Chapter 29 - I Spy with My Little Eye.....

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Lydia slid quietly into bed beside a drunk, snoring Sam, careful of her movements so as not to wake him.

After her tryst with Cristiano and near exposure, they had both searched around the hallway and kitchen to find the one that had spied them in a passionate embrace. Upon entering the kitchen, they'd both saw that Dani and Sam were still sitting in the garden, deep in conversation.

Relieved that her dirty little secret was still safe, Lydia had practically ushered the footballer out of the house, one mini heart attack was enough for one night and knowing that she couldn't trust herself around him and his sexy brown eyes, she knew she had to get him out of there and fast.

He'd made his excuses about having to get up early for training and quickly left, offering Dani a lift home on the way. Dani had gratefully accepted, happy to be free from the drunk ramblings of Sam.

Soon after they'd gone, Lydia had quickly gone into clean up mode, while Sam had continued to drink himself into a stupor before making his way, or rather tripping his way upstairs, then falling into bed, still fully clothed.

Lying in the dark, Lydia thought about her kiss with Cristiano, it had been a close call. They never found out what had caused the noise they'd heard but she was just glad that it hadn't been Sam stumbling upon them. 
By now it was obvious to herself that she couldn't resist the footballer, she'd managed to stay away from him for a week but her resolve had softened the minute he'd placed his strong arms around her waist and as soon as his lips met hers she was gone.

Her phone gently vibrated on top of the bedside table and Lydia quickly reached to grab it before it woke the snoring mess beside her, although with the amount of alcohol he'd consumed tonight she thought that he might not wake for the next week.

Looking at the screen she saw a text from Cristiano:
I'm coming by the store tomorrow, be there.

Lydia smiled, both at the thought of seeing him again in just a few short hours but also at the arrogance of his text. 
There was no polite asking of her company, instead he had demanded it and usually it wasn't something she found endearing or sexy in a man but somehow with Cristiano it worked, he knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it and she loved that about him. His determination and drive made her want to be a better person, be the best possible version of herself.

Not bothering to reply, she tucked the phone under her pillow and closed her eyes, gently drifting off to sleep with the biggest smile across her face. If he could demand then she could play hard to get and keep him wondering if she would be there.

The next morning Lydia awoke to the sounds of Sam cussing beside her, turning around she saw him jump up from the bed and swiftly move around the room, opening and closing the dresser drawers, pulling a shirt and tie from them before running towards the bathroom.
Reaching under the pillow to retrieve her phone, turning it on she noticed the time. It was almost 9. AM. Now she understood the swearing, Sam had overslept.

Getting up she quickly made her way downstairs, deciding to make her fiancé a cup of strong coffee to go, figuring after his night of hard drinking he would need it. 
Walking into the kitchen she stopped in shock to see Gabriella sitting at the table. "Gabby honey, you scared me to death. What are you doing here so early, I thought you were staying over at Sophie's. Is everything ok?" she asked suddenly feeling very worried that something awful had happened to her daughter.

Gabriella shook her head, barely looking up at her mother, "I'm fine" she mumbled.
Lydia quickly moved over to the table and took a seat beside the teenager, she could tell that something was bothering the young girl. 
"Are you sure baby because you look a little down, are you feeling ill?" she asked putting her hand on Gabriella's forehead to check if she was burning up.
 "I said I'm fine" yelped Gabriella as she jumped up from the table, "Geez can't I just have a minute alone without you trying to smother me, I said I'm fine so just leave me alone" she shouted before storming out of the room leaving Lydia speechless.

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