3. Just One little Lie

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"Don't worry, I promise everything's ok" said Lydia hugging her daughter as they stood on the front steps of the house. The brunette had managed to convince Gabriella that she wasn't avoiding Sam, that it had been her best friend Dani on the phone but that they had got disconnected and that's why it had looked like no one was on the phone when the young girl walked into the room.

A car pulled into the driveway as Lydia broke apart from the hug, pushing a strand of hair behind Gabriella's ear the brunette looked at her daughter "Sophie's mum's here, go to school and leave the worrying to me in future, your dad and I are fine" even as she heard herself say the words Lydia wasn't sure if they were true but she had to reassure the young girl. "Ok mum, see you at dinner" replied Gabriella before kissing her mother's cheek and running towards the waiting car.

Lydia watched her daughter as the car drove off knowing that she'd told another lie, it was something she had to do but still it made her feel uneasy, but the truth was too scary a prospect.

2 Days Later

"Sam I can't just drop everything and come to the club" sighed Lydia "Gabriella won't want to miss it and I can't get away to pick her up" replied Sam. Lydia had been working in the boutique when her fiancé called to invite the mother and daughter to Old Trafford for Cristiano Ronaldo's welcoming ceremony. "C'mon do it for Gabriella, surely Dani can cover at the boutique for one night" added Sam when there was no response from Lydia, feeling stuck for a way out the brunette huffed "Fine I'll do it, I'll bring Gabriella to the club" , "Thanks honey, you'll have a great time, oh and there's a dinner after the ceremony so wear something formal" replied Sam "What!!!" exclaimed Lydia "You never mentioned a dinner" "I've got to go Lyd's. I'll see you tonight" interrupted Sam "Wait, I can't..." replied Lydia but it was too late Sam had already hung up.

"Is everything ok?" asked Dani approaching the cash desk where the brunette was perched on a stool. Dani was Lydia's employee at the boutique but she was also her best friend for the last 16 years, the pair knew everything about each other and were as close as sister's.

Dani was a typical blonde bombshell with perfect hair and a body to match, Lydia had always envied her amazing boobs, just the right size to be eye catching but not too much, although the blonde loved to show as much cleavage as possible, she was so confident unlike Lydia who had always been self conscious of her body especially around men.

"It's Sam, he wants me to take Gabriella to Old Trafford tonight" replied the brunette "And that's a problem how?" asked Dani "Don't you always go to the matches as a family" she added lifting a sparkly pink pen from the tub on the counter.

Lydia sighed "Yea but this isn't a match, it's the new signing at the clubs welcoming ceremony"

"Oh who's the new signing, is it someone hot?" asked the blonde as she began tapping the pen on the counter

"Cristiano Ronaldo" came Lydia's reply as she watched the pen bounce up and down rapidly on the desk

"Wow, hot isn't the word, he is off the charts" Dani remarked pretending to fan herself with her free hand whilst still tapping the pen on the counter with the other

"It's not just the ceremony there's a dinner afterwards and I just have too much on at the moment with the boutique" moaned Lydia as the noise of the tapping began to resemble the sound of a drill going through concrete

Everything seemed to be irritating her at the moment, normally she was pretty laid back but for the last few days the simplest of things were getting to her.

"I can take care of the shop, that's no problem. You should go have a good time it's an excuse to get glammed up for the evening" replied the blonde "Damn I should go to that dinner, although the only thing I would be eating would be Mr Ronaldo" she added as the tapping of the pen quickened

Lydia slammed her hand down on the pen instantly stopping the irritating sound. "Geez what's got you in such a grump today?" asked Dani staring at her friend. "Nothing, I'm just tired" replied the brunette as she took the pen, placing it back in the tub "Well you better liven up for tonight because I want a picture of that hot piece of ass, maybe even an autograph, although I may save that for when I meet him in person, get him to sign my bra or something like that" laughed Dani.

Lydia got up from the stool, making her way around the counter "I'll be in the office I have some calls to make , only disturb me in an emergency" . "Yes Sir" replied Dani sarcastically saluting the brunette.

The blonde watched her friend make her way to the back of the shop wondering what had gotten into her today. Lydia was never moody, maybe the odd time when she was on her period and they had run out of chocolate biscuits, but Dani knew that wasn't the problem today, as best friends they had come to know each other's cycles and would regularly have a moan about it to each other, they were normally days apart from each other, Lydia usually being first and Dani had hers last week so she knew that wasn't the problem.

'She'll tell me later when she's ready' Dani thought to herself, they were best friends who told each other everything, nothing was ever a secret for long between them.

Once in the privacy of her office Lydia slumped in the white leather desk chair with her head in her hands, she wanted nothing more than to confide in her best friend but she knew she couldn't, no one would understand, this would be a secret she would have to take to the grave she told herself.

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