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-'We are gonna take her in for surgery now, okay? You should go home and get some rest and-', -'Wait, wait. What are you guys gonna do again?', the doctor looked down at some papers, -'The plastic surgeon will tighten up the tore muscles again, and will very carefully cauterize the lacerations, and that's pretty much it. It's gonna take a few hours', Mark nodded and sighed deeply, -'I'm gonna just, go home and shower and maybe I could bring my son with me so he can see his mom', -'That sounds like a good idea...we'll take good care of her', -'I know you will...', -'Have you said goodbye already?', -'Yes, yes of course. I'll be going home now', the doctor smirked and patted his shoulder.

Natali opened the mansion's door and dove into Mark's arms crying, -'How is she' she sobbed, Mark sighed in exhaustion, -'She just went into surgery', -'SURGERY?! What for?', -'Cynthia didnt tell you?' He frowned, locking the door behind him, -'No! Just-tell me', -'Okay, so shes having genital plastic surgery to repair all the muscles down there basically', Natali dragged herself and laid on the couch, -'Who did this', -'A guy he was working with for a movie score...', -'...I cant believe it. Just like the last time' she cried, Mark nodded and hugged her again, -'She's gonna be fine. The police is working hard on getting a hold of this guy', -'I know, dad told me all about it', -'Yeah, so I'm going back to the hospital in a while, I'm just gonna shower and I also wanna take Gianluca so he can see her, what do you say?', Natali nodded, -'I can drive you and then I can come back with Gi', -'Okay, neat. Let me get ready'.

-'Gianluca you have to be good, and you have to be nice to mamma okay? She's very sick', Gi nodded at his dad's words, Mark pushed the door and went into Gaga's room with Gi and Natali. To his surprise, Gaga was kind of awake, -'HI MAMMA', he squealed, Gaga turned her head, which made her dizzy but she didnt cared, -'He's so happy to see you!' Mark said enthusiastically, hoping that his relief would transmit to her, even after such a life scarring situation.
Gaga quickly grabbed her iPad and iPencil and wrote somehing up, Mark frowned, -'Okay, you're in pain, I won't let him get in with you then', -'Gi can give her a kiss though right? A feel better kiss' Natali smiled, leaning Gi in so he could kiss his mom, -'Ohh good, see she's much better', Gaga smiled a bit and caressed Gi's curly soft hair.
After a few hours, Gi fell asleep and Gaga's family decided to return to Mali to have some sleep.
This is when Mark was pretty surprised.
Gaga talked for the first time in almost a whole day, -'I'm in pain' she whispered, like she was afraid of someone hearing her, Mark laid against her chest, -'I know. I can't imagine what you must be going through', Gaga shook her head gently, -'Any clues?' She asked, Mark looked up at her, -'No. not for now' he responded sadly, Gaga teared up and tried to even her breathing, -'I'm scared' she cried, holding his hand tight, Mark sighed deeply and kissed her head, -'You're safe now, Stef. I swear theyre doing everything they can, I swear to you', Gaga nodded and cuddled on the sheets, -'I'm tired', -'Okay, then you sleep. I'll be here when you wake up'.

Mark stayed up all night just thinking abiut what the fuck he would do to help her, he wasnt such an emotional person himself, but he had to help her somehow. He knew he was never gonna be able to erase those terrible moments from her memory, but he sure could make the rest of her life like a fairytale and thats what he intended to do.

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