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-'Come on, dont be rude to me' Mark talked to his son while he tried to get him into the car seat to go home, Gaga watched from the corner while she was putting a bit of make up on, -'Be careful Mark, remember the incision', -'Yes yes I know, he's just being rude to me', Gaga rollrd her eyes and quickly put on some lipstick, -'Okay, do we have everything', -'Yes, we're ready...we're gonna exit through the back right?', Gaga nodded and checked on her small baby, -'We're going home buddy, let's see this as a little adventure we had right?', Gianluca yawned cutely and put his hand up to his face.

The elevator rang. The doors opened. And it was chaos. Photographers yelled at the couple from every angle, Gaga was startled, she thought they were gonna be safe. The two bodyguards immediately stood in front and back of her and Mark and Gi, and escorted them theough the sea of people. The press screamed, made questions, pushed each other snd shoved a camera up their faces, -'GAGA ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER' was the last rhing she heard before she closed the car door.
-'Welp, someone sold us' Mark sighed, strapping Gi into his carseat', Gaga nodded and bit her finger, -'I mean it was expected I guess...We should get ready', Mark agreed and sat beside her, holding her hand tight, -'I think we're gonna pull through. We should just ignore these things', Gaga smiled weakly and laid her head on his shoulder as the car departed the parking lot.

Gaga sat on her balcony smoking a cloved cigar while she looked out into the misty city. She heard Mark approach her from behind, and also heard little moaning and crying, -'I think he's hungry or something', Gaga rubbed her eyes, she wanted to cry of exhaustion, she felt like going -zero miles per hour.
-'Are you still breastfeeding' Mark asked, feeling sorry for her seeing just how tired she was, -'Yeah, I'll continue for a few more months and then I'm done, he's growing some teeth and it's hurting me terribly'.
Gianluca held to her chest for dear life as if he was starving, -'It seriously hurts so bad' she sighed, trying to remain calm, Mark just looked at her feeling kind of bad, -'So. How are we gonna handle this situation', -'As it comes. As of now, trust me when I say we're in the mouths of everyone and their mamma. I think we should just...release a statement or do an interview', -'I think an interview would be great, I'll probably die of an anxiety attack but I'll be fine', Gaga chuckled, Mark was right, he was incredibly anxious during interviews, especially with such a touchy topic like this one, -'Do you think it will hurt our careers?' She asked worriedly, Mark thought for a while before answering; -'This could go both ways. Whether everyone buys our albums and we become even more famous, or everyone hates us but still buy our shit', -'We have to do that interview then. Come clean', Mark nodded and grabbed Gi's little fat hand, -'Who should we go to', -'Oprah is incredibly sweet. We should just talk to our teams today for some insight'.

-'A FUCKING INTERVIEW' Bobby yelled at Gaga, she lowered her head, -'Yes, I think it would be a kind of good idea', Bobby paced around, -'I dont know Stef', -'It's just what I believe is right', Bobby looked at Mark is disbelief, -'I really wanna know what y'all are gonna say about all this. Cuz it's just fucking baffling', Gaga had never seen Bobby so confused and angry, -'Just say the truth! Dont sweat it Bobby for fucks sake', the manager looked over at the small child asleep on the couch, -'This is gonna be way harder than y'all think', Gaga shook her head, -'Just contact Oprah. Please'.

-'I'm gonna have to leave in a few days Stef' Mark said, Gaga lookd at him and nodded, -'Yeah I understand. He just really likes it when youre here you know? Look how happy he is with you here', -'Yeah well I have duties back home, legal shit so...just tell me when y'all plan to do the interview ok', Gaga nodded and hugged him tight, -'I love you' she mumbled, he kissed her gently and stroked her back, -'I love you too'. And off he went.

Next chapter: the interview!

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