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*2 weeks later*
Gianluca approached his mom with a bowl that contained ingredients for a cake, -'Mommy, help me please', -'What do you got there?', -'Me and Aunty Natawi are gonna make you a cake, and-and I have to mix it but can you help me?', -'Sure, bring that over'.
Gi didn't really understand why his mom couldn't play with him anymore, or help him with his school activities but he soon learned how to bring the fun to her, -'Okay, so grab this whisker, which is this metal thing right here and you just mix it around, until I tell you, come on'.
-'Is dis good?', -'Yeah, that's exactly right! Now go to aunti Natali and tell her it's ready', -'Okay, denkiu mommy'.

-'Hello? Stef?'
-'Stef are you okay?'
-'Then why are you crying? Is the baby okay?'
-'Yes, everything's fine'
-'Then why are you crying?'
-'I'm fucking done of not being able to stand up and do things'
-'...Are we really gonna get into this right now?'
-'Mark, what are you talking about?'
-'Listen Stef, I know feeling useful is very important To you but you have to think for a second, about why you're in that situation in the first place'
-'I know why! I'm just annoyed and I wanna do things! I feel disgusting!'
-'You're so selfish Stefani, I mean...you can't even stay still for two weeks and you're already crying like you're a bloody handicap and nobody loves you, get your shit together'
Gaga was taken aback by his reaction
-'You're being so rude to me!'
-'Well, you're making me! Alright? You're making me...'
she sighed deeply
-'Whatever Mark' and hung up. She felt misunderstood. Thats not really what she meant, of course she knew bed rest was what she needed for her baby to be safe, she was just feeling incredibly useless.
Night time fell on Malibu, the air felt extremely cold for a fall night, -'Jesus it's so damn cold'. She heard her husband coming home, he was clearly pissed by the way he was banging doors shut and throwing plates harshly into the dishwasher, -'Not today, Satan' she begged to herself.
-'Hey' he went into the bedroom, after calming himself down
-'Hey. You still mad at me?'
-'...No, I guess. I just haven't had a good day'
-'What's wrong?'
-'Some differences with one of my producers in the album, its almost finished but now he says he doesn't like one specific part and he's driving me crazy'
-'Well I'm sorry to hear that'
-'...How've you been feeling?', Gaga shrugged and laid back into her pillow, -'Like shit, I guess...I dont know, I have nausea and just like, constant pain. But it's very subtle so it's always like there', -'...I'll give you a massage once I stop being angry and forget about that producer dramatic twat', -'Okay...hurry up though, I'm sleepy.'

-'I mean you HAVE to be bollocks to fucking say to me "hey you know what? I dont like the essence of this shit" and I'm like 90% done with this thing, it's absolutely baffling to me', -'Did you told him that?', -'YEA! I told him he was a fucking twat, and a cunt and I wouldn't change a thing and then he threatened to sue me! SUE ME, Stef!', -'Hell. No. You have to talk to the label baby, he cant be playing you like this. You've invested a lot of money and time in this album and it's brilliant, you cant have some degenerate cuntfuck come and ruin everything now', -'that's what I'm saying...it's stupid. So that's why I'm so like, irritable these days. I'm under a lot of stress', -'Okay. I'm sorry I was a dick', -'...No, that's my own fault, I'm sorry for yelling at you, I love you', -'I love you too'.
Ugh. Who the fuck was bothering him in his sleep now.
-'Babe. Wake up', he heard his wife's voice and immediately shot awake, his heart was racing for some reason, -'Whats wrong?', -'I think my water broke' she said, quite calmly to be honest, -'What makes you think that?', -'I went to pee and after I did, it kind of kept dripping this thing with a little blood on it, so...I'm pretty sure that's it', -'...Isn't it a month too early?', -'Yes, and I'm scared' okay now she was sobbing, rightly so. They were both worried about the safety of their kid, and now there was no stopping this thing.
-'I'm gonna call Michelle and tell her I'm going in', -'I'll wake up your mom then', -'Shit I have to pack my bag. I'm an idiot' she chuckled, -'Oh well. I'll take a shower, you go do what you gotta do'.
It was amazing how calm she was. He on the other hand, was freaking the fuck out.

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