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*1 MONTH LATER* -'Oh look, paparazzi', gaga rolled her eyes at her sister, -'I just wanna go baby shopping, fuck!', -'And we will, come on'. The two girls made their way through annoying photographers and went into an exclusive baby store.
-'Finally' Gaga sighed in relief, catching the glance of numerous shoppers, she smiled at her sister and started browsing around, -'We dont know the gender yet, so what should we buy?', 'I think greens and yellows is pretty neutral', -'Yeah. Ok I need onesies, blankets, socks, hats...the thought of shopping, exhausts me' she rolled her eyes and continued with her activities.

-'Wheres all the baby stuff you were going to buy?', -'They said they'll bring it later today', -'Come here, are you tired? You want a foot massage?', Gaga glared at him, -'No, I feel sick, I think I just wanna lay down', -'Are you sure? Do you want something to eat?', Gaga tapped her lip while thinking, -'Yeah, I think there's some meatball leftover, can you heat that up for me?', -'Sure thing', 'thank you mark'.

-'Hey. Are you really okay Stef?', -'Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit sick', -'...are you sure you're not going into early labor?', 'No, No. I've been feeling good all day, until now...', -'I think you should call Michelle, -'I'm not calling anybody, now give me my food' she insisted, actually not feeling quite great.

-'Mommy, do you feel sickies?', Gianluca looked up at his mom who was struggling to keep her food from getting vomited all over the place, -'No, no. I'm fine, I'll be okay', Gi nodded and hugged her, -'I love you mommy', -'I love you too baby'.
-'Mark! Come help me', the man seriously didn't know what to do when he saw his wife leaning over the toilet puking, -'Come hold my hair back! Jesus!', he tied her hair back with a clip, -'Why are you puking?', -'I dont know, I feel like shit', -'Do you think we need to go to the hospital?', -'No, I'll be fine, just hold me', -'What's been happening Stef? You've been sick these past few days', -'I'm just stressed, you know. With work and all', -'Babe you can't be stressing like that over work, especially not at this moment', -'I know, I'm just under a lot of pressure and it's driving me kind of crazy, -'...Whatever you need I'll be there okay? You have me now, you can tell me anything'.

The rest of the Gaga kind of decided to lay in bed, she was supposed to be going to the studio to work on a song but she just felt very sick and didn't wanted anything to do with anybody.  Gianluca went up and cuddled into his mommy, he hated seeing her sick or hurt, and he was super worried, -'Mommy are you ok', -'Yeah, I'm fine...did daddy told you otherwise?', -'Yeeeh, he said you were sick! Does that mean the baby is sick too?', -'No sweets. We're both okay, just a little tired', -'Okay mommy, I love you', -'I love you more, candy cane, I promise'.


-'Why do you enjoy watching horror movies so much' Mark frowned at the flat TV screen, -'Its relaxing' she sighed. She had not been feeling good at all, and now she had this constant little hint of pain around her lower back that was really driving her kind of crazy but she still kept silent about it; -'Only horror would relax you, I feel anxious already' Mark chuckled, holding her hand softly, -'Yeah I love it'.
The pain grew sharper after a while though, she definetely noticed the shift. It really felt like she was going into labor and this was not a good time, her due date was still two months away, -'Uhmmm...' it was a sensation she couldn't ignore much longer, -'Mark, I think we need to go to the hospital or something' she looked at him with a pair of huge, terrified eyes, -'Wha-why?' , -'I'm feeling a bit of cramping and I just want to make sure its nothing'. As if Mark couldn't get paler, Gaga thought.
She dialed Michelle, who told her she'd meet her at the hospital, she sounded worried.

-'Hold on, why are you moving like that?', -'Mark can you just fucking drive? Jesus!', -'No, why are you swaying?', -'To relieve the pressure off my butt, now put your eyes on the fucking road!', -'Okay! Okay! I'm just kind of dying here', -'I'm worried sick, babe. It's just not the time yet', -'I understand, you're gonna be fine Stef okay? Does it hurt?', -'Not a lot, its like period cramps, like pressure...which feels a lot like going into labor, WHICH is not fucking good right now'. He could see tears streaming down her eyes, she just didn't wanted to show how afraid she was.
-'This is not good' Michelle look at the chart that marked the contraptions, -'I'm gonna give you something right now to just stop this, and you'll have to be in BED REST for two months, do you hear me?', Gaga wiped some tears off her eyes, -'Why is this happening?', -'I think stress, I'm not sure. Stefani...bed rest is key this time, this is not me wanting to nag you, this is you protecting your baby', Gaga nodded and held Mark's hand even tighter, -'So I was actually going into labor?', -'Yes, you're actually 1cm dilated, and we dont want that yet so...weRe gonna send you home, and YOU' she pointed at Mark, -'Make sure she has someone avaible to her at all times. Cuz she cant be going around doing stuff', -'Yes of course', -'I know she's stubborn, and she does what she wants but this is your child's life here', -'We know that, we'll do just fine', -'That's what I like to hear' Michelle sighed in relief, -'Thank God you came, Stef...this could've gotten ugly', she hugged her patient tight and patted Mark's shoulder in a sign of support.

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