Chapter 8- We Meet Again

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Lydia awoke to the sound of dishes clattering in the kitchen, rubbing her eyes she looked down to see her body draped in the blanket, smiling, she realised Sam must have covered her over. Pulling the blanket up she snuggled under it allowing herself a moment to fully wake up.

Another loud clatter filled the house followed by Sam cussing, Lydia sighed before throwing back the blanket and getting up from the sofa. Walking into the kitchen she was met by a myriad of smells and smoke coming from the toaster. Sam was rifling through a cupboard while the counter tops were littered with plates, glasses and cups.

"Is there something I can help you with?" asked Lydia
Sam turned around to face his fiancé "You weren't supposed to be up yet" he sighed
Lydia looked at Sam, puzzled.
"What I mean is I was making you breakfast in bed, well I was trying to anyway" he added gesturing to the mess around him
"That's so sweet of you" gushed the brunette as she moved further into the kitchen to sit at the island, "but you may want to remove that bread from the toaster before the house burns down and we have no bed" she joked
Sam spun around, noticing the black smoke coming from the toaster "Shit" he yelled, causing Lydia to burst into fits of laughter at the sight of Sam grabbing the warm toast and tossing it onto a plate, ohhing and ahhing in the process as it burned his fingers.

"Well that was a waste of time" he sighed as he took a seat at the island across from his fiancé.
"Its the thought that counts" she smiled at him
"How is it that I don't know where anything is in my own kitchen" he joked
"That's what happens when you never cook" she laughed
"I cook" he sulked
Lydia laughed harder "In the 16 years Ive known you, you've cooked once and that was a frozen pizza, and you even managed to burn that"
"Yea our first date sure was memorable wasn't it" he smiled taking her hand in his
"Yea it was" Lydia smiled back
The couple fell silent for a moment as they looked at each other, Sam squeezed her hand a little as he wondered what she was thinking, was she thinking about another man, wasn't she happy with him he thought.
Lydia watched her fiancé wondering what had compelled him want to make her breakfast in bed, yea he was a nice thoughtful guy but never in their entire relationship had he ever attempted anything like that, it was completely out of character for him, he wasn't the romantic type.

Lydia was the first to speak breaking the silence between them, "Give me ten minutes to shower and I'll make us breakfast"
"Yea that sounds like a better idea" smiled Sam
Lydia shook her head and made to get up but Sam kept hold of her hand, looking at him he smiled gently "I'm looking forward to seeing you in that new dress tonight" he said
The brunette looked at him for a clue as to what he was talking about
"The hotel? Its their opening event" he replied sensing her confusion
"Oh I totally forgot that was today" she said remembering yesterday and meeting Cristiano, suddenly she felt her stomach swirl and a feeling of nausea wash over her. She had to get out of this kitchen and away from Sam. "I better hurry and get this shower if we're to eat today" she added pulling her hand away and quickly leaving the room.

Once in the shower Lydia thought about Sam and his words about seeing her in her new dress, she wondered what was going on with him. He had never made her feel ugly or put her down for how she looked but he wasn't the sort of guy who told her she was beautiful either.

Thinking back she tried to remember if he had ever told her but her mind was blank. Even when he had proposed all those years ago he hadn't said the usual expected stuff. There was no down on one knee, no flowers, no declaration of undying love. It was just a simple meal in a restaurant where he had slid the box over to her side of the table between courses and had simply said "So will you". Not exactly the stuff of fairytales. But then was life ever like a fairytale she wondered, maybe that's how it was for everyone and the movies and TV just made it look good, but in fact nobody had true romance in their lives.

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