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Last chapter babies
-'What the hell, it's already time to wake up?', -'Yes, come on Stef! You take so long to get dressed', -'Okay, I'm up. You go get the children, I'll wash up and get ready', -'Thank you, I'll take care of everything'.
The family was getting ready to go on a Vacation to Greece, they were super excited to be escaping all the cold in New York City. Also, it was their first vacation ever as a family.
They would be taking Anne and Cynthia with them just because Mark and Gaga thought it would be nice to gift this trip to their wonderful mothers.
-'I really hope my mom is ready to go' Gaga sighed, rolling her eyes while applying some more mascara, -'Yeah she is...my mom is making sure Noa has everything in her bag and Gianluca is ready to go', Mark smiled wide, -'This is the first time everything is in fucking order', -'Yep and Natali already has the dogs, so we are READY....we're gonna have so much sex', Mark rolled his eyesand spanked her, -'Come on!'.

The private jet had everything they needed for their flight to Greece, it was like a house. Gianluca was running from end to end, completely amazed with everything and Mark had his Beats on while feeding his daughter some fruits. Gaga tried talking to him but instead he tapped his headphones and shook his head, he was obviously learning and trying to take everything in. This is how he produced hits.
Gaga sighed and went to lay down on one of the couches, -'Gi, son come here you'll get dizzy', -'No I wont mommy!', -'Son, please obey', the 5 year old boy sighed and sat on his mom's lap, -'Its boring here!' He rolled his big emerald eyes, -'Here, play with the iPad...theres movies in there!', Gi sighed, but soon enough the idea of movies and tv shows settled in rather nicely.

It was really fascinating to see how Noa was so close to Mark. He was usually a very shy man, especially when she met him for the very first time back in 2008. Now, his children had brought out a side of him no one ever notices outside his family and friends. And now, Noa was bringing out the best of him.
His lowest point was in the early 2000s when he used to do hard drugs. He didnt wanted to admit this but all the excess of past days messed up his speech which is why he dragged words a lot. Gaga could notice this since she got to a point, before getting famous, that she realized that her speech was changing.
Now though, now he'd learned to deal with high pressure situations without completely cooling up emotionally. Just a few weeks earlier he had to bring Noa to the hospital all alone because she had developed high fever and honestly, Gaga was impressed at how well he took it. He slowly but surely let go of all his anxiety, and maybe wasn't even noticing.

He waved his hand to catch her attention  and pointed at the golden haired little girl who had fallen asleep after her afternoon snack. Or was it morning? Gaga didnt know anymore.
She put the baby to bed and sat beside her husband.
-'I love you' she suddenly said.
He took out his Beats and looked at her, -'I heard that' he chuckled. Fuck. That smile made her knees weak.
-'And I love you too' he laid a warm hand on her thigh and let her lay on top of him, -'Are you comfy there?' He asked. His voice was like the first warm rays of sunshine after a long winter. Like the rustling of the trees in a spring afternoon. It was soothing, and sweet like the smell of burnt caramel.
-'You're perfect' she mumbled, holding his hand tight.
After all the trash men she had gone through...Taylor, and other guys...she was finally grateful she had found deep, honest love in such a close friend. Someone she could call her soulmate.

-'Baby! My bikini's gonna come off!', -'Better yet!', Mark walked into the warm water with his wife hanging from his back. The night was windy, the moon was full and the stars covered the sky like a blanket. Gaga chuckled and let go as soon as he hit the water, -'Am I a mermaid?' She asked, staring at him. Those big, sea green eyes made his knees tremble. And other things too.
-'Yes. But you're all mine' he held her tight and nestled his head against her neck. It was warm and smelled like her lavander shower gel, -'Youre unreal' he admitted, grasping her womanly curves.
She only weighed 120lbs but her body was full grown woman. Her tits grazed against his chest and he felt his heart beating faster. Oh no, now he'd have to just fuck her right there. Gaga noticed poking between her legs and arched a sharp eyebrow, -'...You wanna do it here?', Mark blushed red, she took it as a cue and slipped her bottom part away just a little. She reached down to stroke his erect fifth limb.
She had never surpressed so many screams as she did that night.
Gaga woke up with the Greek morning sun kissing her bare back. She was topless but her bottom part of the bikini was still on. Her skin glistened with a newly acquired pinkish tone. She could never get a full fucking tan.
Mark was beside her with his swimming pants on, pink as well. Them pale people could never get gold, could they?
They heard a knock at the door. -'Kids! Lets seize the day' they heard Anne, who was so happy her voice was like a birds chirp.
The feeling of bliss took over Gaga's morning crankiness. She was with the people she adored the most, and indeed they had to seize the day.
She went into the shower first and got into another bikini, this time a silver one, and threw a silk robe on before waking up her husband with a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Soon enough, Mark was out of the room too and already greeting her mother, mother-in law, and his two precious children. -'Come on babies, weMre going to the beach!'.

Mark grabbed Noa by the foot and held her upside down, the baby wriggled and smiled delightfully, she just loved doing that; Gaga always got worried but nothing ever really happened.
Gianluca chuckled at his reflection in the mirror, -'Mommy I'm super white!' He exclaimed, noticing all the sunblock his mother had rubbed him in, -'It will absorb in just a second baby! You won't look like a snowman much longer!'.

After a hefty and traditional Greek breakfast the little family decided to enjoy the clear blue waters. It was really a thing to behold. They could see the white sand below them as clear as day!.
Mark put Noa on top  of his shoulders and Gi held onto his mommy's hand tight.
The waves tickled their knees and Noa found it quite amusing.
She still could not hear properly but she had learned some things in ASL.
And then she did something she had never done before. She stuck out a hand and stretched out her little chubby palm, joining her two middle fingers.
-'Is that an I love you?' Gaga smiled wide, Mark looked behind him, -'It looks like it!', -'She does that all the time when we play together' Gi chuckled. Gaga held him up, and put him near her sister who kissed him sweetly, -'She loves us'. Mark felt his heart swell. Nothing in his life, not a lot of grammys, not a lot of Oscars, not a lot of number ones. Nothing could compare to the love that his family gave him. He felt like he never knew true love before that. His failed engagement with Rashida Jones, his cocaine addiction, failed marriage with Josephine. And then he unstertood he had gone through hell and back up just to be in this very moment with the people he loved the most.
Gaga felt extremely grateful for finding Mark. She had endured numerous and continuous abuse throughout her life, mainly only for the fact of being a woman in a very tough business. But she felt super blessed to have her two precious shrines of adoration: Noa and Gianluca, and of course,  her absolutely perfect husband.
They knew they were thinking the same thing: After all that sacrifice, love is the only thing that really mattered and the only thing they could feel.

It's over guys! I wanna thank you all for reading this story, it was very hard and very long but so much fun! I love you all, thank you for supporting me but this will be my last book. I'll still be here reading my favourite stories and you can still message me but it seems my Wattpad days are over. I'll consider CONSIDER doing random one-shots but only if I get feedback guys, I really appreciate that and it's the only thing I wanted. So thank for reading! Glad you enjoyed! Xoxo

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