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Mark stormed into Gaga's hospital room, accidentally startling his little daughter, -'Mark what the fuck? She was asleep!', -'...I'm seriously fucking done with these twats', -'What are you talking about? Come here!', -'I'm talking about the cuntfucks at the record label! They're making me scratch a quarter of the songs now because this huge producer just doesn't agree with them', Gaga frowned, -'How?! They cant do that', -'Yes they can. Or they'll sue me for whatever reason', -'And what are you gonna do now?', -'Comply I guess. I've been working so hard for this Stef, and you know it! I've been busting my arse off for this album and now they want like 5 songs redone. FIVE', -'Come here' she pulled him in and kissed him deeply, -'Youre brilliant. One of THE most brilliant in the world, that's why I worked with you in the first place babe. I know it's gonna be tough and you'll have to work double but...you don't wanna get sued do you?', -'No. but this also means I won't spend much more time with you and the baby..AND Gi. And I'm really sorry', Gaga sighed in disappointment, -'Yeah I understand, I get help from my sister though so I'll be fine', -'I love you, I'm sorry', -'No, no. Don't be! This is for your own good. And I love you too'.

-'So we want to keep Noa here for one week, alright? Just so we can make sure she's gaining weight properly and monitor her internal organs', -'What about her hearing problem?', -'That has no cure, I told you guys. It's congenital, it happened because her inner ear wasn't developed enough. Are you still considering hearing aids?', -'Not yet, really...', -'Well, as of right now I see she's been feeding properly, just doing what she has to do so I'm not really worrying about her, I'm just keeping an eye on y'all...', -'Perfect, that kind of calms me down', -'And you? How are you feeling?', -'The first few days were hard, with the soreness and all but it all went away, I'm good, I can walk and everything', -'Excellent. I'll be back at night to take her to the incubator okay?', -'Yeah, of course', -'By the way, I saw the picture you posted on Instagram, absolutely cute', Gaga blushed, -'Michelle! You follow me on Instagram?', -'Who doesn't? Hey, I'm not too old for instagram', Gaga chuckled and shook her head, -'Not at all. See you later!', -'See you two later then!'.
-'Hey', Gaga turned to her husband, -'Whats up', -'Can you get in with me? I haven't slept properly in a few days...maybe if you spoon me, we-', -'I haven't slept at all so this is probably a good idea', Gaga giggled and made some room for Mark to get in, -'Shocker, a bed I fit in' he joked, looking over Gaga's shoulder to see Noa staring up with her big, brown doe eyes, -'she's like "will you two stop talking and let me nap?", -'Ha! That's exactly what she's telling us'. Gaga turned her head and kissed him gently, -'have a good nap, bubby', -'You too Stef, AND you too my sweet little princess' he tickled Noa's belly and cuddled his wife to sleep.

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