Chapter 21 - Making Amends

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Lydia chopped and peeled the vegetables as though her life depended on it, she was determined to make the best family dinner ever and she wanted to make everything perfect for the people she loved. She'd cleaned all the bathrooms in the house, done three loads of laundry, vacuumed the entire house and was now chained to the kitchen preparing dinner for Sam and Gabriella.

Lydia knew how to cook and the family always loved her meals but recently she never seemed to have the time to prepare a meal from scratch, since she'd opened the boutique she'd found herself a little too busy to be spending hours in the kitchen and instead had opted for ready meals or takeaways, which she admitted was a shame since they had the most beautiful kitchen that most of the time lay unused.

But not today, Lydia had put on her pink apron and was hard at work preparing Gabriella's favourite, chicken casserole. She'd forgotten just how much she enjoyed cooking for her family as she sang along to the music coming from the overhead speakers, right now all thoughts of last night and Cristiano were gone from her mind and she was clearly focussed on providing a happy home for her family.

Tapping along to the music, Lydia sashayed over to the slow cooker, pouring in the freshly chopped vegetables, closing the lid she set the timer for six hours, that would give her enough time to set up the home theatre for family movie night and put fresh sheets on all the beds. She was on a roll and today nothing was going to stand in the way of channelling her inner domestic goddess. 

Moving over to the table, Lydia took a seat, opened up the laptop and took a sip of wine, it was only lunchtime but after the night she'd had she figured she needed a glass of her favourite Rose' to forget her philandering ways. 
Loading up the page she zoomed in on the images on the screen, the blue, cloudless sky, sparkling waters and sandy beaches mesmerized her, not to mention the little huts that looked like they were floating in the ocean, it had been a long time since they'd taken a family holiday and now seemed like as good a time as any to have one and Bora Bora looked like the perfect place.

Lydia had always dreamed of going to the beautiful island but somehow they'd never gotten round to it, instead Sam had always chosen where they holidayed, infact the more she thought about it she realised he'd always taken care of everything, the hotels they stayed in, the meals they ate while on holiday, even the dates they left and how long they stayed. This was the first time Lydia had taken it upon herself to choose and she was choosing the exotic island.

Just like that it was decided and ten minutes later with a credit card in hand, it was booked. Two weeks all inclusive in Bora Bora, staying at the luxurious four seasons resort. For Lydia it was like a dream come true and it was a bonus that booking and paying for it herself gave her a sense of independence and pride, she just hoped that Sam would love it too. As for Gabriella,  Lydia knew the teenager would love it, she could go snorkelling and take a jeep tour of the island and it would also give Sam and herself a chance to reconnect and get back on track to the relationship they used to have.

Lydia sat back in the chair with a huge smile on her face at the thought of all the fun they would have together on the luxury holiday when she was interrupted by the sound of her phone vibrating across the table. Picking it up she saw the text from Dani and almost instantly the smile fell from her face.

Cristiano was at the boutique and demanding to see her. Putting her head in her hands she sighed at what she'd gotten herself into, she was crazy to think that she could have a one night stand with the footballer and not have to face any consequences. Only moments ago she'd been dreaming of happy families and now she would have to work out a way to keep Cristiano quiet, she only hoped that he hadn't already spilled details of their night of passion to Dani.

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