Chapter 27 - ... and Dreamy Nights

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Running into the sea, Lydia looked back to see Cristiano hot on her heels before the waves crashed over her sending her tumbling backwards into his waiting arms, scooping her up, Cristiano pulled her in close and she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck as he twirled them around in the water, the sun beating down on her bare shoulders. 
It was perfect and in that moment Lydia thought life couldn't get much better, that was until the wave settled and his soft lips met hers, he kissed her tenderly until they were interrupted by a shrill ringing sound.

Lydia stirred for a second before throwing her arm out of the blanket to turn off the alarm by the bed, she didn't want to wake up. 
It had all been a dream and opening her eyes only filled her with sadness at the reality, a reality she'd chosen.

It was the fourth night in a row she'd dreamed of Cristiano, all with a similar theme. Both of them alone, smiling, laughing and sharing plenty of kisses. Feeling a strong connection to the dreams, often when she would awake Lydia attempted to make the good feeling last by reliving some of the times they'd spent together, but nothing compared to the dreams, they spoke to her soul.
So vivid were the dreams that once or twice she'd found herself waking during the night, stretching out her arms expecting to feel Cristiano lying in bed beside her, only to be let down by the sight of Sam's back as he snored.

It had been almost a week since she'd run from Cristiano's hotel suite, making the decision right there and then to cut all contact with the footballer and make more effort to save her family. 
He had text and called her multiple times but each time Lydia had rejected the calls and deleted all messages, she needed to focus on her family, even going as far as to work from home for fear that Cristiano would come looking for her at the store.

Dani had agreed to run the boutique in her absence, Lydia had used the excuse that she needed peace and quiet to work on the shop accounts. Of course Sam had been delighted at her decision to stay at home and had subsequently lifted out of the mood he'd been in with her, they'd even spent a few nights watching movies together on the sofa.

All in all , her decision to fight for the family she loved had turned out pretty well except for one small thing, Lydia had never felt so alone in her life and it was killing her. 
Having to plaster a fake smile on her face everyday was torture when really she felt like she was dying inside, desperately missing Cristiano, she yearned for his touch.
A deep sadness had washed over her, taking with it every piece of comfort she'd ever known. The only thing getting her through the long days at home were waiting for those sweet dreams to take over at night.

The one good thing to come from it all was the precious time she'd been able to spend with Gabriella, though the teenager wasn't at home much. Between school, friends and clubs the young girls days were pretty busy, but when she was at home they would cook dinner together and sit around the dining table as a family, laughing and talking about their day.

Watching Gabriella with Sam was when Lydia felt she'd made the right decision, but when it was just her and Sam at home she found herself looking at him and wondering why she was here. Lydia couldn't help but think what they had in common anymore, they'd both changed recently, or was it just her. 
Lydia couldn't put her finger on it but something inside of her had flipped and it was causing her look at everything differently. The things she'd cherished before, somehow didn't matter anymore.

Before, she would listen intently to every word Sam said, but now when he spoke she found herself distracted, her mind wandering, thinking about what Cristiano may be doing now, if he was with someone else, kissing and touching. The thought shook Lydia to her very core, she couldn't bare the idea of the footballer with another woman.

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