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-'Answer' Gaga whispered, pointing at her rose gold iPhone, Mark hesitated for a few seconds and opened the call in speaker; -'This is Mark, hello', they heard Taylor groaning almost in pain, -'I want Stefani', -'She's not here right now, she's in the shower' he lied, -'I want her back' he admitted, Mark frowned at the phone and shook his head, -'Youre drunk buddy, just...', -'NO! I want her and the boy back! I know it's his birthday and and she didnt even invited me to his party', -'Uhmmm why would she do that, youre nothing to her anymore', -'I was her fiance for ONE AND A HALF YEAR', -'Was is the key word here, man. Now leave her alone, she doesnt need you' and he hung up.
-'Damn, Ronson! You getting savage!', Mark shook his head and sighed, -'I thought you blocked him to prevent shit like this Stef', -'I've forgot, I promise I'll block him tomorrow', -'He's insane if he thinks he has a chance...', -'Yeah...he's with someone you know? A girl named Alanna', -'Oh', -'Yeah. Oh', Mark sighed deeply and held her in a warm embrace, -'Come here...turn that off', Gaga turned the TV off and cuddled with him, -'He's not gonna bother you anymore okay?', Gaga nodded and stroking his arm, -'Thank you for being so protective of us', -'Well, it's my role right? Its my family', Gaga nodded and kissed him gently, -'I love you', -'I love you too, cutie...now, you tired?', -'Yes, actually', -'Okay...tomorrow's a big day, we should probably get some shut-eye', Gaga nodded and nestled between his arms, feeling safe and loved, -'Goodnight Mark, love you', -'Goodnight, love you too'. And they meant it. Being together for a while made them realize they were actually soulmates, and it didnt had anytbing to do with Gianluca, they were naturally compatible.

Gaga's phone rang at around 3AM. She groaned and stirred a little bit, she tried to move but it was kind of impossible with Mark sleeping almost on top of her, -'Babe, move, my fucking phone is ringing', he nodded gently and rolled off her.
-'Taylor is calling again' she whispered, Mark opened his eyes and rubbed them, -'Just...hang up', -'He's gonna call again', -'Fucking hang up Stef, he'll probably call again later in the day', Gaga frowned snd opened the call, -'What do you want!', -'You! I miss you and I love you and-', -'Youre drunk and youre forgetting you have a girlfriend and you broke a bottle on my head!', Taylor sighed deeply, sounded like he was stepping to a bed, -'Alanna's pregnant Stef', -'....Oh God. Oh shit. Andddd hmmmm are you happy?', -'I mean yeah I kind of am. I just wish it was OUR child Stef, I really love Gi, what if you give me another cha-', -'It's 3am, I was asleep. I dont have time for this' and she humg up and muted her phone.
She embraced Mark again and he automatically responded with a hug. She leaned over his arm and fell asleep holding his hand.
Gianluca's cries for attention ripped Gaga out of the gorgeous dream she was having, Mark had his head all the way down, resting against her thighs, she frownrd and rubbed her eyes, -'Mark can you just...', Mark groaned immediately and sighed deeply, -'I'm so tired', Gaga frowned, -'I'm tired too! Come on, he needs his diaper changed I think', -'Stef, baby, I-', -'Mark...I gave birth to this child, I've fed him, clothed him and woken up for him every single fucking day and-', -'Okay! I get it...I'm going', -'Mhmmm you better fucking go, I'm exhausted'. After hearing Mark hustle aroubd and curse a few times, she decided to turn around but her phone started vibrating, -'Taylor' she announced. Mark almost snapped his neck to look back at her, -'Dont pick up again, you dont need to hear what he has to say', -'How do you know?', Mark rolled her eyes, -'Do you need to hear from your ex fiance? Honestly, answer that question', Gaga sighed deeply and hung up the call, -'What if he needed help?', -'Dont start Stef, what kind of help would he need', -'I dont know!', -'He's just calling to complain' he said firmly, lifting Gi in his arms and looking at his diaper feeling pretty accomplished, -'This is good right', Gaga pulled her head out of the pillow again and glanced over, -'....That's decent' she chuckled, getting up to greet her small son, -'My bubby! Youre one today! Such a special day!', Gianluca frowned at her, -'Jesus christ, child, be glad you have me before asking for food' she rolled her eyes and placed him in Mark's lap before going to the bathroom to get ready for the day, even if her body begged her for rest.

Natali squealed when she saw his little nephew with a fiesta hat and a shirt that said 'I WON' and the pixture of a sperm cell on it, -'WHO DID THIS' she laughed, holding the smiley baby up, Gaga cackled from the kitchen, -'Isn't it the funniest shit ever?', -'It's brilliant', -'I told her no one would get it but see, Natali is smart' Mark said from the living room couch, -'It's great, and he just looks so CUTE!', -'Can you believe he is one already?' Gaga spoke loud from the kitchen, Natali laid down a baby blue bag and shook her head, -'No, time flies huh?', -'Yeah, I dont want him to grow up anymore'.

-'So.......' gaga sighed deeply while she marinated some chicken, Natali looked up from the rice she was cooking and raised an eyebrow, -'Oh no, you got something to say?', -'I mean, kind of....guess who called last night', Natali thought for a few seconds, -'I give up', Gaga opened her eyes even bigger, -'Taylor', Natali almost choked on the gum she was chewing, -'What for?!', -'I'm no even sure...he said he missed me and Gianluca and He told me Alanna is pregnant', -'Wait wait, WHO is alanna', -'Thats his new girlfriend', Natali sighed deeply, -'Well...what do you have to do with all this?', -'Nothing, I guess. He just keeps calling me, saying he wants to meet with me and all', Natali frowned, -'Soooo will you do it?', Gaga shrugged, -'Maybe that way he'll leave me alone.'

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