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*2 Months later*
-On the phone-
-'Mark, he's 6 months old, you cant just take him, I'm still breastfeeding him!'
-'I have not seen my son in TWO MONTHS!'
-'And who's fault is that?! Not mine!'
-'I am in the middle of a divorce here okay? What part of your little head doesnt understand that'
Gaga frowned at the phone
-'Who the fuck do you think youre talking to?!'
-'YOU! Now bring my son over so I can see him!'
-'No, he's too small and I'm not gonna travel from New York to fcking London just because you tell me to!'
-'Do I have to go get him then?!'
Gaga rolled her eyes and chuckled
-'Go on. TRY ME'. And then she hung up.
Gianluca looked at her confused and slightly upset, -'Your father is being a class A asshole, Gi' she explained, sighing deeply and grabbing him to take him to the living room, -'Mom, I think I need to go out and get some fresh air, I have a lot in my mind right now' she frowned, putting on some gloves, boots and a thick woolen coat, she wrapped her small son in a big, cuddly warm poncho and went out without explaining anything.
-'I think she argued with Mark again' she heard her sister say to her mother before closing the door.
-'Let's go for some tea and a bagel baby' she said to her son, Gi just looked up at her and at the snowflakes slowly falling down.

Gaga went quickly into the coffee shop, it was freezing outside. She had decided not to call any of her gorlfriends to come with her because she just wanted to have some time alone with her precious baby.
She knew Mark would come and get him sooner or later, he was in all his right, she just couldnt fathom the thought of it.
A waitress brought her a small menu but Gaga gracefully denied it, -'I want some chamomille tea, with two sugars and no milk, and a salmon cheese bagel and a cookie please, thank you' the waitress excused herself qnd left them alone again.
-'At least we are warm in here huh little guy?' She looked down, Gi was slowly falling asleep, whenever his mother talked to him it was like a sweet lullaby tjat he just needed to sleep.

Gaga just needed some time alone to think about what she wanted to do with her life. She hated apologizing but she know she had to, she had been kind of nasty to Mark.
While he was going through a divorce, she was here yelling at him and all he wanted to do was see his son.
She did not realized she was crying a little, her waitress laid the food before her and she tearfully said thanks.
All she knew was she had to comply to his request, and she would take Gianluca to see him.

Gaga went back to her apartment after clearing her head and enjoying a yummy snack.
-'Mom, I think I have to go to London' she sighed, Cynthia frowned, -'Why', -'Just...to visit Mark', Natali rolled her eyes, -'He has been so rhde at you though!' She protested, all she wanted was the best for her big sister. Gaga shook her head, -'I've been even worse to him...It's time to fix this...so I'm just gonna pack up' she explained, putting Gianluca on Natali's arms, -'Is this the most intelligent decision you reached during your time alone?' Natali said sternly, Gaga nodded and took out a suitcase and a handbag, -'Yes, I think it's the best. I'm not telling him I'm going, it'll be a surprise', Natali rolled her eyes and went to the living room with her nephew.

•3 days later•
Gaga put a new diaper on her little son and kissed his foot, -'I love you! Yes I do! My cuddly, chubby little sweet', Gianluca smiled wide and reached out to touch his paci that laid beside him, -'You want your paci? Here, you've been good today' Gaga winked and gently placed the paci in his mouth before dressing him up, -'We are gonna see daddy baby! How's that idea? Do you like it?', she kissed him on the cheek and went on to put her thick coat on.
After a few hours of going through luggage and stuff, Gaga heard her doorbell ring, she sighed deeply, she told her family to not come so theh wouldnt distract her or make her change her mind.
When she opened the door, the smell of cigar, strong cologne and snow impregnated her nose. The first thing she saw were broad shoulders covered in little smowflakes which were quickly melting into the fabric of his gray coat. Gaga looked up and saw Mark looked WAY down at her, she teared up unconsciously and hugged him tight.

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