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Gaga's ob/gym looked at her with a frown on her face, -'...So youre 6 and a half months along', -'Yeah', -'Stef, youre not underweight. Your baby is just super small', -'...Is that a bad thing?', the doctor sighed, -'I may have reasons to believe that the baby is not getting enough nutrients off the placenta', -'Oh my God. And-and what's gonna happen now?', -'...I'll give you more vitamins, stock up on proteins please and we'll see what happens in the next appointment. Your weight Is fine, the baby's heartbeat seems fine it's just very tiny', -'Right...I'll take the vits and the protein then, Michelle', the older women nodded and smiled back, -'So, how's Gi reacting to all this?', -'he's fantastic, he's sooo excited!', -'Ah, I can imagine he might have been starting to get lonely, huh?', -'Yeah definetely', -'And are you still up with the second homebirth thing?', -'Yes of course, I'm all in', Michelle wrote something down on her pad and nodded, -'Perfect. Come back next month, will you? Or call if you need anything', -'Of course, I'll see you later, thank you!'.

-'I'm kind of worried', Mark looked up at his wife with concerned eyes, -'Why are you worried?', -'Michelle told me the baby is probably not getting enough nutrients and that's why it's like super small', -'Right...and what can we do? Have you been gaining the weight?', -'Yes, my weight is fine. She just told me to eat more protein and I'm taking new vitamins to see if that helps', -'Whatever you need to do babe. Remember we have to be completely safe', -'Mhmm...can you hold my hand ? I just feel like I need a hug or something', -'Hey, it's all gonna be fine, I promise', Gaga shook her head and cried into his chest, -'I feel like I'm failing' she sobbed, -'No, no, no. You're doing fine babe, it's just things that happen. We'll figure it out', -'Thanks babe. It's just, I feel like it's my responsibility to carry this baby safely into the world and it's not going how I wanted', -'It will all be okay babe, you should try to get some rest. Tomorrow we can start that protein diet together, whatcha say?', -'You have to go to work though', -'That's why you'll make me a very nice egg omelette with green beans and some tuna on the side so I can take to-', -'Hell no!' She laughed, pinching his cheeks.
-'I've been eating salmon for breakfast, lunch and dinner, I swear', Gaga complained to her mother, 'that's what you need to do so my grandchild comes out good and happy!', -'Yeah...hey, I've been planning to ask you but I always forget. It would really mean a lot to me if you were there with me for the birth of-', -'Are you for Real?!', -'Yeah! Since you missed Gianluca's I think I actually do want you there with me', -'Of course baby, of course!', -'Just don't be like, talking to me or telling me what to do or I'll kick you out', Cynthia chuckled and shook her head, -'I know how it works. I'll be quiet', -'Good. It's all set!', -'Is Mark gonna be there as well?', -'Yeah! He says he wants to be very hands on but I don't believe him one bit, he's very squeamish', -'Ohh no no, haha. Thats not very good'.
-'Sam! Are you doubting my self-control skills?' Mark laughed, over some drinks with his sister Sam on the Malibu poolside, -'I think you're gonna bail out and leave Stef alone!', Gaga choked on her orange drink, -'He better NOT', -'Kkay baby, I know I'm squeamish, but come on! It's the birth of my son or daughter!', -'Yeah, and its disgusting so', Gaga gasped at Sam and punched her playfully, -'Dont gas him up, Samantha!', -'I'm just saying!!! He can barely get his blood drawn, imagine when-', -'Well I'm not gonna let him see down there I don't want him to give up sex with me!', -'You women are gonna kill me. I'll prove you two wrong', -'Nah, the midwife will probably ask me or you to just pull it out, and you'll say NO', -'You guys have so little faith in me I feel offended', -'Not at all, Brother. We are just brutally realistic!'.

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