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-'Mark wake up! Today is the day they announce the nominations!', Gaga sat on Mark's back to make him wake up, -'Stefani if you don't get off my back right this second', -'Stop being a poopy pant, come on, lets turn on the TV'.

Gi was hugging his mommy from behind, apparently what was on TV was very important so he was paying attention. His little sister was sitting on his dad's lap, looking around with her big brown eyes and a paci hanging from her mouth.
Gianluca saw his mommy hold daddy's hand tight, woah, this must be like some sort of Christmas for them. Christmas was sure a sweet idea for Gi, every thing he asked for, he got.

Mark gasped at the announcer say the name of one of their songs, 'Mark Ronson, Lady Gaga and Chelsea Davis, writers', he turned to his wife and kissed her deeply, -'HOLY SHIT' she yelled, hugging her loved one tight, -'We did it!', -'Oh God I'm fucking...like..such a damn honor', Gaga smiled wide and wiped Mark's tears, -'I'm a fucking pussy' he chuckled, -'I'm proud of you Mark, we're going to the Oscars!', -'Oh God Imm so excited', -'Mhmmm! Gosh my phone is blowing up already', -'I'm gonna be a handful of nerves there I am TELLING you', Gaga chuckled and kissed him again, -'I'll take good care of you'.

-'Noa, Noa...what do you want?'; the baby girl  had progressively been losing her hearing since birth, now at her 6 months of age she had started to babble...but with her hands, like speaking with motions. She  would make a small sound and point at what she wanted repeatedly, it was hard for outsiders to understand what she meant with certain movements, but Mark, Gaga and even Gi had learned the little girl's way of communicating.
Noa pointed at her paci that fell on the ground, -'Okay then lets pick it up and wash it ok?', Gaga held her up and kissed her cutely, -'I love you sweet pumpkin', Gaga knew her daughter couldn't hear her properly so she just limited to hugging and kissing as ways to show Noa that she loved her. Gaga washed the paci with some cleansing gel and rinsed it before Noa reached down and grabbed it again, -'Mhmm, happy baby that will take a nap and let mommy work'.
Gianluca almost bolted out the door on his first day at kindergarten, -'Gi say bye to your sister!', -'But she can't hear!' He told his mother, -'I know, but we hug her and kiss her right? You know this!', Gi nodded and went to were Noa was, standing in front of her so she knew he was there, -'I'll see you later little sister' he said, hugging her and kissing her brunette little head, -'Great! Okay son, now give ME a hug and a kiss' Gaga smiled, smooching her eldest child tightly. He was growing so fast, -'Ugh, you need to stop growing! Seems like yesterday you were just a pink chub and now you're going to kindergarten', -'Mommy I HAVE to!', -'Inknow! And you'll have lots of fun, you promise?', -'Yes!', -'Okay baby, I adore you, you're the light of my life you know that? You're my first blessing and I love you so so much', Gi rolled his eyes 'And I'm your sun and stars, I know mommy', -'You know it, kiddo! Good luck!'.

-'I cant believe our son is in kindergarten now' Gaga talked over Mark playing the guitar, -'Babe he didnt went for a year long mission to like Iraq, he'll be back in 5 hours', -'No, I know! It's just crazy how fast they grow', -'Yeah...everything's going super fast with us huh? I mean the Oscars are already two weeks away, we're going on vacation in like a month...', -'And then I'll work on my new album', -'Yeah...I'm proud of you baby, and proud of your new shit' he smiled wide, ah she loved that smile. Flirty but firm and quite honest. She stood up and kissed him deeply, -'I love you...no, I adore you', Mark looked at her in the eye, his cheeks started to get warm, -'I promise I adore you even more, you're the queen of my heart', Gaga sighed deeply and kissed him again, -'My man'.

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