Chapter 34 - ...Are All That We Have

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Lydia smiled into the mirror as Cristiano came up behind her to place a kiss on her neck, "I feel like I'm dreaming" he said and Lydia turned to face him, "Is that because I look like an angel?" she joked and Cristiano laughed as his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him. "You do look like an angel so I can't argue with that, but It feels like a dream because I'm watching you get ready here, in my bathroom, in my house. I never thought that would happen."

"I can't believe it either" she replied looking into his eyes. "It's been amazing, even if it was only for one night".
Cristiano frowned and took a deep breath before taking her hand and leading her over to the bed, gesturing for her to take a seat. 
Lydia sat down and frowned, she was beginning to feel a little anxious. Only a second ago the footballer had been showering her with affection and saying how much he loved having her here but now it looked like he was about to end things. 
"Is everything ok?" she asked worriedly.

Cristiano took a seat beside her, failing to notice the worried expression on her face, "I think there's something we need to talk about don't you?". He knew this wasn't something that Lydia would want to discuss but he couldn't go on any longer.
Lydia's heart sank, was this it?, had he grown tired of her now wanted to end things between them so he could move on with his life, and who was she to argue. 
After all she wasn't exactly a free woman and someone like Cristiano could have anyone he wanted and now he probably wanted someone he didn't have to hide. 

Lydia tried to steel herself for what was coming next. It had been nice while it had lasted she thought.  
What was that old saying? 
Don't cry because you lost it, smile because you had it she recited to herself, but deep down inside she knew this was one man she was never going to get over.
"We do?" she replied, her voice a little shaky.

"This has been amazing between us" he began and Lydia forced back the tears that threatened to fall. "But I think it's time we come clean and are honest, with ourselves as much as with anyone else, don't you?" he asked taking her hand and looking her straight in the eyes.

Lydia looked down at their clasped hands, she was confused. Why was he trying to be so nice about breaking up with her. Had he already met someone else and playing the good guy was his way of softening the blow.
"Is there someone else Cris?" she asked, a little scared of the answer.
Almost as the words had left her mouth, Cristiano was frantically shaking his head, "God no Lydia, of course there's no one else. There never could be, I only see you, you're the only girl in my world".

Now Lydia was even more confused, why was he breaking up with her if that's how he felt. Cristiano began to talk but Lydia quickly cut him off, "Cris, are you trying to break up with me because I'm really confused as to what you're talking about" she said before holding her breath for his reply.
Cristiano looked at her in shock, "Break up with you? why would I do that Lydia." he said looking into her eyes. "What I'm talking about is us being together and being a proper couple. We both know this is more than a fling and I want you in my life for more than a few stolen moments here and there".

Lydia breathed a sigh of relief, whilst feeling a little worried at the same time. "It  was never a fling for me, you mean more to me than a few one night stands but what you're asking me to do is huge"  she said.
"I know it's not easy for you to break up your family, but Lydia we could be so happy. Don't we both deserve the chance to see how good we could be?" begged Cristiano. "The chance was stolen from us years ago, we can't let it happen again."
 Lydia got up from the bed and began to pace the floor, "I don't want to lose you Cris but it's not as simple as just packing my bags and leaving, I have a child to think about".
"I know, I know" said Cristiano as he stood up, "But it will all be worth it in the end".
"I don't know about all this" she replied as she continued pacing all the while  rubbing her forehead.

Cristiano stopped her in her tracks as his arm snaked around her waist, pulling her to him, "I promise you Lydia that it will all work out, just trust me" he said before his lips met hers in a passionate embrace, making Lydia almost forget her own name as she got caught up in him.

Pulling back briefly, Lydia looked into his dark eyes and made her decision. "Give me a week to sort some stuff out and then I'll tell Sam" she said and Cristiano's face lit up. "Does that mean you'll finally be mine?" he asked and Lydia nodded.
Cristiano laughed and lifted Lydia up into the air, spinning her around as her shrieks filled the air before they both collapsed on the bed, where they slowly began to make love. 

Lydia knew she had made the right decision, she loved this man and while she loved Sam, her feelings for him were nothing compared to how she felt about Cristiano, in him she saw a future filled with love and safety, something she'd never truly felt with Sam. All she had to do now was tell her fiancé it was over.

"Until next week, these moments are all that we have for now" she told Cristiano as they looked into each others eyes.
Cristiano smiled as his naked body hovered above hers, "It'll be worth the wait to finally call you mine".
Lydia smiled, her arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"I love you Lydia Da Rosa" he whispered.
"I love you too" she replied.

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