Chapter 31 - In Your Arms...

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Afterwards, they lay on the couch wrapped up in each other. Lydia snuggled further into the nook he'd made for her under his arm, her head resting on his warm chest. This was exactly where she wanted to be right now. Cristiano stroked her arm, his finger trailing softly along her skin. "You can't keep running from me Lydia" he said and she softly sighed, this moment was perfect and she didn't want anything to ruin it.

"I don't want to run from you" she whispered.
"So don't" he replied
"It's not as simple as that Cris" she said shaking her head.

Sitting up, he turned Lydia to face him, "Well explain it to me then. Help me understand why you keep running" he begged.
Lydia looked down at her lap, feeling wrong for even thinking about Sam at this moment but knew she had to give him something. "I have a family and they have to be my priority" she mumbled.

Cupping her chin, he gently lifted her face to look at him, "Hey, I know being a mother is the most important thing to you and I understand you have to put you daughter first, but that doesn't mean you can't be happy too." he said softly, looking deep into her eyes and Lydia feared he could see straight into her soul and read her deepest thoughts.

Turning her head, she closed her eyes for a second as his hand fell away from her face. Cristiano could tell she was hiding something from him but was unsure of how to get her to open up. "Are you scared of hurting him?" asked Cristiano, "Because that's ok to feel that way. I know you would never intentionally hurt someone, but don't let the guilt of hurting someone keep you from living your life and being happy. You deserve to be happy Lydia" he continued.

"Do I?" she asked as a tear fell slowly from her eyes. 
Taking hold of her hands he cupped them in his, "Of course you deserve to be happy, no one I know deserves it more than you. Why would you think any different?" he asked. A little shocked at her reaction, this wasn't the girl he knew. The Lydia he remembered would never be so down on herself. 
Something must have happened to make her lose her sparkle and he wondered what could have been so bad, but thought it was best not to push, instead allow her to reveal it in her own time, when she felt comfortable.

Lydia opened her eyes to look back at the footballer, being here with him, in this tender moment meant the world to her and she wondered how she could be filled with such joy and sadness all at once. 
Remembering the reason why she couldn't keep him in her life, she took a deep breath. She had to do this for the other person in her life who meant the world to her. Gabriella deserved the best and that's what Lydia was going to give the young girl.

"Cristiano" she began, "I have to end this with us. I have to do what's right for my family however much it pains me. Gabriella's happiness is what's most important, so we should think of today as our way of saying a final goodbye".

Cristiano shook his head, "Lydia, you don't have to do that, both you and Gabriella can be happy. Surely a happy mother makes for a happy child. You don't have to sacrifice your happiness for others, Doing the right thing makes everyone happier in the long run doesn't it?" he stated.

"Lying to Sam and sneaking around with you isn't the right thing" she replied as she began to get dressed. 
Cristiano frowned, "We don't have to sneak around". 
Lydia's head shot up to look at the footballer, shocked at what he was suggesting. "I'm not leaving Sam if that's what you mean".
"Why, why won't you leave him?" he asked "There's obviously something strong between us, you know it and I know it. Staying with him is pointless and it's only hurting everyone involved, you included because we both know you're not happy there" continued Cristiano as he also began to get dressed.

Lydia shook her head frantically as she paced the floor, "I can't just leave him. I made a commitment to both him and Gabriella to be a family and I intend to see it through".

"At the expense of your own happiness?" asked Cristiano as he came to stop in front of her, his hands on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. 
Lydia stared back at him, tears welling up in her eyes, "I'll do what it takes for my family" she mumbled before the tears began to fall hard. 
Cristiano pulled her close until her face was buried in his chest. "Shh, Lydia it'll all be ok" he whispered as his hand stroked her hair. He could feel her body shaking against his as she sobbed in his arms.

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