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Gaga sighed deeply and laid back  on the bed, -'What am I supposed to do with this information...? I thought I'd be a single mom for the rest of me life' she said into the ceiling, Mark stared at her profile. It was just simply amazing. -'...We'll work this out, I alreadh told my parents and-', -'You told your fucking parents Mark?' Gaga cringed, Mark nodded, -'They too agree Josephine and I should separate', -'This is gonna leak to the press in like a SECOND', -'Which is why we need to announce it before it does', -'I'm gonna be fucking over! I'll be seen as a hot pussy homewrecker with a bastard chi-', -'Dont even GO there Stef! It's gonna be alright, we'll come out as a couple and-', -'I'll never look int Josephine's eyes again after this!' She yelled, wiping aaway frustration tears, she loved the mAn, he was just too simple; -'We're gonna be harassed like, fucking everywhere' Gaga cried, looking at her little son who was happily drinking off his bottle, -'We will. But it'll die down and-', -'I'll go into hiding', -'Oh come on Stef yoh cant-', -'I CANT? Mark, theres nothing I Can't do. I'm the boss! If I think me and my son should be in hiding, then we should be in fucking hiding!', -'He's my son too Stef, you cant just talk like...like he's only yours!', Gaga shook her heads and wiped her tears, -'It's complicated, Mark. You know this', -'...Then uncomplicate it real quick, I love you!', -'I love you too and I'd love to be with you but nothing is that simple', Mark sighed deeply and got up, handjng the baby to its mother, -'I'll leave. Think this through. I'm gonna get a divorce lawyer. Figure shit out, Stef...', Gaga frowned at him leaving and laid back, this was way more stressful than she wanted it to be.
****Weeks later****
-'You seem distracted', RedOne pointed while she came out of the recording booth, -'Yeah I kind of am...', -'Problems at home?', -'Meh...since the break up with Taylor and all, things have been just hard, but I'm getting there dont worry', the producer nodded, -'Do you wanna just lay it for today and come back next week?', Gaga bit her lip, she hated seeming lazy but she needed time, -'Yeah I think I need some time, okay?', -'Of course. I'll see you soon then', -'Thank you Nadir' her voice broke while she picked up her things and quickly walked out of the studio.
She unlocked her phone, lowkey wishing Mark had answered her desperate messages but that was not rhe case, he had been ignoring her for weeks, -'Immature fuck' she mumbled under her breath. She didnt wanted to seem weak or anything but Mark was so important to her and such an imfluence in her life she just couldnt not care.

-'Hey bubby' she greeted her son, taking him from his grandma's arms and kissing him gently, -'So how was the studio?' Cynthia asked, Gaga sigjed deeply and sat on the couch, -'Uhmmm I couldnt do it very well, so I asked Nadir for some time. He told me to go back next week', -'Ah Stef, is this because of the Mark thing?', Gaga nodded immeditaley and flashed her a fake smile, -'We'll be fine. It's just a rough patch, right baby?' She cooed at her small son, who of course did not answered and rather demanded food from his mom.
-'I just wish he wasnt so immature' Gaga told to her dad while she prepared Gianluca a bottle, Joe nodded understandingly and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, -'Just dont sink too much into this, I know its important to you and all but things will fix up, I promise', Gaga chuckled and went back into the living room without uttering a word.

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