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-'Mommy did you eat the baby' Gianluca stared at his 4-month-pregnant mom, Gaga frowned, -'...Why do you ask?', -'Cuz you're fat now!', Mark cackled from the living room, Gaga rolled her eyes, -'No, I didn't eat it, baby. It just...swooped in there', Gi stared at her for a while, -'And is it a boy or a girl?', -'We don't know yet! I think we're gonna wait to see', -'Wait for WHAT?' He was so concerned about his little sibling staying in there too long, -'Wait until they're born to see if they're a boy or a girl', -'Oh...and when's that gonna be?', -'In a while baby, not yet', Gianluca gasped worriedly, -'How much longer mommy?', -'Near your birthday actually!', -'I think that's sooo so far away!' He exclaimed, amazed, -'Youre all belly mommy, it's gonna come out bigger than YOU!', Gaga laughed, -'Nah, I wouldn't worry about that, trust me. Look at you! You're not my size and you came from my belly', -'I DID?!', -'Yep!', Gi got up and ran to his dad, -'DADDY did mommy eat me too?', Mark just couldn't hold his laughter anymore, -'If your mommy had eaten you you wouldn't be here, Gi', Gaga gasped and hit him playfully, -'STOP!' , -'But mommy, I don't understand, is the baby coming out REALLY small? Small like me?', -'Hopefully not like you! Haha, yeah they're gonna be small I think...are you excited though?!', -'YES! A lot!', -'And do you want a brother or a sister', -'A brother so I can share legos with', Mark put his son ins his lap, -'You know it could be a girl as well, what will you do then?', -'Not play with her' he responded, kind of annoyed by the idea of a girl living near him, -'Youre too smart for your own good, kiddo' Mark chuckled, kissing his head full of curls.

-'Have you thought about names, babe?' Gaga asked him before he fell asleep, -'I kinda want a Hebrew name', -'Oh cuz you're Jewish, of course. Yeah I agree, you can name it. Make it pretty though, PLEASE', -'I've thought about it already you know? If it's a girl I really like Noa or Kelyn, and if it's a boy I think I like Israel', Gaga raised an eyebrow, -'That's some artistic shit baby. Rockstar names', -'Like me', Gaga gasped and pulled his hair, -'Your little ego is gonnna get you in trouble, Mark', she chuckled, kissing him deeply, -'I like Noa. But it can't be like plain. I like Noa Juliette, what do you say?' Mark suggested her, caressing her tiny belly, -'I like Noa Juliette. It's sweet', -'Great. Oh, remember we have to go change Gi's last name after the wedding', Gaga thkught for a bit, -'Jesus, his surname is still Germanotta', -'Yeah, we have to change it', -'Yeah. Are you excited for the wedding though? It's a few weeks away!', -'Yeah of course! I mean we only have to sign some papers and stuff but it's gonna be very special', Gaga smiled and nodded, she blushed intensely and cuddled him, -'I'm so happy I'm marrying you, you are my dream', Mark wasn't expecting this actually, he turned to face her and held her tight, -'No one is luckier to have you than me. Do you know that?', the gorgeous woman teared up and kissed him deeply, -'I'm so emotional, SHIT' she cursed at herself, -'Nah, you've always been this way' he chuckled.

****3 weeks later***
-'Do I still fit into this?' Gaga asked to her stylist and friend, Brandon, -'Yeah I made it expandable', Gaga eyed him and rolled her eyes, -'I am OFFENDED' she joked, slipping into a bone-white cocktail dress with a train, -'Holy shit I look banging', she stroked her newly dyed short blonde hair and smiled, -'Y'all made me so pretty I'm about to cry', her team hugged her collectively and sent her off to the legal ceremony.
The very small ceremony was being held at Gaga's Malibu pad, just because it was a bigger place and very nice and spacious for everyone.

-'Oh dear, I'm actually fucking dying here', Mark chuckled at his father and his sisters Sam and Charlotte, -'Why? Don't die! You have a girl to marry, lad!', -'My nerves are seriously just a pain in the damn arse', Lawrence, his father, shook his head and smiled, -'You look good, she will adore you', Mark flashed him half a smile and then caught a glimpse of one of his twin sisters in the mirror, -'Sam! You're supposed to be wearing a dress', -'Bleeding fucking hell, Mark. I told your stupid ass I wasn't wearing a dress!', -'Ah yeah I forgot you're more of a lad than ME'.

Gaga held onto Mark's hand tighter than she's ever held them. Her long, fake nails digging into his skin, but he did not mind. He had never seen her look this beautiful, it was like absolutely unreal. Like a vision sent from Heaven. Freddie had adorned her head with baby pink rose blooms, her eyes were accentuated by Sara's make up skills and her dress just fit her beautifully. He suddenly felt like the ugliest man alive, he didn't feel like he deserved such a perfect, wonderful human being. Of course tears glistened in his eyes already.
-'This is where you say your vows' Gaga whispered, but the small crowd could hear so they chuckled. Mark was so invested in staring at her that he totally forgot he had to say the vow.
-'I Mark, take you Stefani to be my legally wedded wife.
With this ring, I seal my oath of eternal love to you, I promise to protect you, be loyal, love you and support you in sickness and in health, and in riches and needs. I love you so much'his shaky hand grabbed a silver wedding band and slipped it into her left hand's anular finger, she smiled wide and looked up at him, at least she wasn't the one crying this time! -'I Stefani, take you Mark to be my legally wedded husband. With these words I promise I will stand by your side through adversities, and I vow to care for you, to be completely loyal to you,and love you forever' she repeated the action, and both looked at the registrar and grinned wide.
The registrar smiled back at them and read from his official book, -'By the power the state of California gives me, I now pronounce you husband and wife'; as soon as the words were uttered, they heard Cynthia and Anne let out a sob, Mark and Gaga chuckled and then kissed deeply, -'Awww, this is cute' she whispered before kissing him again, -'Can you believe we are actually married?' Mark asked her with big eyes, -'No! I cant believe I get to call you cuntfuck til the day we die!' She laughed, making their guests laugh as well, Mark shook his head and hugged her tight, -'I fucking adore you so much'.

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