Chapter 38 - Playing The Part

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The early summer weather had changed from scorching sunny days to nothing but grey clouds and rain, it was as if the weather could sense how she was feeling and was sympathising thought lydia as she stared out of the window to the world outside of her dressing room.

It had been a whole week since she'd left the house, other than to pick up some shopping she hadn't been out the door, and even then Sam had monitored her trip to and from the supermarket, with constant texts and calls.

Sam had upped his level of monitoring her. He would constantly call the house to check she hadn't gone out and Lydia was bombarded with questions when he came home. It was taking its toll on her as she often felt exhausted, falling into bed each night with a headache.
Most nights Sam would go out and either come back in the middle of the night or not at all, but Lydia didn't care, she was just glad of the breathing space from him.

Slouched on the sofa by the window, Lydia looked out at the dark sky. Her world had become so small and empty and her mind conjured up images of her and Cristiano sat at a little café, sharing a chocolate sundae. Both of them smiling and laughing, and to her right now, in this room, it felt like a world away from what she was going through.

She hadn't heard from the footballer since the night he had waited outside of her house, Sam had cheerfully informed her that he had blocked Cristiano's number from her phone, meaning that there was no way the footballer could contact her. 
Lydia worried about what Cristiano must be thinking. Only a week ago she had promised to leave Sam so they could spend their lives together and now she had cut off all contact with him. 
Lydia just hoped that the footballer would know better than to think she would just leave him hanging like that, but then again she had run out on him so many times that he'd probably given up on her and moved on.
The thought made her feel sick to her stomach, but there was nothing she could do to stop him.

Lydia sank further into the sofa, pulling a woollen blanket around herself. Tears welled up in her eyes. The dressing room had become her little place of solitude and escapism, where she could come and be among the rails upon rails of clothes, shoes and handbags.

She'd taken years to collect some of the pieces hanging in her closet and was proud of the collection she had built up over time. Fashion made her happy and it had been the only thing getting her through some of the dark times in her life. Getting glammed up each day was about more than looking good for Lydia, it had been a saviour and at times, her only friend.

Some days when she was feeling a little low, she'd come and be amongst the clothes and shoes and feel that there was hope for a better time. Fashion had always inspired her and had been what led to opening the boutique, allowing Lydia some independence, but now that was gone. She missed the store terribly, not to mention spending time with her best friend.

Dani had called and text many times, but Lydia, as usual had pretended everything was fine and that she was just taking time out to spend it with her family. She wished more than anything that she could confide in her best friend, but she was scared of Sam finding out and the risk of losing Gabriella overwhelmed her.

Lydia was feeling even more trapped than ever and was beginning to feel a little cabin fever, she had to get outside and breath, but there was nowhere she could go without Sam spying on her. Suddenly she had an idea, she could go visit Aunt Olivia in London. Sam surely wouldn't object to that she thought, it had been a while since Lydia had seen the older woman and the thought of a catch up with one of her only living family members other than Gabriella made her smile.

She could pack a bag, drive down and spend a few days with the old woman she thought to herself as she got up and pulled a small suitcase out from the cupboard. Just then Sam walked into the room. 
Lydia looked up from where she was sat on the floor, "Is Gabriella in her room, I can go make her a snack" she asked.
Sam had now taken over the role of driving their daughter to and from school, an activity Lydia missed dearly. It was a time for her and Gabriella to chat, where she could find out what was going on in the young girl's life but Sam had taken that from her.
"No, she's at a friend's house for dinner. What are you doing?" he asked looking at the open suitcase.
"Why didn't you let me know she was going elsewhere for dinner. I was hoping to have a chat with her about going to Aunt Olivia's for a few days "said Lydia as she got up and moved towards the rails of clothes picking out a few items.

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