Chapter 49

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Leaning back against the door frame, I let out a low breath then rub a hand roughly across my forehead while staring at my daughter sleeping in the huge bed in front of me.

Even though I know we're safe here at Cristiano's house, there's a part of me that can't seem to settle. And while I'm grateful that Cris has offered for us to stay here at his house for as long as we need to, I'm aware that it isn't our own home. God, with everything that's happened lately, I'm not even sure when, or if we'll ever be able to go back home to our own place.

Sam owns as much of our house as I do, which means he's unlikely to leave, and if by some miracle he does move out, I just know he won't go quietly. My mind instantly begins to stress and worry over the what have's and might be's when I feel Cris's arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"Hey." He whispers against my ear.

"Hi." I say leaning the side of my face back against his. "Thanks for this."

"No thanks needed." He gently kisses my cheek. "Mi casa su casa, remember?"

"It's a very nice home." I say turning to face him. "So, you bought it then?"

"Of course I did." He smiles. "How could I not when you loved it so much?"

"You're crazy, Cris." I shake my head and move out of the room, closing the door quietly behind me. "It's not even my home, it's not as if I'm the one that will be living in it. So it's not about what I love."

Who knows? Maybe one day it will be your home." He shrugs and gives me a cheeky little grin. "You guys are more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need. In fact..." He moves closer to me with a huge grin spreading across his face, pulling me closer to him. "I think that maybe you should just stay, oh, I don't know, maybe, forever?"

"As nice as that sounds, I can't drag Gabby away from everything she knows." I trail a finger down the side of his face. "She grew up in that house. It's mostly all she knows. Plus, she doesn't even know about us yet. So I can't just spring it all on her at once. She doesn't even know that I'm leaving her Dad yet. It wouldn't be fair to her to tell her everything then uproot her from her life."

Cris groans. "Uh...I suppose you're right. I guess I'll just have to postpone all of my wildest dreams for now."

"I guess you will." I smile and tap the end of his nose with the tip of my finger.

"So, do you think Sam will leave your place and sell you his half?" Cris asks.

"Knowing Sam, I very much doubt it. He'll fight me every step of the way." I shake my head and let out a heavy sigh. "God forbid I ever win or outsmart him with anything. Besides, I honestly don't think I could even afford to buy him out even if it was an option. The boutique makes a good profit, but not that good."

"You know money isn't an issue, right?" Cris raises an eyebrow. "Whatever you need, I can provide."

"No." I shake my head. "That's very generous of you Cris, but I have to do this on my own. I've depended on a man for far too long now and for both myself and for Gabby, I need to stand on my own two feet. She needs to see that a woman can be independent and do things for herself."

"That's fair enough." Cris nods. "But you know the offer is always there....just in case you ever need it."

"Thanks." I give him a quick peck then wince in pain when my lips touch his. "Ow...I keep forgetting I've been in battle." I try to laugh it off, but I can feel my stomach tying in knots. " I think I'll have a quick shower if you don't mind. I just need to wash away the last 24 hours."

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