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Gaga peeked down to the New York streets, the afternoon was cold and the wind was blowing, but the paparazzis remained unbothered by the merciless weather.
-'It's 3C, and these people are still there...how crazy is that' Mark said, holding her from behind, Gaga shook her head and sighed, -'Let's go inside, I'm freezing', Mark held her up and went in, layingher on her bed, -'I have to leave in two days' he said, holding her hand gently, Gaga looked at him in the eye and nodded -'I know...I know babe', -'...So when I leave...what will I be to you?' He asked shyly, Gaga was ready for this question, -'We...are figuring it out. It's clear you wanna be therr for us', -'Not only there for y'all...I wanna be with you Stef', Gaga gave him a smug smile and her cheeks blushed, -'Thats good enough for me' she giggled, Mark stared at her lovingly for a while, -'Is the baby asleep', Gaga nodded and bit her lip, -'...You wanna do something?', Mark chuckled and closed the bedroom door.
The two of them had sex until night time.

-'I dont want you to leave' Gaga sobbed into Mark's naked chest, he rubbed her bare back and kissed her head, -'I have to. I love you Stefani, but I have to go back', -'I know I know...we're gonna miss you', -'Yeah I'll miss you guys too. I'll stay there until the divorce is completed', Gaga frowned, -'Tjat could take up to a year!', -'Yes, but I wanna do everything as fast as possible...so I can come and move in here', -'Move in with me?', -'Yeah! Hows that plan?', Gaga chuckled and nodded -'As long as youre happy with that as well then-', Mark smiled wide, his grin stretched and his cheeks blushed, -'STOP BEING CUTE' Gaga yelled with a chuckle,her voice suddenly sounding clear and not nasal and whiny.
***2 DAYS LATER***
-'Fuck, this is harder than I thought it would be', Mrk was trying not to cry while saying goodbye to his son, Gaga clenched her lips together and wiped away some tears, -'Make it quick then' she suggested, the man kissed the little kid's head and then his blushing cheeks, -'I'm gonna miss you a lot little man, but maybe if you cry enough, mommy will take you to London so you can visit', Gaga laughed and punched him playfully,-'Dont plant ideas on him' she said. Seeing Mark and Gianluca say goodbye just solidified Gaga's faith in the man. She would definetely visit him.
-'Okay, I love you and I'll miss you, be good' he kissed Gianluca and handed him to Gaga, who had prickling tears on her eyes, Mark kissed her deeply and caressed her hair, knowing she had a knot on her throat and couldnt utter a word. With that, he left.

Natali sat down on her sister's couch and frowned at her, -'Why was he here?', -'He just wanted to see Gianluca, Natali. Come on', -'Yeah but he's rude to you! I dont get it!', -'Guess what, I think we're gonna end up together so you better get used to him', -'Only if he changes that egocentric attitude of his', Gaga rolled her eyes and applied some more bronzing powder into her cheeks, -'Is this good?' She asked, Natali looked over and nodded, -'Where are you going?', -'Just with the girls to have dinner...havent seen them in a while'.
Bo smiled wide when she saw her best friend approaching the table with a baby car seat containing baby Gi, the woman squealed in excitement and hugged Gaga tight, -'Heyyy! Long time no see!', -'Yes!! We're finally here! You and Adrianne can finally meet him!', -'Adrianne is not here yet so she's missing it', Bo sat down and gasped playfully, she was completely inlove with Gianluca already. What was  ot to love about golden curls, green eyes and rosey cheeks?.
-'Can I hold him?' Bo asked excited, Gaga nodded and took him out of the carseat, removing the heavy poncho he had on, -'Lets meet auntie Bo, baby', she handed him to her friend and saw her tear up, -'Holy shit I'm so proud of you', Gaga teared up as well and nodded, -'Thank you', -'He's so big already! And so so adorable!', -'Yes! He's 6 months old  already, I cant believe y'all took so long to meet him', Bo laughed and stroked Gi's soft curly hair, -'He looks a lot like you Stef, the upper face part? That's you! Same big eyes and kind of the same nose haha', -'Mark thinks he looks more liek him', Bo shook her head, -'Speaking of Mark...girl, spill. What's going on with y'all?', Gaga took Gianluca from Bo's arms and cuddled him tight, -'Mark just left last week, he's divorcing his wife...because he just no longer feel comfortable with her', Bo nodded and sipped some water, -'But...the media, what's gonna go down then?', -'I mean...I've only told this to friends and close family honestly, it's a touchy situation'. Gaga sighed in exhaustion at the mere thought of dealing with the media tornado about to come.

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