Chapter 15 - Take My Breath Away

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Lydia reached the taxi stand a little out of breath, she'd practically power walked and since she was no fan of exercise her legs were now beginning to feel the strain. The queue was small with only a handful of people waiting but there was no cabs, surely it wouldn't be long before it was her turn and she'd be out of here and safely back home with her family where she belonged she thought as she pulled out her phone.

"Shit" she mumbled, noticing her battery was at 4%. She had planned to call Dani, she needed to talk to her best friend, she had promised to keep her updated on her meeting with Cristiano plus she hadn't yet told Dani that she was her cover for tonight.  
The brunette began to type a message hoping that the battery would last when she was interrupted by a weird sound, as she looked up she saw the young couple in front of her kissing passionately, feeling very uncomfortable she turned away putting her back to them and continued to type the message when suddenly someone grabbed the phone from her hand.

"What the fuck" she squealed, looking up she saw Cristiano standing in front of her holding her phone. 
She reached to take it back from him when he held his arm up high away from her.
"Give me back my phone" she demanded
"Not until you talk to me" he replied still holding the phone up.
"I did talk to you, now give it back" she replied
"You ran away from me, AGAIN" he answered, his voice getting a little louder
"I didn't run, I thought we were done" she said a little sheepishly knowing full well that she had run off.
"Done! We'd barely started" he shouted, by now they had started to attract an audience. The couple making out in front of them had separated and was watching them intently, the young man seemed impressed that the famous Ronaldo was having a dispute in front of him, he had even began filming it on his phone. 

"Shh, keep your voice down Cris and give me back my phone" said Lydia aware of the small crowd now circling them, a few more people had stopped to gawp at them.
"Talk to me then" he replied. The footballer seemed not to care that people were watching them but Lydia could feel her face redden with embarrassment, she hated being in the spotlight.
By now she was beginning to lose her temper and was fighting hard to hold it back , "Cris I am not playing your silly little games, give me the phone back now" she said adamantly, her hand on her hip.

Cristiano watched her for a second before turning on his heels and walking away, "If you want it back you'll have to come get it" he shouted over his shoulder at her. 
Lydia stood rooted to the spot in shock, this man was infuriating, then she remembered the crowd watching her, she slowly looked around, the young man was still filming them, "I'd go after him if I was you" he said to her, nodding in Cristiano's direction.
By now the footballer was halfway along the street. 
Lydia sighed then furiously stomped after him trying hard to catch up to his long strides.

By the time Lydia reached the footballer he was already in the bar, but he didn't stop at the table where they had been sat. Instead he made his way through the crowds and out into the lobby, where he finally stopped at the elevator and pressed the button. 
The brunette came to stand beside him, out of breath once more.
"Where are you going?" she panted bending over slightly and holding her side, by now she had a stitch and struggling to catch her breath.
Cristiano looked straight ahead towards the elevator doors, "I'm going up to my suite"
"What, no....I'm not going up there, give me my phone" she replied
Just then the lift doors slid open and Cristiano strode in and turned to face her, his finger hovering over the button, "You'll have to if you want the phone back" he said.
"You cant do this, I am not going up there with you" she stated
"Why, are you scared of what you'll do?" he asked raising an eyebrow
"Oh grow up Ronaldo" she scoffed causing him to laugh
"In or out?" he asked, his finger still hovering over the button. 
Lydia shook her head "I'm staying here" she replied
Cristiano shrugged his shoulders then pressed the button and stood back, "Oh well then maybe I will just have to go through this then" he said holding up the phone "Maybe I can find out more about you in here".
"Don't you dare" she squealed as she attempted to straighten up, The elevator doors began to close and Cristiano laughed, Lydia moved to catch the doors but the space was far too slim, she could barely see the footballer but she heard him say "Suite 626" before the doors slammed shut and he was gone.

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