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-'So what made you want to hide this from the media?' Oprah asked curiously to the well dressed couple seating before her, Gaga looked at Mark and grinned, -'We just thought this was our personal life you know? I guess we just figured it would come out sooner or later, so we just went for it', Oprah smile and nodded, -'What's your relationship with your son like Mark?', the man chuckled and shook his head, -'Actually, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. Like, it gives my life meaning, just seeing him getting excited and all, it's everything to me', Oprah nodded and smiled, -'The way your face changed says it all', Mark nodded and try to surpress a smile to no avail; -'Gaga, what went through your mind when you found out about...that he was the father', Gaga frowned for a second and looked up, -'I actually...felt blessed to have such a wonderful, caring man be a part of my kid's life, I've never felt more blessed to have someone like Mark in my life, he's an excellent father and partner and...yeah, it's only the beginning of all this', Oprah looked down at her notesn and smiled brightly, -'Now, I've been waiting for this the whole evening, whered Gianluca? I kind of want to meet him', Gaga smiled, -'Okay, I'll get him', she stood up and walked to her bedroom, grabbing Gi who was sipping on some milk, -'Come on baby, you'll be on TV'.
Oprah gasped audibly and her grin reached her ears, -'hE is so precious!', Mark nodded -'I always say he looks a little like me', Oprah looked at Gianluca carefully, -'Oh I see it! Totally! Can I hold him?', Gaga looked down at Gi, -'You going with auntie now, be good', Gianluca stared at the interviewer and chuckled at her friendly face, -'Okay thats the go' Gaga beamed and handed the kid to the woman.
After a little screen time of cuteness, Oprah suddenly got serious, -'What do you want people to take from this interview?', Mark sighed deeply and muttered, -'I want them to know that we are real people, with real lives and real situations, and that we love each other very much and we absolutely adore our child and just...we're just trying to be happy in a successful relationship', Gaga bowed her head in appreciation of his words, -'He took the words right off my mouth', she chuckled, holding Mark's hand.

Very short i know but i had to update and its 3am here :(

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