her and sitting here now, back in the comfort of her own home and in the light of day it still didn't feel wrong, mentally scolding herself she tried hard to convince herself that it was wrong.

Right there and then Lydia made a vow to herself to do whatever it took to keep her family together, she would put last nights activities down to a moment of madness and move on, be the fiancé that Sam wanted and the mother that Gabriella deserved, after all that was what mattered most to her.

Cristiano Ronaldo was nothing more than a one night stand. Period.

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