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Sara frowned at her friend while she was doing her make up, Gaga had been quiet all along. It was 4am and she was probably tired but, she was unusually calm, -'Baby are you ok?' Sara asked her, Gaga looked up at her and nodded gently, -'Yeah, I'm just stressed about things...', -'Mark?', -'No...Taylor wont leave me alone', -'Oh', -'Yeah and now Mark left to London again and I'm here alone with the baby and no help and I have to work and just so many things I have to do'? sara nodded and felt bad for her friend, -'You know, Ashely can take care of Gi while yoh're shooting the video!', -'I mean I'm not leaving him here, I'm taking him with me', Sara agreed and applied more eyeshadow.

-'It's okay my sweet boy, I won't leave you alone', Gi stared at his mom with big bright green eyes while he sucked on his paci, she held him up and brought him to the car that was waiting for them outside her Malibu home. It was 5am now and she was ready to shoot the first video for her new music.

The team went back home at around 12am, Gaga could barely keep her eyes open but Gianluca was wide awake and crying.
Her bodyguard Hans opened the mansion's door for them and this is when desperation started to hit, she suddenly felt like her body weighed 300 pounds, her nerves spiked every time Gianluca's voice changed into a higher volume, she was exhausted and anxious and her son crying only made her more uneasy and soon enough she was weeping too. Her team looked at her helplessly while she made her way up with Gi and locked herself in her bedroom, -'I'm so tired, please let me sleep'. Not only exhausted, she also had been crash-dieting and exercising extra hard for the new era to come, on top of that Taylor had been contacting her non stop, so she felt like she was having a panic attack, -'I can't do this anymore' she cried; Ashley decided to wake up Cynthia who was peacefully sleeping in a downstairs guest bedroom, she was the only one able to find the right words to calm her daughter down. This was starting to happen pretty often and it was getting toiling.

-'Stef, unlock the door please' Cynthia said with a soft voice, she heard feet dragging from the other side of the door and the lock being set free, -'Please help me mom, I'm so tired and he wont stop crying', she was weeping desperately, absolutely panicking and looking like trash; -'Okay, I'm gonna get him...do you want me to call Mark?', Gaga nodded and wiped her tears, -'Yeah', -'Okay...just go lay down, Stef, I'll take care of it'.
Cynthia called Mark from Gaga's cellphone, she handed the thing to its owner and as soon as he picked up Gaga started crying even harder.
-'Stef?! Stef are you okay??'
He could only hear sobs now,
-'I-I'm fine I guess'
-'Why are you crying?'
-'I'm stressed babe, I'm breaking...'
-'...Is that Gianluca is the background? Whats wrong with him?'
-'Nothing!' She sniffled, -'I need you right now babe, I know you cant come but I need you right now', -'You wanna skype?', -'No, cuz I look horrible', -'No you dont, come on, let me see you'. Gaga went onto her skype app and opened the camera. Soon enough Mark was looking at her with worried eyes, -'Whats going on?', -'I'm just so exhausted I feel like I'm gonna faint', -'Why dont you sleep?', Gaga started sobbing again, -'I have to do everything on my own and I started working again, I'm fucking fed up', -'Tell me...whats the exact problem?' He made sure to not sound demanding, but rather understanding, -'It's just...I just started to work, and being busy, and you know I dont wanna hire a nanny like ever for my son, and I'm so very protecting of him I just feel like I have to do everything and I'm failing! And I feel like I'm failing as a mom, and as an artist and all that...', Mark sighed deeply, -'I wish I could be there to help', -'You can, though. Why dont you come again?', -'I'll try hard to, cause I can see how much you need me', -'Yes please...', -'Hows Gianluca', -'I think my mom took care of him, I was just so tired I couldnt think straight', Mak nodded, -'How was the video shoot?', -'It went great, I have to go back tomorrow in like the afternoon but it's fine...I just hope to get some sleep tonight', -'Yes please, you deserve it', Gaga nodded and flashed a discrete smile, -'Bye bye sweets, talk to you tomorrow', Mark nodded and smiled, -'Goodnight, Love you', -'I love you too, bye'. She hung up and laid back, Cynthia had taken the baby to her and Joe's bedroom to give Gaga a little break

****Next Day***
-'Yeah, I think the editing here looks good...I like the lighting', she smiled at Jonas Akerlund who was the director of the music video, -'So you approve?', -'Yeah, this part is great. What else do we have?'.

-'You really do love cookies dont you' Gaga asked Gi, who was trying to eat a glazed oatmeal cookie, -'Youre such a dork' she chuckled, kissing his head, she was called back up to see the remaining cuts of the video.
As Gaga approached the director, she saw a tall, thin figure beside him, and a hair she could recognize from a mile away. Her heart jumped to her throat and she couldnt contain the tears when Mark wrapped his arms around her and Gi, Jonas clapped at the surprise reunion.
Gaga felt her heart swell as she sniffed that very particular scent of cologne and cigarette smoke, -'Thank you so much for coming' she cried, her boyfriend smiled back. A huge smile. A happy smile. He kissed her deeply and then grabbed his son from her arms, -'How's he been?', -'Good, eating lots of cookies as you can see', Gi smiled at the sight of his dad and offered him the half bitten cookie, -'Thank you' he chuckled and took a bite out of it before kissing him and sitting on a nearby chair, -'Come here', Gaga sat on his lap and sobbed, -'Thank you for coming. I needed you so bad', -'It's okay, I'd do everything for you baby, you know that...I have to be here for you two, we are a family', Gaga nodded and held onto his arm, -'I'm sorry I have meltdowns here and there. It just got too much, I'm exhausted', -'Don't worry Stef, I'll take care of him so you can sleep, I'll take him out and just have a boys' outing', Gaga chuckled and nodded, -'Sounds good', -'Great...I love you', -'I love you too'.

FLUFF OVER FLUFF OVER FLUFF. ValRobot_Numb just for u! Xx

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