Chapter 47

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"What's up Lydia, aren't you pleased to see me?" asks Sam with a wicked grin painted on his face.

It takes me a long moment to catch my breath as I try to recover from the shock of seeing Sam standing here in front of me. He leans down into me to whisper in my ear, he's so close his lips almost brush against my skin making every hair on my body stand on end.
"Having fun on your dirty little holiday are you?" He asks.

There's a nasty tone to his voice to match the evil glint in his eyes as he steps back to look me up and down with a look of utter disgust on his face and I'm left in no doubt as to what Sam thinks of my sexy outfit meant for Cristiano. I try to take a step back to put some distance between us but instead I'm forced forward when I back into someone and bounce off them. Sam grabs hold of my wrist as I lurch towards him, gripping it so tight that I'm actually  starting to worry that he might just cut off my circulation.

I attempt to yank my arm out of his grasp but it's no good, he's too strong. Everyone around us continues to go about their business, enjoying their night of drinking and dancing on an island paradise, oblivious to the fact that for me, paradise is well and truly over.  It's now beginning to feel as though I've been transported to my own version of hell by the devil himself.

I subtly glance around me hoping and praying that Cristiano is somewhere nearby when Sam once again leans in to me. "Looking for lover boy?." he asks wickedly.
I shake my head and pretend not to know who he's talking about.
"Aw, don't play dumb with me Lydia, I know you all too well. You're not here, dressed like a slut-" he says giving me another disgusted look up and down as he continues his insult. "You're not dressed like that just to sit alone at a bar downing glasses of wine like some sad little housewife. I know you're looking for him."
I shake my head again. "I have no idea what you're talking about Sam" I try to add a whimsical chuckle to my voice to help my lie, but instead it comes out as more of a nervous laugh which only succeeds in pissing Sam off even more than he already is.
"Well, I wish I could say it pains me to tell you this, but actually it really doesn't. In fact it delights me to inform you that not ten minutes ago Mr big shot footballer was making his way down to the beach with a very sexy, tall blonde and I'm pretty sure it's to do more than look at the stars if you catch my drift." Sam adds with an evil twinkle in his eye.

His words cut straight to my heart like a knife laced with poison. For a split second I'm sure Cristiano would never do such a thing, but then the memory of our fight flashes through my mind. I hurt him, I hurt him bad and he left thinking I didn't love him and with women throwing themselves at him all the time, it could happen. The thought of Cris even touching another woman makes my stomach hurt but I'm forced to admit to myself that it could possibly be a possibility.

Before I can collect my thoughts I'm being dragged through the crowds back towards the exit so fast I can barely keep up in my heels. Once we're outside Sam's grip on my wrist tightens as he marches on ahead, practically dragging me behind him.
"Sam" I call, "Where are we going?"
Sam spins around to face me, yanking me towards him as he turns. "What's up Lydia? Have you been in his bed so long you can't even remember the route back to your own villa?"

I don't even have the chance to respond before he's dragging me along behind him again as he marches off towards my villa.
"How do you think I felt coming all the way here to be shown to your villa only to find out you've packed up your things and shacked up with him?" Sam yells through gritted teeth. "How do you think that makes me look Lydia?"

We reach the villa and Sam kicks open the door then practically tosses me inside. I stumble a few feet and nearly lose my balance, catching myself on the back of the small sofa in the centre of the room. Sam slams the door shut behind him then comes charging towards me just as I turn to face him. His hand flies to my neck wrapping around my throat with an intense pressure as he backs me hard against the couch.

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