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-'Is he okay? How is he?' Mark's thick transatlantic accent resonated like drums in the nurse's ear. She knew who he was. She'd heard his songs with Bruno Mars.
-'Yes, he's okay. The mother is with him, and you are..?', -'I'm the boy's dad' he responded without even thinking, the nurse frowned, -'The last names dont match', -'No, just-just call Stefani, she'll let me in'.

-'Yes, yes he'a the father. Yes send him up please thank you', Gaga hung up the hospital room's phone and looked over at her sleeping baby. She felt like she definetely failed as w mother and that made her heart break in a billion pieces, -'Daddy's coming up soon with gifts little man, and you'll be all better in a few days, I promise'.
Gianluca was laying in a sma bed, covered in a cozy blue blanket abd with an IV and some oxygen strapped to his face, he couldve looked helpless but he didnt. He had grown healthy and strong thanks to Gaga's almost obsessive care so she knew he could pull through anything,even if he was only small.
She remember when he was born, how big he was, and how happily the nurse congratulated her for making such a good baby. Since day one Gaga had always taken care of Gianluca to the max of her capacities.

Mark walked into the dimly lit room with a floating balloon and a gift bag in his hands, Gaga's utterly tired eyes moved from her son to the man. She couldnt contain emotion, she hadnt seen him in almost four months. Mark just approached her silently and kissed her deeply, before leaning in to kiss Gi's head gently, -'How are you' he asked, -'I'm tired but good. How was your flight', -'Just anxious...as hell. The nurse talked to me, she says he's gonna be fine', -'Yeah thats what it looks like'.
Mark removed his heavy coat and threw it on a nearby couch, he sat next to Gianluca and stroked his little hand, -'He looks good', -'Yeah...he won't be able to like crawl or walk for a few weeks though it's gonna be hard', -'I'll help you. Is that okay?', Gaga nodded at him gratefully, -'The doctor says it was an infection in the appendix...they dont exactly know how it started but they took care of it', Mark nodded and laid his head on her shoulder, -'I love you' he mumbled, Gaga chuckled faintly, -'I love you too.', -'I wanna be a family' he pleaded, with a thin voice, -'Me too, Mark', he raised his head and sighed -'Someones gonna sell our info, Stef. Of course they asked who his father was', Gaga nodded gently as if she was already accepting the fact that their lives would change a whole lot, -'I know...how's Josephine, Mark?', as she asked this, she noticed his face completely changing, from sligjtly relaxed to completely somber, -'She already moved on. Like me, I guess', Gaga understood every word. She was living with another man already. -'And her family?', -'Nah, I dont..,keep in touch with them really' he responded, looking down at his hands, -'Hey, you have a home with us now' Gaga smiled, holding his chin up and kissing him, -'We love you babe', Mark nodded and smiled slightly, before putting his head back on her shoulder.

Short I know but its 3am xD anyway hopenu liked it, vote and comment pls! I'll post the next chapt later today xx

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