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-'What are you doing here?!' She cried in his arms, he chuckled and rubbed his eyes tiredly, -'I just had to come. I almost didnt made it, the blizzard is just-', -'Stop talking! I was about to catch a plane to go see you' she frowned, touching his freshly shaved jawline and wiping snow off his hair, Mark shook his head and smiled, -'Change of plans!' He said, lifting Gaga up and into the apartment again. She felt safe and like a kid in his arms, there was something so organic about their relationship, it's just easy being around him.

-'He has gotten so big!' Mark smiled wide when he saw his son wriggling around in his crib, -'Yeah! Doctor says he's healthy and happy so-', -'Can I hold him?', -'Of course! Just make sure his paci doesnt come off he loves that thing'.
-'So how's the divorce thing going?' Gaga curiously asked before smiling at Gianluca sleeping on top of Mark, the man sighed deeply, -'It's hard...she moved out already of course...we have our belongings thing settled, it's going smoothly but it's still very hard, Stef', -'So will you guys remain friends?', -'Mmm yeah, we talked about it and we definetely dont want to like, distance ourselves', Gaga nodded and took another bite out of her PBJ sandwich, -'I think I've come to terms about our...relationship, Mark' she mumbled, Mark immediately looked her way, -'What does that mean?', -'Means that...I believe we could have something here, and you know we could raise Gianluca together and be a family, but we have to get through the media and that worries me. To the point that I dont sleep just thinking about it', Mark nodded and laid a hand on her leg, -'I know. It's gonna be hard for both of us. But you have to trust me okay? I really want you and I want this to work'.
-'Where are you going?' Gaga asked with a huge frown on her face when Mark tried to leave, -'To my hotel...', -'What hotel?', -'I-I figured I-', -'You might be a musical genius but MY GOD youre dumb on a daily basis. Youre not going to a hotel! Stay here! Get your luggage, come on', -'Where am I sleeping?', -'With me of course!' She responded with a playful and flirty grin. Holy shit, she had him wrapped around her finger.
The night was cold, the blizzard was howling outside, Gaga lit up some candles and tried to look out her balcony doors, -'Igs crazy out there...hope it settles by tomorrow', -'yeah...wheres the baby?', -'In his room, he's a sleep. He likes the feel of that woolen blanket so he's all comfy', Mark nodded and sat on the bed, -'This place has changed a lot since he came', -'Yeah...it has way less pointy objects haha, I had to..change my whole life, much more than people think. I sometimes miss the times where I could just go out and be wild and all, but I tell you I wouldnt change him for anything and I-I really make shre he knows it from the SECOND he was born, so...thats that', Mark was taken aback by this confession, she was such a stellar mom to his son and there was no one he would like to be more than with her.
-'What are you thinking about?' Gaga asked him sleepily, Mark shrugged and sank himself deeper into the sheets, -'Just us. As a family. It's gonna be great', Gaga's eyes glistened with emotion, he was so sweet and perfect, -'Yeah, it's a nice thought', -'I love you Stef', Gaga grinned and blushed, -'I love you too' she replied, climbing on his lap, -'How's this for you?' She asked, embracing him tightly, -'It's fine, I like sleeping this way', -'GreAt. Cuz this is probably my favorite place jn the world rigjht now'.

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