Chapter 26 - Sweet Days....

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Circling her finger gently over his bare chest, Lydia breathed a sigh of contentment as she lay in Cristiano's arms,  their bodies entwined.  His hand stroked through her long dark hair that lay out behind her, "I'm glad you kept your hair long, I always liked it" he said causing Lydia to smile.

After the footballer had carried her from the mansion, they'd gone back to his hotel suite where they'd done nothing but make love and cuddle for the past two hours, but now it was getting late and Lydia knew she'd have to go back home soon or else risk raising suspicions. Right now though, all she wanted to do was bask in the good feeling of being here in Cristiano's arms.

"I had the best time today" she said lifting her head to face him, Cristiano smiled and leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on her forehead, "Every day with you is the best of times" he replied and she laughed. "What?" he asked, "What's so funny?". 
Lydia shook her head, "You can stop now with the compliments, you got me, I'm here with you".
Cristiano frowned, "Its not a compliment Lydia it's the truth, I mean every single word of what I say to you". 
Blushing, she sat up in the bed, pulling the sheet around her in a bid to hide her body. She wasn't used to someone being so nice to her and if she was honest, it unsettled her slightly.

Noticing her reaction Cristiano sat up in front of her, his hand reaching out to take hold of the sheet, "You don't have to hide from me" he said, Lydia looked down for a second before Cristiano's hand gently cupped her face causing her to look back up at him, "What happened to you Lydia?" he asked, "The girl I remember was so bright, carefree and confident, You're amazing and you should always know that. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life,  I know I am". 
Lydia wanted to look away but his eyes captivated her to the spot as he spoke, his thumb stroked gently across her cheek and she leaned into his touch. 
She barely remembered the girl he spoke of, it had been so long ago since she'd been that person, so much had happened since then that had caused her to change but she couldn't tell him about it, so instead she smiled softly, acknowledging his kind words.

Just then there was a knock at the door interrupting the tender moment, Lydia looked at Cristiano in shock as she panicked thinking they were about to be caught in the act, "Don't worry, it's only room service. I ordered some dinner earlier when you were in the bathroom" he said, as he climbed off the bed and pulled on a pair of shorts before leaving the bedroom. 
Lydia grabbed his shirt from the floor and quickly pulled it on as she heard the waiter enter the suite to deliver the tray of food, waiting till she could hear the door close behind him before  joining Cristiano in the lounge.

Watching as she entered the room, Cristiano grinned, "My clothes always look so good on you". Lydia feigned a small curtsey in response, "Why thank you sir", and he laughed. 
Patting the seat on the sofa beside him he joked "C'mon, come eat some dinner with me, we have to replace some of that energy we just used" followed by a cheeky wink. 
Lydia joined him, helping to lift the lids from the plates, uncovering all of her favourite foods. Smiling, she turned to him, "You remembered" she squealed, "Of course I remember. Mac n Cheese, fries, Pepperoni pizza and strawberry ice cream, it was all you ever ate" he laughed pointing at the plates in front of them. 
Grabbing a fork, she immediately began to stuff her face, the smells were too delicious to resist and she had certainly worked up an appetite.

"I have to go soon" she said in between mouthfuls and the smile dropped from Cristiano's face, "Do you really have to go?" he asked. 
Lydia tried to avoid eye contact, she didn't want to leave or for their day together to end, but she knew she had to go back to her real life eventually.  "Sorry, but I promised Gabriella I'd take her shopping tonight and we've both been so busy lately that we haven't had the chance to spend much time together so I don't want to let her down". 
Cristiano nodded, "In that case I understand, family time is important", 
Lydia looked up to see him smiling oddly at her, "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked shyly and he shook his head, "I still can't believe you're a mum, I bet you're amazing with your daughter" he replied.

Lydia shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the mention of being a mum suddenly filled her with guilt at what she was doing. She'd been happy to spend time with the footballer but not at the risk of losing what she had at home, what would Gabriella think if she could see her now enjoying dinner with another man. It was time to leave, she had to get out of here and fast before she made another mistake.

Looking at her watch, she gasped before jumping up from the sofa, "Is that the time, I'm supposed to pick Gabriella up in ten minutes. I'm so sorry but I really have to go". 
Cristiano watched her almost run from the living room into the bedroom as he stood to join her, "Of course yeah, you should go" he replied watching her run back into the lounge while attempting to put her shoes on as she moved. 

Lydia leaned over the sofa to grab her handbag before quickly turning to leave when Cristiano reached out and pulled her back to him, wrapping her in his arms, he kissed her passionately. The kiss tore through every part of her, almost breaking her resolve but then she remembered why she was leaving and broke away from him.

"I'll call you" he said as she reached the door, Lydia daren't look back for fear that his beautiful face and half naked body would lure her back into the bedroom. Closing the door behind her she ran to the elevator before she could change her mind.

Once outside she took a deep breath and willed herself to go home. That man was quick becoming an obsession, one she had to break or she would lose everything and she couldn't let that happen. Gabriella needed a strong family, one that would stick together no matter what and that's exactly what Lydia was going to give her.

Authors Note:
Just a quick chapter tonight but hope you guys enjoy it. I want to say thanks to everyone of you that reads and votes, it really does mean the world to me and I'm very grateful for every one of you. 
I hope everyone has had the best day and if not then I hope the chapter can help make it a little better, and remember, a bad day is just that, a day. Don't let it ruin your week. That's just something I have to remind myself of every now and then. 
Anyway, I hope to have the next chapter up on Sunday, but if I have the time then I may update earlier.

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