Chapter 46

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I watch from the floor of our villa as Cristiano paces up and down on the deck outside repeatedly running a hand roughly through his hair, leaving it tousled and if I'm honest, kinda sexy. With the patio doors closed it's hard to hear exactly what he's saying, but from his stance and the gestures he's been making with his hands I'm guessing it's not a pleasant conversation he's having with whoever is on the other end of his phone.

I return to packing my suitcase, carefully folding the few dresses I brought before tucking them neatly into the corners of the case to leave room for the bag of new outfits Cristiano bought me a few days ago. After confessing to him about what exactly was going on back home at with Sam, Cris took me on a mini shopping spree here at the resort. Of course, I declined at first insisting I could pay for my own new wardrobe, but Cris was adamant that it be his treat and so I conceded and instead revelled in being spoiled.

It's our last day here in paradise and I'm sad to be leaving our own private little bubble of love, but then I think of Gabby and seeing her face again and I'm instantly cheered up. I can't wait to have some much needed mother/daughter time and hear all about her own little holiday. I find myself smiling as I pack up the last of the new clothes, leaving out the nicest piece for dinner tonight with the love of my life.

"I said leave it okay." Cristiano snaps loudly, pulling me from my thoughts as I turn to see him storming back towards the patio doors. "I have to go" he huffs into the phone and I watch him snatch it from his ear then abruptly end the call.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as he comes inside.
The sexy smile I can never resist quickly returns to his face as he crouches down in front of me. "Just Jorge being Jorge. Nothing for you to worry about." he says before planting a soft kiss on my lips. You'd think I'd be used to his kisses by now, but each time his lips meet mine my body's sent on a whirlwind of erotic sensations.

He pulls back all too soon leaving my mouth hungry for more and I'm forced to instead take my delights in the way his dark eyes look at me. Loving and hot with desire.
"You really did save the best for last didn't you?" Cris says reaching over to the bed to lift the leather shorts and sheer shirt combo I laid out that I plan on wearing tonight for dinner.
"I thought you'd approve" I grin.

When I had tried the outfit on in the store a few days ago Cristiano's eyes had told me exactly what he thought of it before I had even the chance to ask. The way he looked at me in the ensemble, I thought he was about to have his way with me right there in the fitting room. Thankfully he managed to control himself and we were saved from being arrested for public indecency.

"Oh, I very much approve" Cris says with a wink before pulling me back on top of him as he lets himself fall back onto the floor. I land on him with a yelp as his arms wrap around my waist holding my body tight to his. 
"I can't believe our holiday here is almost over" I sigh as I stare down at him.
Cris lifts a hand to push back a lock of hair from my face as he studies me. "This one may be coming to an end, but once we tell the world we're together then I promise you we'll have many more holidays even better than this one." he says.
"And then Gabby can come too" I say excitedly as I begin to picture my future with Cristiano.
"Of course, Gabby too." he smiles.
I smile back at him and just as he reaches up to kiss me, a loud buzzing sound from across the floor almost makes me jump out of his arms.

I glance back over my shoulder to see my phone vibrating along the floor beside my suitcase. I almost fly across the room on my knees to get to it, and reach it just as the buzzing stops.
"It was Sam calling" I say holding the phone up for Cristiano to see as he sits up.
Suddenly the warm, loving mood I was in vanishes only to be replaced with a deep feeling of dread and fear. I run a hand anxiously through my hair, pushing it back off my face before nervously biting down on my pinky nail as I wonder what I should do.

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